It's called economics. Money was more important than shoes to him - hell, he told the cop he didn't want shoes. So he sold them. I would have done the same thing.
Thus exposing the irony of the dual reproach, "there he is without boots!" and "it's warm enough without boots!" critiques: that precisely
because it is (just barely) warm enough to go without boots, he makes due without them in lieu of whatever is more useful to furthering his own ends (a trademark American tactic, if I recall).
Furthermore, it exposes a secondary irony: in a country which so fetishes free will, independence, and "self-determination", the general population is sure quick to dictate the terms and conditions of the "correct" uses of charity and cultivation of lifestyle which results therefrom.
The general US reaction to this indicates a number of things to me: that Americans' beliefs in the virtue of charity is not unqualified (and thus not absolute), and therefore that their belief in "freedom" is also not unqualified (and therefore
also not absolute, as already evidenced by imperialistic meddling if we want to get sociopolitically-cynical), which may be summarised in short-form as: eg homosexuality is fine - even if visible—although, previously, it was "DADT" (indicating that attitudes are subject to revision); and charity is fine,
so long as we get to dictate the terms of its use and applicability, which comports with an attitude that can be traced back to the nature of the Native land rights' negotiations tactics and arbitration, if you're so inclined to follow up.
Just as Israeli Jews seek their revenge against history upon Palestine, so too do the descendants of the victims of prosecution that were America's settlers seek their historical vengeance upon those who are domestically convenient, since such an attitude is obviously to no advantage of the "charitable" party. In both cases, we find the victims of this attitude to be the weakest, most infirm members of society to which appeal is the least available.
ps i went shopping today, Merry Christmas!
^_^ <3<3