GTRA | RSeat WSGTC S3 | Round 1 | Fuji F | Autobacs GT

  • Thread starter Litchi
Yeah seems only fair to give him time to Quali since he was ready to go but couldnt due to time clashes :(. Btw Doc ill send my setup over (Its a little late since you quallified though :() Im in college atm ill be home in 1 and a bit hours to send it to you :).
My father has a job. Oh and he was available for 5 hours, and nobody showed up in 5 hours. If you ask me that's enough time to have at least one steward show up. My father asked for a steward nicely. Not trying to bash anyone, everyone is doing a great job.

One question, PSN is down, so how can he qualify now?

Most of us have jobs believe it or not ;-)

No one said your father didn't ask politely I think the comment was more aimed at you after the post that you had left.

If the maintenance prevents anyone from getting their run in before the current deadline then I expect the deadline will be extended, as it normally is, to something like 1800 GMT Friday. It can't be any later than this for PAL conference for obvious reasons but if it's still not feasible for someone in NTSC to qualify (as the deadline would then be 10am PST and as you say people have to work) then maybe the NTSC deadline can be a little later as their race isn't for another day. Subject to agreement by admins of course.

And btw several people got qualified last night well within 5 hours of your father posting his initial request so there were people around you just have to look in the rooms, they are open 24/7, you don't need to post here and wait for a response just go and look 👍
*Waits for people to complain of a deadline extension after rushing in their qualis* :lol:

I for one am happy with my run so im not bothered :D.
Agree, Litchi. My post wasnt to bash the Stewards. I just think, like Red said, there should be a table showing which stewards are available at respective times. That would make things easier for everyone, specially those who have limited time. Im pretty sure, my father isnt the only one with a job of course.

Ouh yea, no worry, I posted my post without reading yours, there were a lot and I saw lots of lap times ... So I said "thank you". Nothing else ;)

And I think it's a too much work to create a table showing which stewards are available at respective times. I think that it would be easier to allowed more guys for the quali stewarding.
Most of us have jobs believe it or not ;-)

No one said your father didn't ask politely I think the comment was more aimed at you after the post that you had left.

If the maintenance prevents anyone from getting their run in before the current deadline then I expect the deadline will be extended, as it normally is, to something like 1800 GMT Friday. It can't be any later than this for PAL conference for obvious reasons but if it's still not feasible for someone in NTSC to qualify (as the deadline would then be 10am PST and as you say people have to work) then maybe the NTSC deadline can be a little later as their race isn't for another day. Subject to agreement by admins of course.

And btw several people got qualified last night well within 5 hours of your father posting his initial request so there were people around you just have to look in the rooms, they are open 24/7, you don't need to post here and wait for a response just go and look 👍

I know many have jobs here, Im aware of that :)

My dad had to go to sleep at around 11PM EST, and no steward was to be seen at that time. He can only qualify after 6PM EST, like I said. PSN will be down at that time today, so unless he can qualify tomorrow at this time after the PAL he wont be able to race :( Like you said, NTSC conference deadline should be different than PAL. PAL qualifying should end on Thursday night and NTSC on Friday. I think this would help a lot. Nice idea there. 👍
*Waits for people to complain of a deadline extension after rushing in their qualis* :lol:

I for one am happy with my run so im not bothered :D.

I think you have to anticipate an extension when maintenance is concerned, but to bank on it and leave it until the last minute is never wise for a number of reasons. I wouldn't call doing your quali a day ahead of the original deadline rushing it exactly. If you've had a busy schedule that's prevented you from practicing at all for nearly a week then you have to deal with that as best you can rather than find someone or something else to blame.
damn, still the same thing, network compatibility issues... i guess i will have to skip the first race and try to fix it

Is ur connection wired? I could see you entering the lobby but could not get through. Added you already.
Yeah Skanny I know but it doesnt stop people complaining ;), I hope we are a good enough group now for it not to happen this time :).
Yeah Skanny I know but it doesnt stop people complaining ;), I hope we are a good enough group now for it not to happen this time :).

This isn't anything official, but I would be inclined to say, those that have already quallifyed get to keep their current position. Anyone needing an extension would be placed behind anyone getting in on time. Just thinking out loud, so to speak
The irony in all this, is I was on earlier, but had to go to bed earlier then normal for work. :P

This isn't anything official, but I would be inclined to say, those that have already quallifyed get to keep their current position. Anyone needing an extension would be placed behind anyone getting in on time. Just thinking out loud, so to speak
I don't see a need, every time so far, that the PSN went down, the deadline was extended, I think it's the norm, and fine this way.
PAL deadline changed to 1 hour before the race, and NTSC deadline extended 24 hours, to 11:59 Fri PST.
The irony in all this, is I was on earlier, but had to go to bed earlier then normal for work. :P

I don't see a need, every time so far, that the PSN went down, the deadline was extended, I think it's the norm, and fine this way.
PAL deadline changed to 1 hour before the race, and NTSC deadline extended 24 hours, to 11:59 Fri PST.


I got mine done last night but it doesn't bother me if anyone needs to utilise an extension (only in the case of maintenance of course) i used the extension 2 weeks ago as I didn't have time before the maintenance, it's swings and roundabouts really.

Everyone is given ample time to practice for each race before committing to a quali run so I don't buy it when people say oh I already qualified and now you're extending the deadline that's not fair. If you genuinely haven't been able to find an hour or 2 in the 6 days between the last race and the quali deadline for the next race and you have to quali without practice you can't pin the blame for your performance on others, you have to live with it

The main issue is actually being available to do you're run at a time when a steward is available and if maintenance prevents this the deadline gets extended, no brainer really.
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I still think we should allow Neps dad Bortech to qualify since he was on in time but couldnt find a steward to qualify him.. (Just to be fair :))
This isn't anything official, but I would be inclined to say, those that have already quallifyed get to keep their current position. Anyone needing an extension would be placed behind anyone getting in on time. Just thinking out loud, so to speak

My dad got in on time, just had no steward at the time. He would be able to qualify today if it wasnt for the maintenance. :ouch: Like CSL said, in case of a maintenance the best thing to do is extend the deadline.
I'm online now as I signed in this morning, if anyone else did the same and wants to quali tonight I will be around for the next 6 hours or so just shout!
i need a stewar plz... i'm in pal-1 right now !!

Just joined 👍

Is the maintenance still running even? Just saw biffy sign in, what's the score biff?
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I have signed the pal-1 account into psn and joined the room. Should be easier to find. If anyone adds it by friend request, please post and I will accept it. I am away from the ps3, wife's birthday.
It's looking like the pal divisions may be running extra rooms for the fight for the 13th to 16th points.
If this is the case, we will run a mixed class for anyone outside the top 12 in each division. Interest permitting,
I have signed the pal-1 account into psn and joined the room. Should be easier to find. If anyone adds it by friend request, please post and I will accept it. I am away from the ps3, wife's birthday.

Could be yours if you play your cards right :D
Mine was out earlier but is up now. I see a bunch of you in pal-1. I'm in NTSC -1 do you want to qualify graham? Got no answer in the room.
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Yes it is, thank you I was going to pm you and tell you. Did a 38.863. Pb. I think some of it is I brake a bit to soon here and to much there. LOL

Edit: down to a 1:38.528 PB

I'm out of ntsc1 for a while. I'll try to be back on at 3 pm pst for about an hour. Then can be back around 9 pm pst. I have race from 5-7pm pst (as long as the PSN allows it)
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So it seems I'm in with the Raybrig... Odd car these Hondas, but finally participating will be fun. I'll be Online around 10PM-PST for the last two hours of Quali. 1:40.s seems to be all I can get out of the default setup for now (Fuji is not my Fav track either). At least the car was broken in by B-SPEC ages ago... Dunno if the Chassis Reinforcement broke it or not...

Watch your rear view, Beachcomber Tom coming through!
So it seems I'm in with the Raybrig... Odd car these Hondas, but finally participating will be fun. I'll be Online around 10PM-PST for the last two hours of Quali. 1:40.s seems to be all I can get out of the default setup for now (Fuji is not my Fav track either). At least the car was broken in by B-SPEC ages ago... Dunno if the Chassis Reinforcement broke it or not...

Watch your rear view, Beachcomber Tom coming through!

Youll probably be able to catch Iforcev8, GTP_overheating or myself at that time.
Wow, when did the competition for GT500 turn up :scared: My quali mess-up had a bigger effect than I thought it would.. oh well, should make for a fun race :D
So it seems I'm in with the Raybrig... Odd car these Hondas, but finally participating will be fun. I'll be Online around 10PM-PST for the last two hours of Quali. 1:40.s seems to be all I can get out of the default setup for now (Fuji is not my Fav track either). At least the car was broken in by B-SPEC ages ago... Dunno if the Chassis Reinforcement broke it or not...

Watch your rear view, Beachcomber Tom coming through!

Have you added the psn accounts?
I haven't seen any friend requests

EDIT : i have added you on the ntsc accounts, please add the pal accounts. WSGTC-PAL-1 is the main qualifying account.
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Biffy look at GT300s thats been turned up to 11. Less than 1 second between pole and 11th is insane close :scared:.