GTPlanet vs. Wham! Episode IV: No More Hope

  • Thread starter Daniel
GTPlanet vs Wham! Glossary:
  • Wham! - The 'band'
  • Whammed! - Listening to Last Christmas, eliminating you from the game.
  • Whamming - Present participle of the verb: to Wham.
  • Whamicide - The crime of Whamming oneself as to avoid suffering in the future.
  • Schrödingers's Wham - Being uncertain whether oneself is Whammed! or unWhammed!
How about "Whammas," getting Whammed on Christmas day?

Doesn't work that way, Sky; you can't be whammed in the thread by listening to the demo in the OP, but you can be whammed while in the thread by something outside the thread. For instance you could be reading this thread in the school cafeteria, and someone passes with Wham! (original 'Last Christmas' blaring) and that's it - you were whammed. Get back and report your sins.

Damn, well I was hopeful. :lol: Well at least I don't have to venture through any school cafeterias then.

The image of George frothing at the mouth, hands busy . . . . once seen, never unseen. Your imagination kills me, Skython. :scared:

:lol: It used to kill me, but time does things.
Whambulance - Complaining about being Whammed! after not talking the proper precautions.

AmeriWham! Idol - Catching yourself singing Last Christmas in the shower.
Whammotion - The act of making lots of noise to block out a suspected Whamming.
DissapearWhamce - Running away from a suspected Whamming area. eg a shop.
From last year:

As most of you are aware we speak very proper English around here since translators are often used. Whamwords have not been accepted into the lexicon as yet - which must mess up those translators that try to make sense of it, for instance in Svengali. With this in mind I have had no option but to offer the translators some common Whamwords and their meanings, since the bunch of you are Whamwording left, right, and center.

Whamicide - to Wham oneself - e.g. I committed whamicide several times.
Whambie - one who has been Whammed - e.g. He's a whambie who doesn't know it.
Whambushed - Caught unawares by Wham - e.g. I was whambushed at the butchers.
Whamoose - To run away when Christmas songs are played - e.g. I whamoosed the instant I heard Christmas music in the line-up.
Whamcidence - when two or more things are related to Wham - e.g. Shaun+Bacon+Eggs
Wham -a-lama-dingdong - person who runs around naked listening to Wham - e.g. I saw that wham-a-lama-ding-dong in the toilet.
Whamless - proudly naked female. e.g. I found her unabashedly whamless in her bath.
Whamosophy - logic related to Wham - e.g. I think, therefore I wham.
Whambot - person who provides Wham-links. e.g. That whambot, GT-R, tried to get me.

I think there's more.. . . I believe Daniel has the Whamtionary.

And I also feel, that as Keeper of the Flame, Daniel gets to pick what is suitable (after appropriate vetting by the staff, of course) what gets accepted into the Dictionary; I think he's doing a great job at the moment sorting out the wheat from the chaff. đź‘Ť


Off to work as usual - the only danger throughout the evening would be if I happen to pop into an office that has the radio going, and seasonal music on . . . and Wham! is on . . . and the original version being played . . .

At this point, slim chance of it happening . . . so, not too worried.
Glad to see the Board still clean and full - no strike-throughs. How does it feel to be the executioner, Daniel? :lol:

Also - love that 'whamifications'. Haha. Good word. Many whamifications behind it.
I set the music that plays in my shop so I'm feeling confident I can survive!!
Whambo - the act of achieving multiple separate Whampages no less than 12 hours apart.
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"Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away.

This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special........."


"A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man under cover but you tore him apart
Maybe next year I'll give it to someone
I'll give it to someone special. (spaaayshull, spayshul....."

Last Christmas

I gave you

my heart......"

There you go. Now you have it in your head. Enjoy.
I set the music that plays in my shop so I'm feeling confident I can survive!!

Question is would you be prepared to lose a big sale if a potential customer brought his own cd in to test a new audio system?
What HN do you work at again? :sly:
That's great you want to do that Sir and Imma let you finish but Dire Straits - Industrial Disease is the best demo song of all time.....

And its Mackay... come find me :D
Sign me in. Count me in. I`m all in.
Popular radio station is playing all day long - so I guess I´ll be out very soon. :lol:

But I´ll fight the Antichrist every year.


Wham-by = When you get whammed by a person`s car radio right beside of you.
Ah yes, and so it begins. Last year was great fun. This year, I am also in!
Hopefully this year the bacon theory no longer applies. We lost many brave soldiers last year due to bacon.
I would join but I got Wham'd 2-3 times a week last year.

So much that I started making up my own words to the song. Probably can't repeat them here though. :lol:
I would join but I got Wham'd 2-3 times a week last year.

So much that I started making up my own words to the song. Probably can't repeat them here though. :lol:
Join anyway, even if you do lose.
You guys should all come down to South America. You'll be granted Whamming immunity thanks to the irrelevance of this song down here.
I know exactly how im going to get Whammed, I got to a work programme twice a fortnight for two hours to do a job search and they have the radio on in there which plays Heart or Absolute radio (one or the other!) and I guarantee that they will start playing xmas songs soon...and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it!
Hmmm, don't know if I can wear earplugs when im supposed to talk to my job advisor as well...