Guess That Track


This one. :-D
After the tsunami and the meltdown of Fukushima, evacuees sent to Tsukuba were refused refuge within the city because they did not have certificates declaring them radiation free.
This one. :-D
After the tsunami and the meltdown of Fukushima, evacuees sent to Tsukuba were refused refuge within the city because they did not have certificates declaring them radiation free.

Lol, only guessed Tsukuba because it was the only Japanese location not guessed earlier.

Ok, here we go:
Unlike many other circuits, no city has ever called me theirs. Sad, as I'm possibly one of the best tracks in the world.
Deep Forest?


Tracks like Nürburgring, La Sarthe etc. was always located in a city, Grand Valley, Midfield etc. had a city next to them in some of the GT games.. But never Deep Forest. And in my opinion, Deep Forest is one of the best tracks
For crying out loud people, why do you guess when you're clearly not interested??

I'm putting this up:

Though we both provide spectacular racing, my son is soon ending as I: Abandoned. Good luck!
How the heck do you do that :) correct!

How I do that? Watch pretty much every form of car racing and play almost any racing game available since you're 4 years old :D That, and a good memory of trivia :sly:

As for my little riddle... Hmm...

"If I was a real track, races wouldn't last more than 3 laps"