'Tis the Season of Whamming Vs GTPlanet

  • Thread starter TJ13
I'm not part of the participants list, but I just wanted to share that I went through all of pre Christmas December (and November) without listening to that dreadful song, right up until 22:00 on Christmas eve (Denmark celebrates on the 24th), when it played on the speakers at my parents house. So close, yet so far...

Merry Christmas everyone.
And I got whammed again this time my relative played the song through his desktop.

This is not looking good. :banghead:
No sign of Wham! around me yet again... hopefully I’ll get out of this year without it, I feel safer now that we’ve passed the 24th, I feel lucky. :D:tup:
Out after five-plus years of hardcore mode. My dad decided it was a good idea to put on a Christmas playlist (alcohol was involved) and despite my headset I can still hear music from upstairs.

I did stop actively avoiding it once George did pass away, and can say I did last for five years Wham!-free at least.

Forgot to tag @TJ13 that I've been out since the 11th.

I'm surprised I lasted this long.

The song landed a successful audible right hook without warning after a family member decided to play something "Christmassy" after Boxing Day dinner.
Welp, I lost at work, in probably the most boring way possible.

Our shop was dead and my Assistant manager decided to put a Christmas Spotify playlist over the shop radio. In the middle of changing tyres, I hear the dreaded, malicious lyrics...

"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart,..."

Which ended with me yelling "I LOST!!!" much to the confusion of my senior technicians. And that's how I got whammed working at a tyre shop. :indiff:
Somehow I've survived thus far. As a Pittsburgh Penguins fan, being spot #66 on the participants list must be a good thing.

Watch as I get whammed in the most brutal way possible tomorrow. :scared:
Let's get this out of the way: I'm still in the clear.

And since I've no obligations aside from a New Years party for the rest of the year, I can call this one pretty confidently. November was dull, and for this month, my family and I headed for Malaysia instead of good old Europe.

But there were a lot of shopping I've been doing there, and thus, a myriad of Christmas songs up the butt, oh boy. But for some reason, no George.. Was shot by a cover Wham, but that doesn't count, I'm sure.
Looking pretty much like I got this one in the bag. Christmas day was the biggest threat because while I was happy to celebrate it at my new place, I quickly realized "Oh god, my Sisters have turned on the Christmas playlist". Heard all the classics (Including a certain overplayed Mariah Carey song, which I feel at this point should have a similar game given how its pretty much I would argue on a much higher level of expected playlist overkill). However, didn't hear that familiar tune. You could say this time around, apart from the slight fright of Christmas, this holiday season has been:

So I'm in 2019 now, not a George was Whamming.

My verdict? Hmm.. Not a bad run for me this year. But I feel I haven't been properly playing thanks to living and just plain staying in parts of Asia where religion is like a cocktail. I'll be back later this year, maybe hoping a visit to Europe/UK that can spice up my Wham barriers.

Till we meet again!
I'm stuck in 2018 for ten more hours and I have to go to work. I should be fine. They dropped the Christmas music fast and there was only the cover on the playlist anyway.
At this point, I feel pretty confident in declaring that I have survived Whammageddon 2018. Have had some pretty lazy days after christmas so it I am hardly concerned with only 8 hours to go.
It's 2019 in my time zone now which means I've acheived pretty much the same thing as every year. Whammed once unexpectedly out of the blue then nothing else for the year. I don't think I've ever won this game. :grumpy:

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