GTP's Top 10 Movies... Ever!

  • Thread starter Famine
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My top 10, in no particular order:

  • Jurassic Park
  • Apollo 13
  • Christine
  • Field of Dreams
  • The Right Stuff
  • Back to the Future
  • Breakfast Club
  • The Abyss
  • Ferris Bueller's Day Off
  • Saving Private Ryan

And so many more...
First, nice to see in other's list:
Rambo First Blood, from Starfirebird
Red Dawn, by turboash (not a great movie I know, but I liked it a lot)
Bullitt by Ru-fus, gotta give love a to great car movie here at GTP
Brazil and V for Vendetta by Lee

Next, these suck:
LOTR movies, books are incomparably better
Inception, just weak

Now, my favorites of all time, all of which I've seen more than once:
1) Conan the Barbarian

2 to 14 in no particular order (sorry I didn't stop at ten...):
Blade Runner
Dune (the 3 hour TV version attributed to Alan Smithee)
The Hobbit (animated version by the guys who did Thundercats)
Ghost in the Shell
Seven Samurai (Akira Kurosawa)
Star Wars ep VI (the first one)
Spirited Away (Miyazaki)
The Big Lebowski
The Last Picture Show
Naked (Mike Leigh)
Monty Python's Holy Grail
Blue Velvet

and my oddity inclusion:
Ed Wood
Top ten:

10.Forrest Gump
9. The end of evangelion
8. The dark knight
7. Animatrix
6. Kill Bill
5. Children of men
4. The Italian job(1969 on,not the 2003 remake)
3. The fifth Element
2. Suzumiya Haruhi(banishment or disaperance/ it wont let me put it in Japanese)
1. 2001 An Space odyssey

I'm aware that I put some anime ones,the thing is that they are actually better than some "Live" productions.
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Nice! Yes, the Haruhi movie was great, and I'd almost include Fifth Element on my list, 9/10 for sure, totally rewatchable. Maybe also Name of the Rose. Forrest Gump was great too. Bashful to admit, after watching it (in the theatre) I went out and ran like 10 miles...
These are my favourite movies that I can watch over and over again without getting bored. Gosh, they're quite cheesy...

1. Star Wars original trilogy

and in no particular order...

This is Spinal Tap
Spirited Away
Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Big Lebowski
Die Fälscher (The Counterfeiters)
Die Hard with a Vengeance
Jurassic Park (Original)
LOTR Trilogy
Dammit, I LOVE The Lord of the Rings, and all things Tolkein, and I can see how if you've never read the books the movies are all super cool, but seriously, the movies got nothin, and I mean nothin, on the books. JRR was a linguist, he studied mythology, and what he created was epic, a new story for the British in a time when everything was going to ****. Again, Joseph Campbell and the Hero with a Thousand Faces = Star Wars = Conan = best story ever told, Tolkein did it better than anybody. I read the whole trilogy out loud to my favorite girlfriend on road trips and before bed (that's you, Katy, if you're listening) because it even sounds great. The books are 100x better than the movies.
Dammit, I LOVE The Lord of the Rings, and all things Tolkein, and I can see how if you've never read the books the movies are all super cool, but seriously, the movies got nothin, and I mean nothin, on the books. JRR was a linguist, he studied mythology, and what he created was epic, a new story for the British in a time when everything was going to ****. Again, Joseph Campbell and the Hero with a Thousand Faces = Star Wars = Conan = best story ever told, Tolkein did it better than anybody. I read the whole trilogy out loud to my favorite girlfriend on road trips and before bed (that's you, Katy, if you're listening) because it even sounds great. The books are 100x better than the movies.

I read The Hobbit when I was seven or eight I think, about the same time as the animated version of LOTR came out in the 80's - scary stuff. I tried LOTR, but I couldn't get through the chapter with Tom Bombadil...
I'm actually in the midst of watching my way through the trilogy right now & can see why it's held in such high regards. They're just so bloody long, but I can also see how that helps contribute to its success.

If the books really are that much better, I may pick up a copy. I like seeing the differences between movies & books when Hollywood isn't mucking up the former.
In some sort of vague order, and bearing in mind I find it impossible to narrow down my favourite films to a choice of ten:

10 - The Bourne Ultimatum
9 - Jurassic Park
8 - The Departed
7 - Black Hawk Down
6 - Die Hard
5 - The Last of the Mohicans
4 - Gladiator
3 - Airplane!
2 - Predator
1 - The Shawshank Redemption

If I had room for a little more comedy, I would also include the Monty Python films, The Naked Gun, and Kingpin (completely stupid, and fantastic for it).

..And I've just remembered the existence of the Star Wars and Back to the Future trilogies...

EDIT:..And Platoon, The Great Escape...
Just 10 would be tough, but I guess these are the movies I can watch over and over and learn something new everytime I watch them/not get bored.

In no specific order :

12 Angry Men
Fight Club
Ocean's Eleven
Pulp Fiction
Catch Me If You Can
The Matrix Trilogy
The Anchorman
American Psycho
The Truman Show
Bridge on the River Quai (sp?)
The Guns of Navarone
Mr. Roberts (or Rogers not sure which)
Le Mans
James Bond Series
Indiana Jones Series
Gone in 60 Seconds (the original)
Gumball Rally
Smokey and the Bandit (the first one)

In no particular order. :)
In no particular order.

- Back to the Future. (Part 1)
- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.
- Unforgiven.
- The Italian Job. (The Original)
- Blade Runner.
- Pinapple Express.
- Golden Eye.
- The Raiders of the Lost Ark.
- Ronin.
- Monty Python, The Life Of Brian.
1. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
2. The Matrix
3. Star Wars Saga
4. Stardust
5. Hero
6. Daniel Craig starrer Bond movies (Casino and Quantum)
7. Catch Me If You Can
8. Ocean's Eleven
9. The Prestige
10. Truman Show/3:10 To Yuma/Iron Man/Speed Racer/Last Samurai/Minority Report/Gladiator/District 9 etc. etc.

Couldn't help but include all the remaining favourites in number 10 :dopey:
No particular order...

3:10 To Yuma
The Dark Knight
Better Luck Tomorrow
The Godfather
Resident Evil
Silent Hill
Once Brothers

Uh... no. I watched that movie very recently. It is horrific.

Dammit, I LOVE The Lord of the Rings, and all things Tolkein, and I can see how if you've never read the books the movies are all super cool, but seriously, the movies got nothin, and I mean nothin, on the books.

Don't compare them. Seriously stop it. The movies are awesome among movies and the books are awesome among books. LOTR is my favorite book (I consider it one book) of all time bar none... even the one my avatar refers to.

The LOTR movies are awesome too. Are they better than the book? No, but they're not books are they? The movies are amazing in their own right, just not in the same way. Yes they re-wrote parts of the book badly, but I'd stack the LOTR movies up against just about any other movie in existence.

Remember, people have been writing books for thousands of years. It's a well understood art form refined for a very long time. Movies as an art form are infants by comparison - especially color movies, with sound.
Uh... no. I watched that movie very recently. It is horrific.

Uh..? By no means is First Blood in my top movies ever list, but I find it ironic that you think it is horrific when you have You've Got Mail (the most cliche romantic comedy movie ever maybe?) in your top 10. Which, by the way, has stronger acting performance by AOL e-mail account than Tom Hanks or Meg Ryan.
Not in any specific order:
1. Senna
2. Inception
3. Goldfinger
4. Dark Knight
5. Karate Kid (original)
6. Star Trek (2009)
7. Star Wars Saga
8. Bourne Ultimatum
9. Wayne's World
10. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
-Some others that I struggled to keep on/off the list:
Jurassic Park 1 and 3
Road Warrior
Batman Under the Red Hood
Batman Beyond Return of the Joker
Cars 1 and 2
Toy Story Trilogy
Tommy Boy
The Great Outdoors
Uncle Buck
Bourne Identity
Terminator 1 and 2
Quantum of Solace
Fun with Dick and Jane (2005)
Iron Man 1 and 2
Catch me if you can
Back to the Future Trilogy
If I bothered to continue this could be the longest post ever submitted because there are SOOOOOO many good movies.
The Exorcist
The Passion of The Christ

4. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
5. Dr Strangelove or: How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
6. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
8. Pan's Labyrinth
9. Schindler's List
10. Up

Out of the first 3 I can't pick a favorite. All of them are fantastic.
In no particular order
1.the warriors
2,American werewolf in London
3,Almost Famous
4.Flying High
6.Dazed and Confused
9Fear & loathing in las Vegas
10.Shawshank Redemption
Uh..? By no means is First Blood in my top movies ever list, but I find it ironic that you think it is horrific when you have You've Got Mail (the most cliche romantic comedy movie ever maybe?) in your top 10. Which, by the way, has stronger acting performance by AOL e-mail account than Tom Hanks or Meg Ryan.

So Rambo is about a post-war veteran who gets handled roughly by a jerk cop and decides to become a mass murderer. In the end, after killing like 100 innocent cops he breaks down crying like a little girl because he feels bad about what he saw while he was at war... and this is supposed to make everything ok. Roll credits and queue terrible sappy music.

No that movie was an absolute train wreck.

There was some very good acting on the part of Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks in you've got mail, but more importantly, there was good writing. If you think that movie was about their email relationship, you missed the entire backdrop of the story. There is a very touching moment in that movie where she's closing her shop for the last time and recalling the time she spent there with her mother. The movie explores ways in which people identify with their careers and, in the case of entrepreneurs, businesses. The stark contrast between the way Tom hanks approaches his family business and the way Meg Ryan approaches hers is fully intentional. The focus of their business (customer service vs price) is also fully intentional, and the dichotomy of just how much the two have in common against just how much reason they have to despise each other is poignant.

Rambo is an excuse to blow up a town and a weak attempt at justifying violence against storm trooper like police officers. You've got mail is about different approaches to business and how that shapes our lives and relationships, and what is ultimately important in life - meaning.
I raised an eyebrow at the Rambo mention above, but okay.

It's a common theme, the man who goes through hell, keeps getting stepped on and disrespected, and then snaps, metes out his own justice, and then is chased down like a rabid dog by the "authorities". We're left to decide who's in the wrong, it's supposed to be morally ambiguous, since we should sympathize with the guy who goes crazy if his backstory is done well. Is it ever okay to take justice into your own hands? To fight your own government? It's a valid theme, and often well done.

Rambo is something from my childhood. An early, dark movie that was a moving and memorable experience. Any movie that is clearly remembered after 25+ years (for me) must be doing something right. I think it's one of the better done, more atmospheric movies in its genre.

But it's fun to hear such divergent opinions and the reasons behind them.
I'm not really arguing that Rambo isn't memorable, or even that it wasn't new or inventive for the time. It's definitely part of popular culture because of how memorable it was... but so is Top Gun, and that's an even worse movie than Rambo.

I think as a kid you can identify more with Rambo than as an adult. I didn't see the movie until it was old and I was old - which definitely changes perspective. Watch the movie again and think about what's going on and tell me you still think it's a good movie.

His character is just really weak. Obviously he's great at killing, but emotionally he's pathetic, and it's difficult to get past that. You're supposed to sympathize with that and understand why he's going off the deep end - but I never could.

Also one of the most anti-climactic we-had-no-idea-where-we-were-going-with-this endings I've seen in a long time. He's shooting everyone and everything and then someone says "hey, chill out" and he sobs and roll credits. WTH?
Heres no particular order

Die hard trilogy
The Hangover
Indiana jones trilogy
The Dark Knight
Its a wonderful life

just going to add a few more to mine..

Toy story 3
The Wrestler

..a lot of the films on your lists i havent Shawshank Redemption!
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Uncle Buck

I used to love that movie when i was a kid, if you like that watch Planes, Trains & Automobiles.

10's not enough for me :lol:

No specific order:
Green Mile
Shawshank Redemption
Terminator 2
Godfather 1/2
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp fiction
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Usual Suspects
Lock, Stock and Two smoking barrels
Lord of the rings (1,2 and 3)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
A Fistful of Dollars
For a Few dollars more
Saving Prvate Ryan
Planes, Trains & Automobiles

And there's many more i can't remember at the moment
Sanji Himura's Top 20 Movies of All Time - 2012 Edition

20. Batman(1989)
19. The Patriot(2000)
18. Tomorrow Never Dies(1997)
17. To Kill a Mockingbird(1962)
16. My Cousin Vinny(1992)
15. Batman the Movie(1966)
14. Dr. No(1962)
13. Batman Begins(2005)
12. Rambo(2008)
11. Die Hard(1988)
10. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly(1966)
09. Iron Man(2008)
08. Braveheart(1995)
07. The Dark Knight Rises(2012)
06. Batman Beyond: The Return of the Joker(2000)
05. The Postman(1997)
04. Highlander: Endgame(2000)
03. Highlander(1986)
02. The Avengers(2012)
01. The Dark Knight(2008)
1. The Godfather 1&2
2. Pulp Fiction
3. The Great Dictator
4. Toy Story 3
5. The Dark Knight Rises
6. Fantasia
7. Inglorious Basterds
8. Life Is Beautiful
9. The Dark Knight
10. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
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