GTPlanet vs. Wham! Episode IV: No More Hope

  • Thread starter Daniel
Nothing wrong with a link in a signature. In fact, he asked me about it before he did it. My comment:


The whammifications of this are beyond . . . by George, we're in trouble now, aren't we. What other pitfalls are being set up?

Does this mean TB has now betrayed us and is in cohorts with the enemy? Trust. No. Body.

Zombies. Whambies!

Main thing: use your secret weapon. Shut the sound down. Looking at George is one thing - listening to the jerk is another.
Or do as me, use a mobile browser which opens YouTube videos in the app; plenty of time to turn down the volume if you (unluckily) hit an evil link. :P
Difficulty increased. Christmas adverts and tunes are starting to spread. Soon they will be all over the town :nervous:
Christmas adverts started on TV a couple of days ago. Survival Difficulty increased by 5%

Difficulty increased. Christmas adverts and tunes are starting to spread. Soon they will be all over the town :nervous:


It's only a matter of time until we start attacking each other.
The teacher started to play christmas songs today, I hadn't even noticed when I heard the dreadful "Last christmas I gave you my heart[...]"

I shouted some "bad words" :P and I ran to her and asked if it was the original.

She told me it was a cover by Glee. Indeed it exists, so I'm still unwhammed, but it was REALLY close. Now I'll need to bring my earbuds to school. :indiff:
The teacher started to play christmas songs today, I hadn't even noticed when I heard the dreadful "Last christmas I gave you my heart[...]"

I shouted some "bad words" :P and I ran to her and asked if it was the original.

She told me it was a cover by Glee. Indeed it exists, so I'm still unwhammed, but it was REALLY close. Now I'll need to bring my earbuds to school. :indiff:
That's exactly what I'm fearing:scared:
What if George is just a misunderstood regeneration zombie, who felt betrayed by the failures of capitalism due to his generosity of being a vital organ donor?
@Wiegert I may have, but just to be sure, I did listen to it earlier on purpose so I would know if I've been Whammed.

Terrible song though...
:lol: @ Pupik.

Since Veteran's Day has now slipped by I'm sure the TV and Radio are going to start with the holly jolly stuff. Been to a few stores that had all the glitzy shticks out, red and green contrasting everywhere with all the usual trimmings, but the music had been the same old stuff, hip hop in one, 60s in another, and the local music-for-work FM channels on in the rest. So far I've been safe . . . but in the days ahead I see me dodging about now, ears pricked for anything even vaguely soundly like a call for organ donation.

Everybody safe for now? Watch out for TB - he's crossed over to the Dark Syde. ;)
Whamvincible: One that cannot get Whammed.
Also those who live down here in South Am. All we'll have are Gaitas and stuff, no whamming. The internet is the only place that can hurt me :D
I'm luckiest I not in school.

And yet I still drive myself to college everyday... :lol:
Halls are great, as it is only a small walk to lectures. However, being catered, I have discovered that the food outlets play music, and will probably start Christmas Music soon. :scared:
Plus I listen to BBC Radio 1 all the time, so I'm going to be in trouble soon.
Halls are great, as it is only a small walk to lectures. However, being catered, I have discovered that the food outlets play music, and will probably start Christmas Music soon. :scared:
Plus I listen to BBC Radio 1 all the time, so I'm going to be in trouble soon.

Watch out for Scott Mills, he is the reason I was whammed last year and he loves the xmas music...he played Mariah Carey last month!
Watch out for Scott Mills, he is the reason I was whammed last year and he loves the xmas music...he played Mariah Carey last month!
He's said he will play one tomorrow, hand will hover over the off button. Of course, if he doesn't announce it, and it is Wham!, I'm stuffed, but after the beginning of the month, I kinda deserve it.
Went out for lunch today. Restaurant was playing Christmas music. Didn't get Whammed!.
