GTPlanet vs. Wham - Thread of the Year!

  • Thread starter Daniel
It's cool. It's just a link to his previous post referencing how he isn't out to get me anymore.

See, I click on links!
Yeah, I didn't see any links to the song on that page. This thread is supposed to be a safe haven anyway.

As for getting Whammed, still nothing. This thread may be full of drama and people getting Whammed (Which I do find quite entertaining), but I'm just sitting here, waiting for the calendar to roll over. I haven't really had any personal Wham drama. It's kind of boring, actually. I've been out plenty of times and still no Last Christmas. And last week, I hung out in a food court for 3 hours.
I for one can't do that on mobile.
Can't you hold down the link (via the finger) and it'll ask if you want to open the link in a new tab? It should give out the link address... or is it only just for the Mozilla app?
Had a close shave today and yesterday...

Yesterday I had a 'Christmas Cheer' assembly at school, with plenty of cringe worthy Christmassy songs. Thankfully, they had sense and had no George Michael. I ain't letting school Wham! me twice. :P

Today was courtesy of @Daniel, I thought I'd be a good boy and help him with something, ended up being a George Michael infected video in one of them, thankfully an advertisement played first. Nice try, Danel. :lol:

Would have been funny if the advertisement was a Christmas music compilation with Wham playing first. :P