Guess That Car v2! (Blurred pictures + leaderboard)

  • Thread starter G.T
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Yes it is, but there are loads of different models: 2000, HPE, Berlina, Trevi, etc. This one is the Beta Montecarlo or Scorpion for the US market. :)

OK, thanks for clearing that up. Next time I won't post a car with so many different names!
So it must be Chinese? Anymore hints? I can barely even see the proportions of the car.
Yep, right now it has just become a Chinese car name guessing game. There seems to be no way whatsoever to distinguish what the picture really is.
The more I look at it, the more it looks like a cat. :odd: Perhaps this should be in the 'Guess That Cat' thread.

Could we have a version of this blurred not shredded please?
OK, there was a discussion earlier on this thread about creating a new one and having an active leaderboard and set rules. I am still willing to do this. Should I? I believe somebody else was also willing.
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