Guess That Car! (blurred pictures + leaderboard)

  • Thread starter G.T
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Stop editing! That's the 2nd time! And it's not a 5.
Hint: It's a special version
I just realized that so I edited the post, but now that you say it's "special" is it a Tommy Makinen version?

You know, this edit tool really makes me happy...
I just realized that so I edited the post, but now that you say it's "special" is it a Tommy Makinen version?
Yes. It's a 6 TME.

That's pretty neat. I've never seen a picture of an actual one, only on the games. So it's my turn now. It might take a few.
Here it is. I think it'll be easy as crap, especially since you guys can name the craziest cars. I might not have made the blur extreme enough, but it's my first so:

All three wrong. It's a real car, a real picture, and it's a picture by the company. If you take some characteristics from Wolfe's guess and Slidesquad's guess you'll be closer. It's from a mainstream company, too, not a kit car or anything. It's fairly new. I didn't think it would be this hard.
Here's a tip: step back from the screen a few feet and it'll probably pop right into your head.
No, it's from a related company though, and it's a new release.
He's young and energetic. His older brother is a little more civilized and has been picking up chicks since the late 90s. Chicks dig convertibles.
Good Job MistaX! It's a Cayman, S if you want to be particular. I really don't know why they called it an S, there's no standard version.

Don't be dissing on the Cayman. I think if I could pick one car to live with that would probably be it. It does everything great, and look at it. It's beautiful!
Don't be dissing on the Cayman. I think if I could pick one car to live with that would probably be it. It does everything great, and look at it. It's beautiful!

does it go to home depot and pick up dry-wall well?
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