Guess That Car v2! (Blurred pictures + leaderboard)

  • Thread starter G.T
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So you want me to re upload it ?
all right

So you want me to re upload it ?

No, just delete the pic form your message, than unblur the pic a little in your photo editor, than post the pic again in your message, and than save it... or just say what car it is...
Gallardo? R8?

Yup the OP used to say max 2 guesses per turn. And less of the generic "Ford?" "Is it French?" questions ideally, perhaps? Though perhaps that's personal taste.

2 guesses per turn then no turn until confirmed seems a good plan to me though. Any reply back from the OP on putting the rules back in yet?
Instend of asking the OP to put the rules why not close this one and a start new one (Guess That Car v3) and with someone who has the time to maintain the leaderboard amd post all the rules
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Instend of asking the OP to put the rules why not close this one and a start new one (Guess That Car v3) and with someone who has the time to maintain the leaderboard amd post all the rules

I like that idea. Do you want to, since you're so good?
Let's have a vote between theo and beeble and whoever gets the most votes by let's say 7:00 pm EST tomorrow wins. What u guys think?
Instend of asking the OP to put the rules why not close this one and a start new one (Guess That Car v3) and with someone who has the time to maintain the leaderboard amd post all the rules

Nice idea, but as with all sites people will eventually leave GTP and then would some one else have to instantly copy paste the leaderboard as soon as the maintainer became inactive. Would work if there a bunch of people dedicated.
You got it. I thought it would have been harder.

I recognised those chrome front bumper things. Here's the next one:

Should be easy, though it is a really bad photo (I took it)
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