Guess That Car/Track/Song- Spec 2.0 Edition

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New York Circuit

And you're..



Actually, you're right. Simple explanation, really:

"Although I personally have only appeared in two games, a castrated version of me exists in two games released after mine. Talk about originiality?"

This version of New York only appeared in GT4 Prologue and GT4. Yet there were alternate versions of this (very same?) circuit in Forza Motorsport 3 and 4. And those are castrated because? Well, look at them! Apart from the cute little chicanes they're a bunch of straights with a few corners to combine them.

"To their defence, they actually were there first. Is this what you could call a father-son complex?"

There was also a New York circuit in the original Forza Motorsport. Post-script: GT4 Prologue and GT4 actually was there before FM, but that's a mistake on my part :guilty:. Nevertheless, it adds to the "who inspires who" conspiracy theories.

I don't think you've guessed the games yet. It most certainly isn't Gran Turismo (hinty?)

Obvious, right?

"Situated near the Center of Time, where I make a 90° right, some prefer to go straight"

Center = Central Park, on the north side of the track, between the chicane-ish-thingy and the roundabout. Did you think those trees were Deep Forest?

Time = Times Square. Obvious.

The last part once again refers to the FM3 and 4 versions of the track.

Nope, but in some way, the track I'm looking for is related to super speedways :)

"I don't really understand why Bernie thinks a track on the other side of the river can be more entertaining than me. I have so much more to offer than it would ever be able to dream of. Straights that rival Monza, braking zones that might cause a lock-up or two.."

1: New York = USA = NASCAR = (somewhat, at least) Super Speedways

2: Bernie (Ecclestone) and the plans of a New Jersey street course, basically just on the other side of the Hudson River. The rest, well, boot up your GT4 and try it for yourself. They even made a round of the Formula GT take place here (did they just predict the future?)

What do you think when I say that the track I'm thinking of "Don't need to fight to prove it's right" in relation to the latest hint?

Or, better yet:

Al's gone to Quin's place

1: CSI: New York, nuff said.

2: Al's gone to Quin's place = Algonquin = Liberty City (GTA IV version) = New York
I taught Bernie would be Bernie Crane.

But anyways time for a song riddle

"An angelic voice can be heard in this song as vocals"
I think we owe @Famine a favor (yes, I did, through this page, find you "performing moderator duties" and viewing this thread afterwards) :cheers:

Anyway, after the longest off-topic session I've withnessed (and partly contributed to :guilty: ), on with the subject at hand
Well, frankly nobody's given a guess yet, so there isn't really a benchmark for that.

Little advice to you all: provide hints regularly (around every 5 guesses/3 hours if nobody's guessing). That'll make people less likely to lose interest in your riddle.
For now, we make a guess and count four hours. Not much more to do :)

The Cardigans - My Favorite Game (doubt it, but it just might be)
5OUL ON D!SPLAY, Daiki Kasho
Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps), David Bowie
Mirage, Daiki Kasho
Soul of garage, Isamu Ohira

Edit: I can haz wan moar hintz? (Can I have one more hint?)
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"What to Believe" - Gran Turismo 4 (performed by Dakota Star, vocals by Alan Brey and Chiaki, music arrangement by Daiki Kasho, lyrics by Alan Brey)

"Break Down" - Gran Turismo 4 (performed by Dakota Star, vocals by Chiaki, music arrangement by Daiki Kasho and Alan Brey, lyrics by Alan Brey)

"It's All About You" - Gran Turismo 4 (performed by Dakota Star, vocals by Chiaki, music arrangement by Daiki Kasho and Alan Brey, lyrics by Chiaki and Alan Brey)
We have new rule about guessing songs, only two songs. So get rid of one guess please