GTPlanet vs. Wham - Thread of the Year!

  • Thread starter Daniel
Wham! #2: Local bowling alley played Saint George and his miserable little bathroom tune 2 games in, allowing me the reprieve of smashing both a strike and some electrical equipment in a fit. Only time I'll ever round near 220.
Fear gives men wings. -Max Payne

I learned tonight that holds some truth as I was working during a Christmas fair at the school I clean at. :scared:

It was nerve wracking from start to finish knowing I could be Whammed any second, but apparently Lady Luck still owned me one. :D
I'm tagging you so other people think I've been Whammed!

Is what I would say had I not been Whammed! earlier tonight.

I turn up to work and we have the radio on the TV, the guys in the daytime normally ask for a station that plays 60s/70s music so I've been pretty trustworthy in them so far. I went out the back and thought I could hear the wretched song. I was on my way back in when someone wanted serving in the other room which was playing a different station. I had to stand there in agony awaiting my fate, all the time worried that I would miss the end and have to declare myself Whammed! despite not being sure. Alas, I was able to get to the bar in time to learn my fate was sealed. George Michael infecting my ears with his filth and now, even worse, I've had it stuck in my head ever since. What I wouldn't give to have been 10 minutes late.
Beat Hang the stupid Dj.

I risked it last night by heading downtown to grab some magazines and do some small bits of holiday shopping. Indigo was nice enough to not Wham me, but instead let me enjoy the She & Him Christmas album.
Do I have to tag myself, @Daniel?

Work was incredibly busy today. Apart from the Taylor Swift cover, I was fine. I'm pretty sure we don't have the original song in the playlist. Which is nice. We were selling a ton of the Now! CDs though. "Does this have Wham on it? Yes it does! I'm not getting this anytime soon" I remember talking to a customer. She laughed. I've got nothing to worry about. I've done most of my Christmas shopping and if I need to get anything else, I can always go to work or another branch under the same company. I won't get Whammed. The family and my friends know nothing about the 'game', and I'm always very careful about clicking links anywhere.

Argh. The bus isn't for another 10 minutes? I need a drink... it's way too humid right now. I can't be bothered going back to work. I've already spent 8 hours there. I'm sure the supermarket has coke on sale this week. Might as well go there. Hopefully the line's not too long. I've had my fair share of human interaction for today. And I'm pretty sure they don't play Christmas music at all. I'll be fi...

Oh crap.
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So, you got Whammed? I've been safe so far except for hearing one cover. But I don't know whose cover. Probably Taylor Swift.

Went out for dinner tonight. They were playing Christmas music (I heard Winter Wonderland or whatever it's called and Jingle Bells at some point), but no Wham. I remain safe for another day. It seems that where I live, getting Whammed in public is proving to be difficult, which isn't a bad thing. If I get Whammed, it'll probably be online. And I haven't gotten Whammed online... yet. Quite a few close calls, but no Whamming. Good thing I have procedures for when I venture out into suspected Wham territory.

George Michael infecting my ears with his filth and now, even worse, I've had it stuck in my head ever since.

Maybe it's a good thing I have trouble remembering how the song goes. It's like my mind doesn't want to remember it.
The most popular cover is Taylor Swift's one. I've heard it quite a few times.

I heard less than two seconds of all-too-familiar melody and instantly knew what had

I'm out. Completely out.
inb4 someone makes a closet joke out of this.
The most popular cover is Taylor Swift's one. I've heard it quite a few times.

I heard less than two seconds of all-too-familiar melody and instantly knew what had happened.
Okay then. I'll assume the cover I heard was Taylor Swift. How could you tell only 2 seconds in that it was the original? I'm assuming you stayed to check, because you said you were in line to pay for a Coke.
Nope. The speakers playing Last Christmas were just outside the supermarket, in a smaller food court area. I didn't bother waiting around because the bells that play around 0:57 are incredibly familiar (and I really wanted my Coke). By the time I was back in the food court, another song was playing.
Nope. The speakers playing Last Christmas were just outside the supermarket, in a smaller food court area. I didn't bother waiting around because the bells that play around 0:57 are incredibly familiar (and I really wanted my Coke). By the time I was back in the food court, another song was playing.
Which explains the new thread title. Also, I haven't gotten Whammed a food court. Believe me, I've tried. Actually, I haven't gotten Whammed at all other than the one cover Whamming.
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Or, worse yet, if he replaces every song in the game with "Last Christmas" until January... :scared:
Make a user BGM.

Just in case.

Even though I'm not an actual participant, I will announce I have been Whammed! Here's the story...
I hate McLaren with my whole being. Last good thing McLaren did was earn Senna's 3rd WDC. But the story of their driver disaster always was worth the laugh. I was watching a YouTube video over their 2015 driver announcement and clicked on a link of some other video of some explaining if it was a good or bad idea. However, in between those videos, an ad popped up. Never realized Now That's What I Call Christmas had pop up ads on YouTube...I promptly blamed Kevin Magnussen for it and hoped McLaren would continue with their engine issues.
That's karma. Or as Ron would put it "That's a vicious circle of displeasure for your feelings of detest for my work force and its products on and off track, which means you shall have to make a good relationship with our team or else you shall face such displeasures at a future time."
Did they play the actual song or only the ever so slightly worse poorly sung karaoke?

Good point. It was the karaoke version so there was no George Michael. Does it still count?