GTPlanet vs. Wham! - Last Christmas

  • Thread starter RouWa
Yes! OK, well I guess I wasn't as safe as I thought. :lol:
I'm out, damn christmas CD's playing all day at work. Was probably actually out earlier in the week but really only noticed it playing today,.
Decided to live dangerously, today. Listened to my favorite oldies station which plays everything from the 60's to the 80's. Heard a few Stevie Wonders but no "Last Christmas". Told my wife about the contest. She resolved to call up our cousin, who's a DJ on our regular pop station, to play the song on 80's night this Friday.

Hoo boy... got to find a way around that one... :lol:
I've been whammed :grumpy: and in chugging ASDA, serves me right for going to pikey land for a pasty!
If I was around to enter this game, I'd have lost atleast 10 times now. It plays in the shop I work at. 👎
Did something risky yesterday... It was "Back to the 80's" Friday and I had the radio on for hours in the car. Not a single Christmas song, thankfully... not even "Feed the World".

Feeling lucky this year. :D
I went to the mall yesterday to get a haircut. They didn't have Christmas songs playing (wow - normal people!!) I did however go to Bond+Bond - they were playing Christmas music there, so I did a quick race on the GT5 Demo, and left before I got Whamed!
Still not whammed. I didn't know what the song was, so I just heard about 10 seconds of it. Does that count? Because I know I'd never heard that song before.
OK I lost. My wife wanted to show my kids what it was like back in the ol' days. :(

Oh well it is a nice tune actually.

Anyone for Maria Carey? All I want for Christmass is yoouuuu hoo hoo hou hou :)
Had a scare late last night in Tesco, I could hear it... but it was a cover. Safe for now, but too close for comfort.

Also, I have a question about this, what if it's the original version, remixed? BBC Radio 1 were playing Dubstep remixes of Christmas songs last night, luckily it didn't play but it did concern me.
I ALMOST got Whammed at Wal-Mart, but fortunately it was a cover. Probably the one by Cascada (seems to be a popular one).

That was one close call.
I went out shopping for 5 hours today and heard this song 6 times! 6! All original too, no covers. As we went into the store it was playing in the car, then after being in the store for an hour, we walked out only to hear it on the radio AGAIN. I think if I hear it again today I'll bang my head off a wall until the pain goes away.
I've not been whammed yet, but I believing it is simply a matter of time. Not working in a shop and staying away from shops in general is a good start. Turns out being broke ain't all that bad. :P
Didn't get Whammed today when I went shopping with mum. Instead I heard something much, much worse - an entire album of Rolf Harris singing Christmas carols.
Tip: Don't watch TV ads. I was watching an advertisement for a Christmas album, and Last Christmas was played. Looks like I got whamed (or is it whammed?).
And thank Wham for covers. Almost got "Whammed" today, after recklessly listening to 80's radio for five days straight... Yes, I like to live dangerously.

But this was on a modern pop station, cover!!! Thank you, exploitative capitalism!
Got whammazated twice today, so I'm out.

First while in the mall, then while I was pumping gas. No escape from this thing, it seems. :yuck: