GTPlanet vs. Wham! - Last Christmas

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I'm just thanking God that all they play at work is hard rock and all I play at home is hip-hop & techno.....I should be safe because I already did my son's christmas shopping a couple of months back so I won't have to venture into shopping malls and be subjected to christmas music. 👍

Looks like I'll survive to the 25th. :cool:

Oh wait.......still have to get presents for father-in-law and wife. Ohwell, I hope they like getting their gifts during the Boxing Day sales!! :P
I'm surprised I haven't heard this song yet, I work in retail and everybody knows how retailers love their cheesy Christmas songs.
My sister is going through all the Christmas songs loudly as I type. My counter measure is to blast Muse. Hopefully this works.
I don't know what it sounds like... so how do I know when I lose? (without losing in order to find out what the song is that would cause me to lose)
Protip: if you must listen to Christmas music, listen to a Christian station, they'll never play it :dopey:

So far, so good for me!

I'm still lasting but I've heard quite a few other Christmas songs so I don't think I've much time left.:nervous:
I'm still in the game but going shopping tommorow so that may change. The glee advert had a version of it but luckily not actually by wham.
I got Whamed. Yesterday. They had a 'Top Ten Christmas Songs' thing on Friday. Didn't hear the entire song, just a small part, so does that count?
Unfortunately, yup. The only way not to lose but still listen to it is by listening to a cover.
I reckon it'll be a breeze. The malls near where I live never play Christmas music. So I should be alright :D
EDIT: Woot - Taylor Swift has a cover!!!
26 days to go.
Went to Tesco the other day and I expected to lose then, but oddly they had no music playing at all. Still had my iPod on just in case though :lol:
Lost. Girlfriend sung it as soon as I told her, that didn't count but I told a friend about her doing it via xbox live, he instantly played it through the headset:mad: I am an idiot.
Just so happens that my relationship is built upon just having a laugh, and my friend is fluent in trolling.

Edit: 7000th post. Cool.
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Still safe! Office plays canned music, and the malls are playing Kid's Christmas CDs.

Only a matter of time, though.
Still haven't heard it. Only christmas songs I been listening to sound like this:

I lost today, there's also an advert on TV going around playing someones cover version of it (I think they were selling a CD). I heard it on the radio (the original) earlier. :ouch:

Sadness. i work in retail. i cant get away from it... i lost... hardcore like 9 times and the wif LOVES that song so i loose double... Sdness!
I lost today, there's also an advert on TV going around playing someones cover version of it (I think they were selling a CD). I heard it on the radio (the original) earlier. :ouch:


Glee??? they have a cover version on their ad.

I didn't go shopping afterall yesterday so I'm safe for now. Most of my shopping is online so I hope I'm still in for the forseeable future. ;)
I have been whamed. They played it in the backround of eastenders which my parents happened to be watching. I'm out.:(
Almost thought I'd bought the farm yesterday. Went to the mall randomly (yes, during a weekday) to bring my wife to the dentist. Was walking around, not paying attention, then I heard it!

I thought: "Oh 🤬 🤬... it's that *censored* song!"

Then I listened more closely. Nope. Not Georgie singing... more like the Baja men, in an upbeat manner. Thank you, insipid covers! :lol:
Nooooooooo! I just got Whammed by stupid gorramn Glee. That doesn't count as the whole song though! Damn it! That's what I get for coming to my uncle's house for dinner. I can't believe he watches this stupid show. ARGH! :lol:
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