GTP's Member of the week no.15 - Introducing GT

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Any siblings?
1 brother, 14.

Your favourite grandmother/grandfather? Wanna tell us why?
I'd say my Mum's side of the family's Grandparents were the nicest. Shame they all passed away withing 4 years of each other. :(

I liked them because they were to kind and ALWAYS willing to help. My other Grandparents aren't the same.

Have you ever eaten paint chips? They're good, aren't them?
No... Never tried.

Do you plan on ever trying a drug or a cigarette just to know what it tastes like, or are you going to take the chicken approach and just stay away, so as not to be tempted.
"Chicken" attempt.

Who's your best friend? (non-imaginary)
Non-imaginary. :lol: To be totally honest, the only "proper" friends I have are on here. Probably Jon. In the real world, people from College, but I'll never be meeting them again.

Describe the perfect weekend.
ME, driving a NICE car all day long, anytime, anywhere.

With so much free time, what do you do the most? What would you like to do the most, instead of what you usually do the most. Like for example what you do the most is playing video games, but you'd rather (I don't know) read history, but are just too addicted to videogames.
I have a ton of car magazines and books to read, but with the video games and GTP, I'm too addicted. :P Well, College starts next week, so I guess the time I have to do those things will be cut short a little.

Would you accept the role of Mod in GTP? Are you insane?
(the insanity question is a follow up to the modding GTP one)
I would accept it. I mean, if I wern't on here much at all I wouldn't accept it as I would feel guilty about not doing anything, as someone else could do the job better than me. But as I am on here most of the time, it would be a very interesting job to do as I mainly know what it would be like. Yes, I could go insane indeed. :D
How often do you lie, if at all? Would you classify yourself as totally honest, a white-liar (little lies), a good liar (i.e being good at pulling off lies successfully, not 'friendly' or 'harmless' lies - they're 'white lies'), a bad liar, a habitual liar or even a compulsive liar? For example, I try not to lie as a rule, but sometimes when I do, I'm think I'm quite good at it :sly: So I'd call myself a good, white liar...

Be honest now ;) :dopey:
How often do you lie, if at all? Would you classify yourself as totally honest, a white-liar (little lies), a good liar (as in you are good at pulling off a lie, not a 'friendly' or 'harmless' lie - that's a 'white lie'), a bad liar, or even a compulsive liar? For example, I try not to lie as a rule, but sometimes when I do, I'm think I'm quite good at it :sly: So I'd call myself a good, white liar...

Be honest :dopey:
I'd say a white-liar. I try to be honest as much as possible, but like with many things and how kind I am (I'm sure I am!), white lies are a good thing. I admit though, when I'm in a right pickle I MAY lie (I think I'm good :sly: ), but that's very rare.
What's your lucky number?

Do you believe in-

Life after Death?
Which Evan?:sly:
You are now officially 'evan'. If you don't like that you can be Eveena, Evinda or Evanny. However, 'Evan' is taken. :D

James, do you realise that computing courses are 99.999% filled with humans of the male kind? I strongly suggest Philsophy as a good subject for interacting with the other sex, or a modern language.
Do you enjoy Ice in your drinks, or do you prefer drinks that are refigerated heavily so they don't need ice?
Have you seen any bands live?
Are you Koo Koo for Cocoa Puffs?
You are now officially 'evan'. If you don't like that you can be Eveena, Evinda or Evanny. However, 'Evan' is taken. :D

But that name is reserved for when we become one entity!
What's your lucky number?
7, I suppose, like many people.

Do you believe in-

Life after Death?
Ish, sort-of and yes. :dopey:

James, do you realise that computing courses are 99.999% filled with humans of the male kind? I strongly suggest Philsophy as a good subject for interacting with the other sex, or a modern language.
Do you know how wrong you are? Women may know nothing about computers, but they actually attempt the courses. With my CLAIT, over half the class were women. :D

Do you enjoy Ice in your drinks, or do you prefer drinks that are refigerated heavily so they don't need ice?
Ice. It depends on the drink, though. Lemonade is much better refrigerated heavily as you can eventually taste the water from the ice-cubes that spoils the drink... When I drank Coke I didn't notice it.

Have you seen any bands live?
Nope. Not interested in music.

Are you Koo Koo for Cocoa Puffs?
I don't think I've ever tried them.
Do you know how wrong you are? Women may know nothing about computers, but they actually attempt the courses. With my CLAIT, over half the class were women.
:odd: My mate took computing and there's all of 2 girls in a class of 25. It's not so bad as he has a girlfriend already. On the other hand someone else I know is the only guy in his philosophy class. And I'm only one of 5 guys in my Spanish class, of 23.
Depends on the computer subject. If you're going to take some computer tool course (MS Office, Mac usage, Photoshop, whatever), you're likely to get a 50-50 women/men distribution, although it may tend to be mostly men.

Computer Science courses, thouugh (C++, Turbo Pascal, SGI and the like) are prone to be 95% men. I had many Computer Science roomates and they always took some course that had nothing to do with their courses, just so they could be exposed to the opposite sex :)
Do you have an iPod?

If so, what model/size/color?

If not, do you own an MP3 player?

What Make/Model/Size is it?

Would you call yourself an audiophile?

How important is music in your life on a scale of 1-10?
Do you have an iPod?

If so, what model/size/color?

If not, do you own an MP3 player?

What Make/Model/Size is it?

Would you call yourself an audiophile?

How important is music in your life on a scale of 1-10?
Have you read any of his answers?

He doesn't find music interesting at all.
Nope. Not interested in music.
Don't really listen to music.

Plus he's also already said he doesn't own an iPod, but has a PSP.

Come on, you've been in this thread more than me probably.
Have you read any of his answers?

He doesn't find music interesting at all.

Plus he's also already said he doesn't own an iPod, but has a PSP.

Come on, you've been in this thread more than me probably.
Shows how much attention people pay to the mass questions, eh, guys? ;)

0-10, music rates 3.
Come on, you've been in this thread more than me probably.

I've been in it 2 or 3 times :rolleyes:.

I didn't particularly feel like going back through the thread and reading every question. Is it really that big of a deal that I reposted a question?
Do you like musical notes played together in a set order?
Who is your least favorite user on GTP?

If you could re-name the website what would it be called?

Who is the best non-mod user?
you should go back to your original nickname, but instead of it being "gtfreak", it should be "gtpfreak"... :D

Obviously you're too correct and respectful to have been banned from GTP, but have you been warned before? Are you in any liberty to tell? You can also include that time you were put on last-chance status :lol:

Everyone at one point or another makes one (or more) top-ten lists of anything (movies, friends, music, cars, food, whatever). What are your top-tens?
I've been in it 2 or 3 times :rolleyes:.

I didn't particularly feel like going back through the thread and reading every question. Is it really that big of a deal that I reposted a question?
I'd have hoped that an experienced member liek yourself would atleast give the questions a quick scan before posting your own questions. It's mainly that the question has been asked more than once aswell.

What 3 items would you want on a desert island if you were shipwrecked? Bare in mind that there would be no electricity.
I didn't particularly feel like going back through the thread and reading every question. Is it really that big of a deal that I reposted a question?

There is the CTRL F function...


Do you think I'll post a super-huge list of questions in this thread again?

I know you don't really listen to music, but do you have a favorite song?

If so, what is it?

Do you like Accel's new design?

Name the first three overrated things that come to your mind.

When you get a PS3, do you think your 360 will be collecting dust? Or will it be the other way around?

What digital camera do you have?

How often do you use GTP's search function?

When you're about to create a new thread, do you use it to see if there's been other threads on the subject?

Do you think the search function is weak?
Do you think you will ever leave GTP? I hope not* :)

*because if you leave the GTP family...I'd have to get Clemenza to take care of you...

Who is your least favorite user on GTP?
I can't say, for obvious reasons. There are a few, not just one.

If you could re-name the website what would it be called?
GTW, Gran Turismo World, but that's just being picky.

Who is the best non-mod user?
Another hard question. There are so many to mention...

you should go back to your original nickname, but instead of it being "gtfreak", it should be "gtpfreak"... :D
No way...!

Obviously you're too correct and respectful to have been banned from GTP, but have you been warned before? Are you in any liberty to tell? You can also include that time you were put on last-chance status :lol:
Never been warned, other than that big mistake Duke done. I'm not saying anymore. :lol:

Everyone at one point or another makes one (or more) top-ten lists of anything (movies, friends, music, cars, food, whatever). What are your top-tens?
I've never gone to the lengths of making a top-ten list... I've made a top 5 on food, though: Chocolate, Golden Graham bars, Chicken, Turkey Burgers and Chips. :D

What 3 items would you want on a desert island if you were shipwrecked? Bare in mind that there would be no electricity.
I gun with some ammo, just to kill anything to eat, certainly a knife - they can be useful for many things, and probably something random I can't think of at this moment.

Do you think I'll post a super-huge list of questions in this thread again?
No, for some reason.

You will now that I mentioned it. :lol:

I know you don't really listen to music, but do you have a favorite song?

If so, what is it?
Not really. I'm so useless with song names. I like a few songs, but no idea what the names are.

Do you like Accel's new design?
Not as good as before, but still great.

Name the first three overrated things that come to your mind.
Straight away, Famine (he's human afterall. :P), some highly rated movies and BMWs come to mind...

When you get a PS3, do you think your 360 will be collecting dust? Or will it be the other way around?
Both will be used.

What digital camera do you have?
:lol: You saying use CTRL+F! It's a Fuji S5500, as said earlier. :D

How often do you use GTP's search function?
Quite a bit. I use it when I need to find out something or to help a new member.

When you're about to create a new thread, do you use it to see if there's been other threads on the subject?
And that, but that't rare at the moment.

Do you think the search function is weak?
It is a bit now, with it being limited to 4 character words. Not hard to get around it, though.

Do you think you will ever leave GTP? I hope not* :)

*because if you leave the GTP family...I'd have to get Clemenza to take care of you...

I don't see myself leaving for a very long time yet - I enjoy it too much here. :)

Although, if I were to decide to leave, I could do it easily.
Why were you home educated?

Would you like to be in TV?

Who would you meet, alive or dead, if you were given the chance?
Why were you home educated?
Take a look here for a detailed explanation, 2-3 paragraphs down.

Would you like to be in TV?
I wouldn't mind that, but if I were to become very famous, I probably wouldn't like the publicity...

Who would you meet, alive or dead, if you were given the chance?
No one, really. No one comes to mind that gives me that urge to go and meet them. I like quite a few celebrities, but none of them are special enough to meet.
No one, really. No one comes to mind that gives me that urge to go and meet them. I like quite a few celebrities, but none of them are special enough to meet.

Not even your great great great grandpa? Or George Washington? Or Jesus Christ? Or Caesar? He did say alive or dead.

Who do you think will become the next Member of the Week?

What do you think will happen when McLaren_Man doesn't have anyone else to be Member of the Week?
Not even your great great great grandpa? Or George Washington? Or Jesus Christ? Or Caesar? He did say alive or dead.
Again, not fussed.

Who do you think will become the next Member of the Week?
Out of 200 or so active members? Not a clue...

What do you think will happen when McLaren_Man doesn't have anyone else to be Member of the Week?
Moderator of the Week? :P

Nah. I'm sure he'd let members have a second shot at being the person in the chair.
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