[GTR2][RACE] GTR2Series Season 2 - Good Ending vs. Sad Air Horn

  • Thread starter rallymorten
The hardest part about the EEC nod is getting the skins to show up. It's not done the conventional way, everything I tried didn't work, so let's hope rallymorten finds a way to make them show up.

And if you do figure it out, @rallymorten, do tell me how. I've been wanting to make my own championship with it for so long ;_;
Well, that's exactly what all off-season GTR2 events will help understand.

Just, I beg, if a way is found, don't be a douche and "k-thx-bai-*creates-new-series*" before it's finally decided whether or not it'll be used here :)

Besides, what about that other thing y'know?
So I decided to download the EEC GT3 mod and see what we got. Let me give you guys some number on just what this mod is about to offer us for season 3:

- 15 Different car models (Including three new ones from the current 3 Manufacterers)
- 28 Different Specs/variations (Including 5 from two of the current Manufacterers)
- 11 Makes (With 8 new ones joining the 3 we currently have)

So yeah, you guys will be spoiled for choice. Did you have a hard time choosing for season 2? You will now :lol:

Bloody hell, it has more variation than even GTR2 itself! Calling this a "hard pick" would be a grave euphemism, really, since we have just about anything but the kitchen sink to pick... :lol:

Of course, as morten says, we'll have to see which cars are friendly to the lesser painters (guys like me, basically), and which are not overpowering within the same field of cars. So, a lot of testing is in order.

Oh yeah, and, in addition to The Thing, who's up for this as an off-season-while-we-wait-for-me-to-finish-them-S3-templates?

View attachment 444062

It wouldn't involve skinning, but it would involve another form of personalisation (assuming, which I believe to be the case, that works)..

Can't really say "why not", never knew you could make some sort of championship out of Richard Burns Rally (?). Should be an interesting little spin-off to keep us busy while the main series gets prepared.
Edit: Considering we somehow managed to Get @Jordan in the GTPFS, I wonder if its possible we could do the same to happen here with @daan. He's managed to do some pretty damn good skins (and he actually got me started in painting skins for GTR2, though I was horrid at the time)

Well, there's only ever really one way to know.

I'd wait until we're closer to either The Thing (which shouldn't be long), The Other Thing (if it happens) or the Remote Racing Rally Cup (name is w.i.p., but it is closer to Remote Racing than true B-Spec)

Can't really say "why not", never knew you could make some sort of championship out of Richard Burns Rally (?). Should be an interesting little spin-off to keep us busy while the main series gets prepared.

Well, you can! Somewhat, at least. There's still a little testing to be done in regards to the mentioned personalisation, and I haven't found a way to change the order of or replace the events of the in-game championship (the only time there's actual AI because rally), but you can sort of make a championship from that.

And yes, it's not really meant to be anything but a spin-off. Unless it gets extremely popular and I figure out to change the rallies and stuffs :D
Well, you can! Somewhat, at least. There's still a little testing to be done in regards to the mentioned personalisation, and I haven't found a way to change the order of or replace the events of the in-game championship (the only time there's actual AI because rally), but you can sort of make a championship from that.

And yes, it's not really meant to be anything but a spin-off. Unless it gets extremely popular and I figure out to change the rallies and stuffs :D

Well I'll be darned, never thought that was remotely possible with a rally game, learned something new today. And I'm sure you'll find a way of making it work, the RBR community isn't necessarily a small one if you catch my drift. I'd be quite interested to see a championship like that materialize, mainly because it's something that no one else has attempted before in GTP's B-Spec world.

And hey, if it works, why not think of it as a future main championship rather than a spin-off? Of course, with all the existing B-Spec series, perhaps it might be wiser to make it a mini-series within this one to avoid lack of entries. You know, thinking ahead doesn't hurt to do... :sly:

You should get rFactor and download the Rallycross mod.

RALLYCROSS B SPEC!!!!!!! :lol:

I could picture hsv losing his collective s:censored: and chomping at the bit to join a series like that, haha. :lol:
You should get rFactor and download the Rallycross mod.

RALLYCROSS B SPEC!!!!!!! :lol:

Not going to lie, I do want rFactor. I just need sum moar dosh in order to get it.

And hey, if it works, why not think of it as a future main championship rather than a spin-off?

Like I said, right now it's just a spin-off. If, and that's a big if, someone knows and is willing to tell me how to change things in the championship (which, apart from events, also includes the amount of drivers - only 13 (14 with me) are supported), it might become a main series.
Well, rallying confirmed as off-season event, I guess.

If everything goes and works according to plan, people with plenty of experience in RPG and (potentially) "gambling"/risks should have a distinct advantage.

GTR2S3 maybe around December/Early 2016 (the latter is more likely because christmas :P )
If everything goes and works according to plan, people with plenty of experience in RPG and (potentially) "gambling"/risks should have a distinct advantage.

GTR2S3 maybe around December/Early 2016 (the latter is more likely because christmas :P )

Aaand there go my chances right off the bat; the only RPG I know how to play is Super Robot Taisen, and my "gambling luck" is worst than a drunk Ric Flair playing in a rigged casino. In this case, I'll be able to have a distinct (dis)advantage... :lol:

Also, 2016? Dang, the hard work is indeed real, it'll take a while to set things up... Still, hopefully this will mean that said hard work will make the series as good as it can be.
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Someone's pretty hopeful, eh? :lol:

Right now I'm picturing three different versions of it, and so far two of them have the ability to support more than 13 people. Sure is going to be interesting when the final version is released.

And the reason for the long delay is partly because templates/spec, partly because rally series, partly because christmas and partly because school. So yeah..
Someone's pretty hopeful, eh? :lol:

Right now I'm picturing three different versions of it, and so far two of them have the ability to support more than 13 people. Sure is going to be interesting when the final version is released.

And the reason for the long delay is partly because templates/spec, partly because rally series, partly because christmas and partly because school. So yeah..

Gotta learn to kerb my enthusiasm somewhat, knowing how badly my GTR2 season started (insert "joke" about PD's behavior here or something)... :lol:

Wow, so you managed to overcome the 13-drivers limit? Sounds pretty interesting, I do wonder how are you going to tackle this. Saying that I am curious about this rally thing would be an understatement...

Oh, fair enough, real life needs to get in the way of virtual progress after all. Otherwise it would be too easy to reenact our personal racing fantasies, haha. :lol:
Aaand there go my chances right off the bat; the only RPG I know how to play is Super Robot Taisen, and my "gambling luck" is worst than a drunk Ric Flair playing in a rigged casino. In this case, I'll be able to have a distinct (dis)advantage... :lol:
You think if we stand back-to-back we'd have better odds?:D

Spa will feature rolling start (planned on being used for S3, regardless if GT3 or not) so I'll be trying out a grid-order-runs-across-the-screen-while-cars-go-around-the-track thing instead of what we've seen so far, hence why I haven't bothered with the usual display.
You think if we stand back-to-back we'd have better odds?:D

Might as well... wait, it's a rally competition, if you start out in front of me I'll have to eat your dust (literally)! On the plus side, you being in front means that you get to clean the path while I have a (slightly) easier time finding the right grip areas. Haha. :lol:

As for Spa, no need for spoilers, my result is average at best. Still, it can be worked into something good if people other than me screw up during the race. Also, it seems that our friends, the BMW MCrew, are getting back on track when it comes to perfomance... Not good for the other crews who don't have Beemers.
As for Spa, no need for spoilers, my result is average at best. Still, it can be worked into something good if people other than me screw up during the race. Also, it seems that our friends, the BMW MCrew, are getting back on track when it comes to perfomance... Not good for the other crews who don't have Beemers.

Ahm, let me just say it like this:

Rit gets sheal.

Also here's a little something in preparation for the rallying.
(and yes, that is me asking for your creativity in creating drivers. And yes, I have already made a Loëb, Grönholm, Sainz, McRae, Solberg and Mäkinen)
Ahm, let me just say it like this:

Rit gets sheal.

Also here's a little something in preparation for the rallying.
(and yes, that is me asking for your creativity in creating drivers. And yes, I have already made a Loëb, Grönholm, Sainz, McRae, Solberg and Mäkinen)

Oh s(PG censoring, go!)t... Looks like little ol'Spa has not lost her touch when it comes to amazing GT racing, but then again, we should all be aware of that. Can't wait to see how mad the race will be...

Also, already sent out a form regarding creating "a" driver (kinda missed that part at first, dumb me) for your series. Gotta wonder where you'll go with this...
NAGATOOOOOO!! :D It was the ARTA paint that made her faster!

I made some suggestions, one real and one... Not so real :lol:
Oh s(PG censoring, go!)t... Looks like little ol'Spa has not lost her touch when it comes to amazing GT racing, but then again, we should all be aware of that.

..and this is exactly what you'll be left thinking after seeing this race.

It is literally movie style action. So much that it might necessitate a longer video to fit all highlights (but then again, Spa is also the longest race, so anything but that'd be amazing).

It was the ARTA paint that made her faster!

I'm left thinking the exact same thing with my driver, exactly like last season: special livery = faster, for some reason.

Should be able to get the rally thing up some point this week, hopefully.
..and this is exactly what you'll be left thinking after seeing this race.

It is literally movie style action. So much that it might necessitate a longer video to fit all highlights (but then again, Spa is also the longest race, so anything but that'd be amazing).

Bloody hell, you are not talking about it lightly, that much I can tell. "Movie style action" is not something you see every day in a GT race, much less a GTR2 one. It seems that everything clicked together at the right time, and the final race in Spa will surely deliver because of it. Now I really can't wait to see the race's video...

And you could always put together a "best Season 2 moments" video if you're so inclined... It would be a pretty nifty idea.
Welp, during recording for Spa, I have found out that there is at least one "legit" crash that includes a single car doing more than 10 rolls.

As far as I can remember, that is the biggest amount of rolls by a single car in a single crash in GTR2Series history, (bordering the total amount of rolls in the Rotten Egg Rally!) and the lucky one shall be presented with the FailRace Moon Gravity Trophy for that.
It'll be RACECAR, I told ya that Red Bull livery would've given him wings. Did anyone take my guess seriously? Obviously not, I called it. :lol:

At least whoever rolled will get some consolation prize for it. It's a fake trophy, yes, but it's something. That and the media exposure...
How much are you willing to bet? :P

Recording finally done, should have most highlights. Expected duration is about 20 minutes.

2 bucks and three Chuck E. Cheese tokens. Only the highest bets will appease my gambling apetite, you know. I am a high stakes sort of person. :cool: :lol:

Also, 20 minutes, huh? Still shorter than Jahgee's videos.... oops, wrong thing to say, haha. :dopey: (Bad) jokes aside, looks like we will have quite a lot of highlights this time around. Not bad, looking foward to it.
2 bucks and three Chuck E. Cheese tokens. Only the highest bets will appease my gambling apetite, you know. I am a high stakes sort of person. :cool: :lol:

Also, 20 minutes, huh? Still shorter than Jahgee's videos.... oops, wrong thing to say, haha. :dopey: (Bad) jokes aside, looks like we will have quite a lot of highlights this time around. Not bad, looking foward to it.
Implying my videos aren't highlights:lol: