GTPlanet vs. Wham - Thread of the Year!

  • Thread starter Daniel
In a taxi last night, there was a Christmas song (not Wham!) playing on the radio so I very politely asked the driver if it would be ok to turn the radio off. He did turn it off & didn't seem to mind at all.
My good lady knew that it was because I was taking care not to be Whammed, she is one of the 2 people from real life who know about this game/life mission. She decided that I shouldn't be asking the driver to turn his radio off in his own car & was mildly annoyed at me for doing so. She proceeded to threaten to Wham me at some point soon. I think she's over it now, as far as I can tell.

I'm not worried. :odd:
Encountered a Taylor Swift cover on the mall, and on the radio coming back. Thankfully, it wasn't a Wham! Version.
I hate stupid hotels in stupid New York City that play stupid Christmas music. Stupid.

None of this would have happened if there wasn't renovation going on. Furthermore, none of this would have happened if we weren't moved to the adjoining hotel because... reasons. I'm sitting there in the lobby waiting for the reservations to go through and what comes up?

Stupid. I hate all of you. :lol:
I hate stupid hotels in stupid New York City that play stupid Christmas music. Stupid.

None of this would have happened if there wasn't renovation going on. Furthermore, none of this would have happened if we weren't moved to the adjoining hotel because... reasons. I'm sitting there in the lobby waiting for the reservations to go through and what comes up?

Stupid. I hate all of you. :lol:

Happy whamming to you...
Happy whamming to you...
Happy whamming dear T12...
And better luck next time!

*Plays Wham! again*
In a taxi last night, there was a Christmas song (not Wham!) playing on the radio so I very politely asked the driver if it would be ok to turn the radio off. He did turn it off & didn't seem to mind at all.
My good lady knew that it was because I was taking care not to be Whammed, she is one of the 2 people from real life who know about this game/life mission. She decided that I shouldn't be asking the driver to turn his radio off in his own car & was mildly annoyed at me for doing so. She proceeded to threaten to Wham me at some point soon. I think she's over it now, as far as I can tell.

I'm not worried. :odd:
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...

Run for it!
My biggest fear is now a reality. My mother has been listening to Christmas music both in the house and in the car. I think I'm doomed to be Whammed soon now.
Just channel flicked, batteries died on the remote halfway through, leaving me on "20 Greatest Christmas songs" (just my luck this year).

W............................................................................izzard. New batteries in very quickly.
I want to watch the new South Park episode, but it seems to be an episode featuring pop music. That's too dangerous.
Looked it up, not sure if it has Last Christmas in it. Apparently there's a Taylor Swift song, but it's not her cover of Last Christmas. I'm more concerned about the Doctor Who Christmas special, which is actually titled Last Christmas.
I'll be honest, since whamming' myself with a clock radio :banghead:, I've kinda checked-out of this thread. Have the 'whammings' increased since the 1st of December ?
So far so good for me. Not being invited to all the sixth form parties has it's bonuses I guess.

That and I don't need pants...

I made the mistake of letting a friend drive me and another musician to a gig this morning instead of driving myself. He had the radio on very quietly, so I didn't notice it until in the middle of a pause in conversation, when I heard the unmistakable "Last Christmas I gave you my heart" timed perfectly for my ears to hear. It was quiet enough that I'm not actually sure if it was the original or not (it sounded like a male duet, not just George singing...any covers that are duets or feature background vocals? Also, the bells were different.), but as per the thread title I have to assume I'm out until somebody can find me the cover I think I heard.
