GTP's Member of the week no.2 - Introducing Casio

What's your favorite Strawberry-Banana strawberry-to-banana ratio?

0% Banana - 100% Strawberry. I hate Banana, it ruins everything.

Are you a ricer?
No. Not at all. I don't really eat rice either. Rice and I generally keep out of each others way.

A little more about the Fish & Chips, please.
They always seem to have the perfect amount of batter on everything. Chips have that nice crunch without being overcook. The potato cakes are always the perfect size and shape. The hamburger with the lot is just out of this world...

If you had to be gay, who would be your first choice of partner?
Probably someone like David Beckham, Shane Warne, The King of Spain. That way, even if I was gay, I'd be totally rich and I could live with that.
If you ever have children, how are you going to explain how they were 'made'?
1. Do you think my naked picture is better than yours?

2. If answer to #1 is "yes"...are you going to take more?

3. How long since you last got laid?

If God asked you right now, and asked you where you really want to live, what would you say?

Which superpower do you want?

What is your dream car?
How do you take such good pictures of yourself? :lol: And why do you feel the need to expose half your body to the general public?:ROFL:
If you ever have children, how are you going to explain how they were 'made'?

They'll work it out along the way. It's not that complicated. They have sex ed in schools now from about 8 years old don't they? All the hard work is taken out :lol: 👍

1. Do you think my naked picture is better than yours?
No. :)

2. If answer to #1 is "yes"...are you going to take more?
I'd take more if you guys wanted me too...(So no)

3. How long since you last got laid?
I'm actually a virgin. I know, shocking in this world of 12 year olds getting pregnant...I better fix that soon...

Rogue Ssv
How do you take such good pictures of yourself? :lol: And why do you feel the need to expose half your body to the general public?:ROFL:

I don't know how I take such good pictures. It was only taken with my mobile phone, then I photoshopped the levels and things to make it look somewhat better then it did, personally, I think it came out great. :lol: I don't mind exposing my body, it's not a need per se, but I'm not ashamed of who or what I am. I just don't have as much decorum as much when I express myself creatively.

'Maiden or Metallica?
I'm not really familiar with 'Maiden (I assume is Iron Maiden), that said, I'm not an avid Metallica follower either. I'll have to go with Metallica, because 'Where ever I roam' (Or something along those lines) is an awesome song 👍
Hey Casio!

If this haven't been asked already - may I ask why you named yourself after a watch? :lol:

Do you like Lord of the Rings (the book)?

Which do you prefer: Dasani water or Coke ? :D
Describe a typical weekday for you.
Get up, 7:10am-ish, have a shower, get out of shower at ~7:30, spend maybe 15-20 minutes on GTP, eat breakfast, get any school stuff ready, give the dog his meds and feed the dog.

Leave the house at around 8:20, get dropped off at the shopping centre just after 8:30, walk 10 minutes to school, play an early game of soccer.

Do my various classes though out the day. Finish school at 3:18, get to the bus stop at just after 3:30. Get either the 3:35 bus, or 3:48 bus, which ever I feel like. Get home at either 4:00 or 4:25 respectively. Get changed, browse GTP for a while, do some GT4 WRS or JGTC, watch some TV, do some homework whatever. Start heading off to bed at around 11 unless something worthwhile in on, worth doing....That's my day.[/quote]

Describe a typical weekend for you.
It varies depending on if I work/play tennis or not. But last weekend, I went to the football friday night, went from there to a party at about 11, stayed to about 2-2:30, went home. Got up at around 10:00 saturday, did 2 JGTC races, had lunch, went to play tennis at 1, got back from tennis at 4, went out for pizza at 6, walked from the pizza place to a party at around 9, stayed at that party till 1:30. Went home. Got up Sunday just before 7, started work at 8, got home from work just after 4, had a shower, went to my cousins 3rd birthday at 5, had more pizza, got home at about 9, browsed GTP, watched the F1s at 10:30 through to the finish just after 1. Then got up at 7:10am ish for school on monday....

If this haven't been asked already - may I ask why you named yourself after a watch?
I was going to have some different name (I forget what), but it was taken. I like user names to be actual words, or things rather then 'ful_sik_drifter' or the like. So I was looking around, checked the time on my watch, and tada, Casio was born!

Do you like Lord of the Rings (the book)?
I've never read much of them. A few pages at most. The movies are alright I guess, my mate has all the extended editions, so I just borrowed his when he got them. Although my favorite character, Boromir (sp), was killed in the first one! Booo!

Which do you prefer: Dasani water or Coke ?
What the **** is Dasani Water?! I'm not a big water drinker, I'd never go out and actually buy a bottle of water, I can get it for free out of a tap. Anyone who buys water is a nuffy. Answer to your question: Coke 👍
I hate being the one to ask, but could we get links to I sincerely do not want to scroll through 4800 posts.

Casio, what are your plans for after high school (I presume you're gradding this year)?
Coke or Pepsi?
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage, seeing as how you mentioned being drunk.
I hate being the one to ask, but could we get links to I sincerely do not want to scroll through 4800 posts.
This link. Has links to those pictures. (Confusing I know)

Casio, what are your plans for after high school (I presume you're gradding this year)?
I don't really know. I'm looking at either doing an IT course, or Veterinary Nursing. Or I might see if any good jobs are available with my CCNA qualification I hope I can get.

Coke or Pepsi?
Coke. By a mile. I avoid Pepsi like herpes.
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage, seeing as how you mentioned being drunk.
I love the Bundaberg Rum. Anything with it is gold 👍. Southern Comfort isn't good too, but it's too bloody expensive and I can barely afford it. I'll have a beer or two if they're going around, but they're not really my thing to be honest.
You claim to be a virgin.... but have you ever done it with a monkey?

I assumed the question was human virgin. But going more specific, does a Lemur count as a monkey?