Take note!
IF the servers go offline, and we are not able to hold qualisessions, deadline is moved 10 hours.
Qualifying Deadline: Friday 10.00 am CET / 09.00 am BST / 08.00 am UTC and Thursday 23.59 PM (PACIFIC STANDARD TIME) / 3.00 AM (EST). The deadlines are Fridays (UTC/CET)
Qualifying Deadline: Friday 20.00 am CET / 19.00 am BST / 18.00 am UTC and Friday 10.00 PM (PACIFIC STANDARD TIME) / 14.00 AM (EST). The deadlines are Fridays (UTC/CET)
ALSO: Remember that the race that JPzer participates in will start 1 hour after our usual starttime.
That would be
CT: 20.30 PM (GMT)
GF: 21.00 PM (GMT)
This seems to sum up the attitude of most new comers. Come on guys, this is the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, do you really expect to be able to win in your 1st race with just a few hours of practice? This league is very competitive and the front runners have lots of skill, talent and experience. You have no idea.
Qualification is an essential part of each race weekend. Skipping it is like saying you're not committed to the series. Besides based on last weeks quali results, if you don't qualify you will not even make it on the grid. I do want to encourage you to stay in the series but seriously, if you're new to the series you should set reasonable goals for yourself. I'd say if you manage to qualify, start the race and finish it without wrecking and destroying someone else's race that's a huge victory in itself.
It does require a pretty huge commitment, and a lot of practice to be able to run with, and compete with the top guys in both classes.
And it takes at least as much commitment and skill to finish a race without causing damage, or ruin other drivers races as well.
If you take a look at the last rounds results, in the penaly collumn, it's pretty obvious who raced in WSGTC before, and who participates for the first time. I'm not trying to point someone out, it's just the way it works. We had the exact same situation last season as well. It's simply a matter of learning how to race, when you got an opportunity to pass, and when you do not got the opportunity. It's also about learning to respect other drivers positions, and also to learn how to approach corners racing in a pack.
You can not compare recing online in any sim to a real race. We are a lot more handicaped in many ways. We do not have perifial view, everything is in 2D, not 3D for instance. The distance can be hard to judge. It's all a matter of practice. Last 5-6 races last season saw some of the best online racing I've ever experienced. Mostly because we all knew eachother very well, and all knew the limits. You will most likely see a lot less incident reports as we go along.
So to all who thinks the competition is tough, and the penalties to strict, hang in there, and I can promise you that you'll see what I mean a race or two down the road. 👍
Yup, I did a 1.56.059 in practise quali 5minutes before real quali.
But I just can't do quali's, I get way too nervous
It's sooo hard to do a perfect lap at Nur GP/F. I thought that low 56's was required to make D1 this week. But the more I practiced earlier to day, I was thinking that high 56's will probably be good enough. It's a long lap with a lot of corners to get absolutely right if you want to pull a low 56. I think most of us can do it. But to do it within your 2 lap window is something else, especially when someone is watching, and at the same time not run dirty. As we all know, a dirty lap is most sertainly taking you to D2, or perhaps not even to the grid. But that's what I love most about our quali sessions.. The pressure..