GTPlanet vs. Wham! Episode IV: No More Hope

  • Thread starter Daniel
Halls are great, as it is only a small walk to lectures. However, being catered, I have discovered that the food outlets play music, and will probably start Christmas Music soon. :scared:
Plus I listen to BBC Radio 1 all the time, so I'm going to be in trouble soon.
Radio 4 is your only hope.
I did consider signing up for this, unfortunately Mrs AT knows we do it each year so basically I've been Whammed stupid for the last few weeks.

OK, could have put that better, but you know what I mean. ;)
Im still in after today in which I was up town shopping where they had xmas music playing in one of the shops and Scott Mills of Radio 1 played a Christmas song, but was 'its beginning to look like Christmas' by Buble..
Im still in after today in which I was up town shopping where they had xmas music playing in one of the shops and Scott Mills of Radio 1 played a Christmas song, but was 'its beginning to look like Christmas' by Buble..
He said that Wham! shouldn't be played until Christmas Eve. It will be played before though. I turned it off at that point anyway to watch the F1.
Jimlaad43, you should take that link out of your signature. Some idiot may click on it and get whamrolled.

I actually did click on it, but I had my volume at 0. Close call.
Jimlaad43, you should take that link out of your signature. Some idiot may click on it and get whamrolled.

I actually did click on it, but I had my volume at 0. Close call.

Well that's the whole point.
I actually had it linked in my sig for a while as an ambiguous quote, don't think it got anyone though.

(Don't worry, now it's just an anti-radar SU-25T attack run. For now...:sly:)
Jimlaad43, you should take that link out of your signature. Some idiot may click on it and get whamrolled.

I actually did click on it, but I had my volume at 0. Close call.
No. There are now quite a few sigs with it in. Be afraid, be very afraid.
You're done for, Ittybitty, there's nothing like a school-bus education to ruin you. :lol:
Oh, it's not the bus, but it's my friends mom and I don't want to be rude and say "turn off the radio" or something:scared:
I guess this will be a test of my luck. So far I've survived 2 days of it.
I'm starting to get dream-Whammed! This is a problem, but I haven't been Whammed in real life yet.
These links are so darn tempting to click on.

Oh and pwease don't forget to add me to the list :(
'Tis a silly place.
Thanks for updating the list TB. :cheers: I'm right in the middle of the exams that decide whether or not I go to university. :scared:
I did consider signing up for this, unfortunately Mrs AT knows we do it each year so basically I've been Whammed stupid for the last few weeks.
How many times has Mrs AT whammed you? So far? :P

inb4 out of context.
I'm in. Christmas music isn't being played yet so I haven't been whammed. And I don't listen to radio except at work so we'll see how I'll go.
After hearing a cover a couple days ago I'e like to join in but I doubt I'll last very long now. Especially considering I work in a Pub that has discos of a weekend. Bring it on nonetheless!
Evil father almost Whammed me! Fortunately I closed my ears and shouted "LALALALALALALA!" before the song started. Close call :scared:

There should be an Almost Whammed User Log IMO.
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Have lunch in Pizza Hut. Normal pop music in the background. Suddenly ♫Are you hanging up your stocking on the wall♫


Survive in panic. Pay and start walking out, ♫Ding ding ding doung doung♫
Luckily, it turned to be Billie Jean with some sleigh bells (???).

Close call.
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