GTPlanet vs. Wham! - 'Tis the Season To Be Whamful

  • Thread starter Daniel
Partner was listening to Christmas music in the kitchen last night. She comes into the front room beaming smile stating that she "almost whammed me".

She's gonna get me on purpose I know it.
Currently getting Whammed! again in a Chinese restaurant. These wings better be something special.
I gotta say, while I didn't meet the deadline this year, I just got whammed by playing a Spotify Christmas playlist.

Don't copy my reckless behaviour. Good luck to you all.
Whammed for the second time after walking into a room to get my shoes and jacket on my way out of Christmas Eve dinner.
@Daniel Just to warn you ahead of time, I am going to wham myself intentionally come Midnight local time. I am not going to let @Jordan wham me this year since I will have committed Whamicide.

RIP George Michael. You intentionally got one from me.
Nothing here. Only 2 cover Wham's at the Mall of America on Christmas Eve. This is easy mode this year

Not even heard one cover this year. Just a few Christmas tunes at the supermarket the other day and some on radio today, during lunch with the family. After being whammed the two previous years, 2017 has been fairly easy so far.

Famous last words. :lol:
@Daniel Just to warn you ahead of time, I am going to wham myself intentionally come Midnight local time. I am not going to let @Jordan wham me this year since I will have committed Whamicide.

RIP George Michael. You intentionally got one from me.

It's concerning me that theres no sign of Jordan's wham yet. Last year was around the 22nd/23rd.

Today's the day, may you all have a nice Christmas and quiet to the ears throughout. :cheers:
Nothing here. Only 2 cover Wham's at the Mall of America on Christmas Eve. This is easy mode this year
You say that, but there was no warning before my Wham. I couldn't see it coming, there was no prior knowledge that I should avoid.

It can happen at any time, so don't get over-confident and stay alert.
@Daniel Just to warn you ahead of time, I am going to wham myself intentionally come Midnight local time. I am not going to let @Jordan wham me this year since I will have committed Whamicide.

RIP George Michael. You intentionally got one from me.
It is done at a little after 19 minutes after midnight.
well in my drunken stumor unable to protect myself George whammed me again. I just came down the stairs with presents in hand and WHAM (thanks bbc radio york)
Merry Christmas!

Woke up this morning to a cover Wham. Today is it. I will be out before the end of the day. Whether that involves Sir WebWhammaster Jordon or not I don't know. But I'm scared. :scared:
@Daniel @TB

I'm out. Walked out to grab my Christmas dinner as my mom was listening to Christmas music and retreated to my room after I got food. I didn't make back into my room fast enough because I heard George as I was walking back. Guess I get turkey with a side of Wham! this year.
I'm not sure if I'm out. Was playing Just Dance 2018 when this song came on, It's not labelled Wham but sounds like it. Not sure if it counts.
@Daniel / @TB
I'm done for.
Whammed after having a Christmas dinner at friends.
Luckily I have coffee to sooth my pain.
Hmm coffee!

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Well... I got whammed when starting up my car.


Wait. Does your car start up really slow or did you get whammed once, attempt to escape by changing the radio station, only to be whammed a second time?
That is what I call pushing your luck.
But it's working! I actually made it all the way through Kroger and Walmart without an issue either. Christmas is over and I'm still listening to Christmas music, and it's great! I feel like a free man.
Somehow I'm still in but I'm not any less scared of whatever crazy nuclear bomb of a mass Whamming Jordan has planned. :nervous: