I think that message fails to get passed on to a lot of gun owners who can simply walk into a shop and buy the ability to kill with ease. You may have a gun as security against the day you 🤬 up and find yourself in an untenable situation, but you should absolutely be doing everything you can to try and make sure that you never have to use that weapon in anger.
Hello - THAT is the mind set of every law abiding gun owner. The life altering repercussions of ever having to use a firearm causes law abiding folks with a lot to lose, to in fact, steer clear of confrontation where possible. That's why it is a DEFENSIVE tool.
It is the CRIMINAL that seeks out conflict and confrontation.
Why is it that every anti-gunner to a T just assumes all gun owners are of the criminal mind set and are killers plotting their next raid?
Anti-gunners are the ones all caught up in the Call Of Duty hype, not law abiding gun owners, as anti-gun folks keep bringing up these scenarios that they believe gun owners are either living for, looking for or creating.
All of which are false narratives.
It gets old real quick to continually have holier than though anti-gunners preach on and on. It hasn't occured that law abiding educated gun owners haven't already thought though all of this very carefully before?
So this bit here, where you assigned an argument I didn't say as being following from "my logic" when you clearly didn't read what I actually said:
Was just meaningless pap so you could try and be ahead of the curve in trying to look clever. Or, in other words, it was just your attempt at doing this:
Both you and Northstar like the idea that no situation exists where a rifle is required for home defense.
I gave you an example - a jurisdiction where a minor may not legally possess a handgun.
But again - using your logic that a rifle is not required for home defense, a hand gun is also not REQUIRED for home defense.
Please go ahead and indicate where a handgun is required for home defense. <-- this is a rhetorical question as I really don't feel like dodging another of your asinine "word" games.
Without actually checking to see if you had in fact "got" anyone. For what it's worth, I would use .45 because I like how .45s fire compared to the snappy recoil I dislike about .40s and I don't like the idea of a 9mm stuck with the NY magazine size laws.
Reading is not your strong suite - this comment
"You didn't' - it was a way to introduce your defense of, and the original posters pointless school yard point "A rifles is not REQUIRED , naanaananaanna... I got yoouuu!!1!1!" to each other. is referring to you and Northstar comparing notes how you got me on the word "required", not the other way round.
Unfortunately for you, the initial question remains in the air since you've spent much more time talking out of your ass with vague "facts" then you have actually defending the assertion you made out to be "reality": In what situation is a long gun, be it an AR platform or Mini-14 or Saiga or any other similar popular medium-to-high powered rifle, required for home defense? Not usable. Not an option. Not a manner of personal preference. Required, since those were the words Northstar used and those were the words you flipped out on him over.
In a jurisdiction where a minor is prohibited from possessing a hand gun.
Because right now you've posted two examples of people who happened to use them for home defense because that's what they had access to, but that doesn't actually prove anything (and for someone who keeps throwing around the word "logic" around I hope you actually apply it this time in your response) for why they were ideal for that usage or that they couldn't have been better served with some other weapon; nevermind whether they were required to drive off two possibly unarmed guys or three guys with a fake gun. Because as someone who does own several long guns and does own separate weapons specifically for self defense against home invasions, I'm really struggling to see how a semi-automatic rifle is an inherently better solution as it pertains specifically to home self defense than the Ithaca 37 I have in the closet about 10 feet away from me or the Auto 5 I have downstairs are unless I'm somehow home invaded by a small platoon of burglars. Though I can certainly think of a couple of disadvantages, no real objective advantage comes to mind. If there is one, please, by all means, clearly state what it is.
So it boils down to you having a pseudo-intellectual circle jerk about the word "required". You feel better now?
Your choice to not use a semi-auto rifle as home defense weapon is yours. Its a poor choice if you have rifles at your disposal.
And no, I don't really think "because a 15 year old boy home alone with his 12 year old sister can more easily shoot anyone who breaks into their house multiple times with an AR-15 than he could with a different type of gun he has unsupervised access to" is a particularly well thought out bit reasoning, for the record.
Then you would be clearly ill informed. I have been part of a couple of training exercises geared towards youths and small framed women that have allowed direct family members to receive training for exactly these types of situations.
Your short sighted view of home defense is quite telling. A shotgun and large caliber hand guns are unsuitable for use by small framed women and teenagers - and the popular smaller caliber handguns (380, 32 and 22) are only good where the attacker is reasonably close at hand and they are not going stop a determined attacker in their tracks - and the point of effective home defense is to either drive off the attacker or stop him before he closes in.
Again, a light weight rifle that is held in a two handed grip is easier for a slight framed woman to wield and accurately deliver rounds on target.
But I digress, you are still circle jerking with Northstar over the word "required".