GTPLMS PreSeason Race - Drivers to your cars

So I believe that is GMT-5, so in the UK it should be 6am tuesday morning (because we are on GMT+1 (BST) at the moment).........I think?

Chicago = GMT-5
London = GMT+1

That means 6 hrs difference at the moment!

Yup, that's right, 6 am tuesday morning in the UK



And who was the guy that picked this combo? diabolical.

Also, ATTN P1 Drivers, there will be changes to your cars before Round 1. For now use the stats at the beginning of the thread, but before R1, we will have changes.
my times have been sent. should be exciting.

And who was the guy that picked this combo? diabolical.

Too much math?
Just wait till I start working out lap times, pit-stops, in/out-laps, start-laps, tyre-differentials, ...............:crazy:

And I think it was you! Wasn't it?

Do you own a (ahem) shotgun?

You could put yourself out of our misery? ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Neil :)

PS this was my 1500th post!:D :cheers:
Happy Birthday Neil, or congratulations or some such salutation! So out of 1500 posts , what's your favotite one :) LOL
Attention all racers. FYI, all time submissions need to come to me. m.piedgros will not be taking times, and won't be forwarding them to me if he receives them. Please send all time submissions to me.
:crazy: Please don't get him started ! ..... :scared:
I'll be going thru 5 pages of post per day if he gets on a roll :grumpy:
1500 post ?.... since last Tuesday isn't it ?
:lol: Couldn't help it mate :)

Cheers mate on your Birthday ! :cheers:
you old 🤬:sly:

Yea, that's it Andy, give him a chore..... go over the 1500 post to find his favorite 👍 that'll keep him busy for a couple of days at least :sly:

On the car note:
The Ford isn't my favorite. But I chalk it up to something like handgrenades. Crude, but effective ! .... This beast has been my bane for many a race prior to this "shotgun" wedding ... sorry about taking the name in vain there boss :rolleyes: .... This has been an "advancement" of sorts for me. Ran the "300" series in the JGTC, which is about 100 hp ? under.

Having said that. The car wears tires in balance, well, as balanced as El Cap lets a car get balanced :ouch: Running at +10 / 200 point race...sigh.... Ran the races in RS/RS, in an attempt to hang with the "Tyre King" himself :bowdown: whom I can match in laps..... usualy.... just not the lap times.

I'm interested in the times. Well, forward at least... LOL... my reverse needed a couple more hours of work to drop the time like I did forward. I know I'm not quick, but I'd like to see where I and the car stand and what I can expect over the upcoming season. If I'm lost in the back of the pack again, mid runner ? - lord knows I'm not looking for something up front.

Ok, yes, the old guy can get verbose.... quick .... reach for a dictonary ! LOL.... Neil is math,,,, I'm the wordsmith :)

Well, I had to bring the PS2 in to *a repair shop, not saying which one* I don't even know what was going on. I won't be submiting times is all that amounts to and regarding P2 I haven't been able to get in touch with m.piedgros. Not sure on what his status is. I'm not sure if he will be away a lot or what exactly is going on there.

EDIT: It appeared as if the PS2 was not reading the GT4 cd, not a scratch on her though... should have it back Tuesday "Wednesday at the latest" according to the kid who appeared to be younger than me who took it in.
:drool: I'm itchin to see the results for pre-season testing .. and i'm :drool: itchin to start the series proper .. is there any indication when it will start ?
:drool: I'm itchin to see the results for pre-season testing .. and i'm :drool: itchin to start the series proper .. is there any indication when it will start ?

Results should be up sometime Tuesday.
The series will start this week, possibly Thursday or Friday.
Times submitted. Amazing how small a difference in times between a GT1 and GT2 car. I attribute this mostly to the track, it's definatly not a GT1 course.

Great Fun!!! Let the season begin!!!!!
Results should be up sometime Tuesday.
The series will start this week, possibly Thursday or Friday.
Can't wait for both of them Shotgun. :D Best of luck to everyone on the upcoming season. :)
News from the DrewpyBalls Comedy Racing Team

My decidedly strange times are in!
Strange thing is:
I am faster in our GT2 car, than the GT1 car! :crazy:

Probably down to the fact that I couldn't get the Mac to stop shredding the rear softs in 4 laps, even with TCS on. Had to run with mediums, and as RS fronts with RM rears makes this red-head even more bad tempered, I had to run with medium fronts too! :grumpy:

However Softs all round on the RX-7 lasted the full 5, so no such problems with her!:) :) :)

Looking forward to the results in the morrow!

Neil ! :crazy:
TCM ? you ? !!!
that thing must be a handfull :scared:

I agree the GT2's with RS's got around the track for the 5 laps of tyre shredding :P

Yes, the GT1's are in trouble on this track..... I think the mod has a sadistic streak in him :) LOL

I've dubbed you, Andy and I as the three stooges by the way :) .... me being Curly of course....nyah, nyha, nyhaa :dopey:

I don't expect much from my times... as this track and I have a relationship akin to my wife..... Whom I've divorced .... 🤬 🤬 :cheers: ... read into that what you want :)

I may be able to try the reverse times before the deadline... but sleep is looking pretty good right now :)


The Mclaren, a bumpy track and pushing the limits....really don't mix very well.

TCS was Andy's idea, and it did help stop the thing piroetting(sp?) like it is a 10 year old ballarena with her first set of blocks! It, to be honest, had only minor benefits to tyre-wear.

Front softs would last 5, but the MR weight balance which makes it easy to turn causes the rear to want to step out at the merest sniff of a bump/crest/dip & corner. So soft rears just got toasted by the end of lap 4.:grumpy:

I just wish I could watch Andy's replays, he managed to get soft rears to last to distance, and he is slightly faster too:tup: 👍 , I don't know how? But he did!:drool:

Well, re-ran the reverse and managed to shave 4 seconds, but just can't get past my time with any significance :dunce:

The Ford is just like a sqirrel....jumping and hopping everywhere :( It'll be interesting to see what this thing is like on a smoother track. Ran the RS's all around and was seeing deep red on the last couple of corners :scared:

Andy has got a nice touch on the wheel 👍 Up there with making tyres last. I'm not sure how he does it either. Then again, I've been trying to hunt down that Aussie for awhile now :sly: Haven't even tried the other classes yet - not my favorite track that's for sure ! - now I've got to run the thing in DTM :ouch:

I'm sure I'm in the back of the pack as usual. But hey ?, it's all about having fun :)

I ran RM/RS on the Mac, and RS/RS on the RX7, the last lap was quite tricky cause the front tires were very,very red. But even losing several seconds 4-5 on the last lap was faster then running RM's.
Can't wait to see how the different cars stack up on this track. I love El Capitan in cars with 350 HP or less. Anyone ever run El Capitan in the F1 car?