[GTR2][RACE] GTR2Series Season 2 - Good Ending vs. Sad Air Horn

  • Thread starter rallymorten

Today, Raven Motorsport confirmed plans for the upcoming season. The team will field a Porsche 911, and will bring back their primary sponsor - the ALS Association. The team's co-owner/driver Jett Raven elaborated, "I am very excited to have the ALS Association back on board. Their cause is near and dear to my heart. We have also inked a deal with the US Marine Corp, and my longtime sponsor Mountain Dew will return with us as well."

The team unveiled their primary and secondary liveries today. Jett Raven continued, "I am really excited to finally have our car painted and ready for testing. We decided to go for a sort of retro look for our primary with the off-white and racing stripe, and for the secondary everyone knows things look badder in black!" The car will be tested at Watkins Glen later this week.





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Forgive me for using this chance to say it, but @DCybertron, that .zip file can't even anymore. There appears to be a glitch in the matrix.
this is literally like, the end of the world now i'm like, 100% SO done.

Anyways I'm just gonna .zip the .png's or something.


  • stuffdotpng.zip
    1,004.7 KB · Views: 16
Got liveries for @BKGlover, @DCybertron and @samurai8juice. Total number of primaries up to 18, which means, with the latest additions to the driver list taken into account, we're only 12 cars form having a fully painted grid.

Not biased with logo.jpg


In other news, I know there at this point is still some time until the deadline for solving the number problem, but as progress on that part seems unlikely (it should be noted that the only reason I went this far was due to the pre-signup-thingy and me not remembering who did that when. In future situations, if there's a conflict, I'll give the ones involved some time to find a solution. If that's not possible, I'll bump the number of whoever was last to the next available number. Short process ftw :D ), I've already done the draw. I'll keep my mouth shut until it's time, though :mischievous:
Time for the results of the number conflict between @samurai8juice and @CodDemon101.

Random.org did two different randomizations, one to decide if the eventual "winner" would keep the number or find a new, the other to find said "winner".

The results of the first (best of 3) was that the winner would keep the number.

And who was the winner, you might ask?

This was done as a best of 5, and the atmospheric noise had a clear favorite:


This means samurai8juice will instead run #77 (as requested if chosen). I have already made the necessary changes.

Again, please note that if, at any point in the future, two people plan on using the same number, I'll give them a little time to figure it out between themselves. If that turns out to be impossible, whoever requested that number last will be nudged up to the next available number.
Time for the results of the number conflict between @samurai8juice and @CodDemon101.

Random.org did two different randomizations, one to decide if the eventual "winner" would keep the number or find a new, the other to find said "winner".

The results of the first (best of 3) was that the winner would keep the number.

And who was the winner, you might ask?

This was done as a best of 5, and the atmospheric noise had a clear favorite:


This means samurai8juice will instead run #77 (as requested if chosen). I have already made the necessary changes.

Changes being made to reflect the result of this. Expect PM soon.
As I am probably not gonna be able to finish my template in time and would appreciate it if no else did mine, I regrettably announce that I must withdraw from this series. I blame only myself for not completing it in the necessary time frame.
As I am probably not gonna be able to finish my template in time and would appreciate it if no else did mine, I regrettably announce that I must withdraw from this series. I blame only myself for not completing it in the necessary time frame.


That's sad to hear, but if your decision has been made..

It doesn't help if I tell you this deadline is only for the preseason rounds?
Wait, Preseason rounds?

Hell, I'll skip them :lol: I just need some more time to finish these schemes.

Da wurld haz ben savd!!!1! :lol:

Sure thing, adds a little drama to the story if you go on to win :D

Just a little heads-up to all of you. This means that once the deadline is reached, the only drivers without livery you can't create a livery for is Turbo_snail (which I hope I'll have finished by the end of the weekend) and Gerarghini (opting out of preseason.. gr8 roleplay shall commence!)
I just did one hell of a rush job, only to find out it was only for Pre season?


Whoa, calm down there! No need to go all Hades on us all! :lol:

It might be preseason, but they can still be used once the actual season kicks off. They're just ready a little early :)

(speaking of which, @AJHG1000, will you be using both the Martini and Alitalia ones, and if so, which of them should I consider primary?)

In other news, I took delivery of three more cars this morning, bringing the total amount of primaries up to 22 👍