Hacked car reverted

  • Thread starter Gonales
Having no steering mod is your choice. You can't go into a tandem and then complain that you can't keep up because the person in front has a wing on their supra and you don't. If you want to keep up and stay competitive, learn to be faster. There are certain ways to do that and one is adding a wing.

So, if you're tandeming with someone and they're using steering mod, tune to get more angle. A way to do that is adding steering angle. People really should stop complaining about how steering angle is for noobs or people who can't drift or can't get angle because truth is, it's gonna take your skill to the next level. Just like what a good tune will do.

I have complained about speed in the past but I've learned one thing and that is people are going to have ridiculous amounts of speed or angle. But what you need to be content with is how fast YOU are and how much angle YOU are comfortable with. But the difference between speed and angle is that you don't need to match angle in a tandem, you just need to try your best to keep up.

Not really, other way round. If you got no angle and your just trying to stay close as possible how do you expect to get points?
I'd just like to point out that currently, not having a steering mod is A, not a choice since PD is resetting modded cars. I would also like to point out, there is a difference between the steering mod and adding a spoiler. A lot of people are not willing/comfortable with hacking their saved file. I am one of the will nots. For good reason, its against PD's UEA, as well as Sony's. It is not the way the game was intended to be played. Thats like taking steroids in sports. Its cheating, regardless of the edge it gives you, regardless of the fact that to compete on a certain level you now have to do it because everyone else is. The fact of the matter is that it is not allowed, wrong, and not how it should be done, as it was forbiddin. Same thing applies. I get the old adage, if your cheating, your not trying, blah blah blah. But in the end, if you are cheating (which, under the current stipulations, it would be considered cheating), then you are a cheat. Regardless of who does what, or how it could relate to real life, and pros, cons, reasons for or against. Until PD officially accepts modding, you are cheating the game, the rules and the ones who abide by them once you start artifically (outside of the actual games allowed parameters) change setting.\
Adding a spoiler or not adding one is completely different. That is something that is allowed and doable in game, no hacks required.
Adding Steering angle through the mod tools to take into a competition where most people are going to be running an unmodded car is essentially the same as taking a tuned car into a spec race.
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Really you're going to say that it's cheating? that would mean modding any game for example modding Skyrim would be considered cheating? Did you play GTA and never use a cheat code in your life? That's the most nonsensical reason to be against modding. Modding is part of video game culture. And in this case were modding to make things more realistic. Everyone has the ability to mod so it's not like taking a tuned car into a stock car race because GT5, it's like choosing to drift 1000hp rather than a 500hp. Such an idiotic reason to call someone a cheater.

It's a real driving simulator and we're only making it more realistic. If you don't want to mod then don't but don't call us cheaters if it's no different to real life.

And at MadFlavour. Obviously you can't go in a straight line and call that tandeming, you must be in a drift and everyone knows this. But the only way you can keep up with a car that's faster than yours is to sacrifice angle. Every drifter on here knows that.

And here I thought there were some intelligent responses but it's hard to see through some of the crap on here.
Adding Steering angle through the mod tools to take into a competition where most people are going to be running an unmodded car is essentially the same as taking a tuned car into a spec race.
If the host of a certain comp allows it, why not? I get your point but you should also see it from this perspective. Every competition that happened during 2.14 allowed hybrids including steering angle. Almost every single competitor used any sort of modded part in his car. It blows my mind that some of these people here are crying about steering angle when I've seen most of them use a hybrid occasionally. I can see why you're saying that modifying your file to gain the edge of someone else might be cheating, but thats not even the reason most of us use it.
Really you're going to say that it's cheating? that would mean modding any game for example modding Skyrim would be considered cheating? Did you play GTA and never use a cheat code in your life? That's the most nonsensical reason to be against modding. Modding is part of video game culture. And in this case were modding to make things more realistic. Everyone has the ability to mod so it's not like taking a tuned car into a stock car race because GT5, it's like choosing to drift 1000hp rather than a 500hp. Such an idiotic reason to call someone a cheater.

It's a real driving simulator and we're only making it more realistic. If you don't want to mod then don't but don't call us cheaters if it's no different to real life.

And at MadFlavour. Obviously you can't go in a straight line and call that tandeming, you must be in a drift and everyone knows this. But the only way you can keep up with a car that's faster than yours is to sacrifice angle. Every drifter on here knows that.

And here I thought there were some intelligent responses but it's hard to see through some of the crap on here.

All of the cheats within GTA have all been programmed into the game, to be used in the game. Skyrims developer fully supports and embraces its modding community. That was their intent, the developers intent, so no, I do not put this on the same plain. PD obviously does not, nor is seemingly considering accepting its modding community. Whether it be from licensing issues, pressure from Sony, what have you, doesn't matter.
If, as Taco says, someone runs a room with the sole intent to allow the mods, whenever it is that another programmer finds a backdoor to get mods back online, then whatever. I'm more targeting the concept that using it whenever, whatever for the sole reason that it makes it more realistic. Just because its more "real life" doesn't make it right. When you go outside of the parameters to give yourself an advantage, that is called cheating, no matter what face you try to put on it. So, if you go into a drift comp, whether as a seasonal, or what have you, where you know you will be competing against players who are going to be staying within the parameters, then yes, cheating. You just Neil Armstronged the room.
You do realize that technically the steering modification is pre-programmed into the I game right?

Go look at the amount of steering the Fiat 500 gas then go grab a Aston Martin V12 Vantage and compare the differences between the amount of steering angle they have.
This setting is actually already used.

Also I see some people here really don't understand the true meaning of the word "cheating". Pretty amazing actually how the word keeps getting miss used.

Regardless about the modification being against the ToS. The main reason this while conversation started was because some people believe it is so unrealistic and is cheating. We all who have supported it have explained over and over to why it isn't (no competition it isn't cheating end of story). I don't understand how that isn't clear enough.

I don't understand how some of you are still saying "it's a advantage and is cheating" after all that has been explained. You keep getting stuck on the point of it being against the ToS that you fail to see anyone's reasons for using it.

The modification itself isn't for everyone. Though in real life competitions like D1GP it is used all of the time. Maybe it isn't as drastic as some but that's the difference in style. Technically most of us go by a similar rules to D1GP and Formula Drift in competitions anyway so it would be easily applied to competitions (which it already has been allowed in many already on GT5).
All of the cheats within GTA have all been programmed into the game, to be used in the game. Skyrims developer fully supports and embraces its modding community. That was their intent, the developers intent, so no, I do not put this on the same plain. PD obviously does not, nor is seemingly considering accepting its modding community. Whether it be from licensing issues, pressure from Sony, what have you, doesn't matter.
If, as Taco says, someone runs a room with the sole intent to allow the mods, whenever it is that another programmer finds a backdoor to get mods back online, then whatever. I'm more targeting the concept that using it whenever, whatever for the sole reason that it makes it more realistic. Just because its more "real life" doesn't make it right. When you go outside of the parameters to give yourself an advantage, that is called cheating, no matter what face you try to put on it. So, if you go into a drift comp, whether as a seasonal, or what have you, where you know you will be competing against players who are going to be staying within the parameters, then yes, cheating. You just Neil Armstronged the room.

So, you're saying, keep things the way they are, just because that's what Polyphony Digital wants?
I bought 2 copies of that game, I'm on my second Playstation AND wheel, for the sole purpose of playing GT5. You will barely see me play other games. I'm not 100% satisfied with the modding abilities before the game was hacked, and I was really happy after. Ask people (Hako, Wallride, Aidan...) how fond i was of the 270R I got. It added a LOT to the game. Don't blame hackers for making the game better. Blame PD for not adapting to it, and working WITH the hackers to bring the game to a new level. Feedback from your customers doesn't get any better than that.

PD built in ways to keep the game fair, online. Besides that, PEOPLE have the ability to kick others from lobbies, or not even allow them in in the first place. If you do not want modders to join your lobbies, don't allow them to.

It's a game, the only really serious racing leagues are maintained by people on forums, Like SNAIL on GTP. They can draft out the people that don't comply to standards.
It's a game, the only really serious racing leagues are maintained by people on forums, Like SNAIL on GTP. They can draft out the people that don't comply to standards.
Seems you want to draft out people who don't comply to the modders standard. I'm also not blaming the hackers, nor PD for anything. I blame some of the modders out there (running a program to change some parameters in a saved file is not hacking) who abuse this ability. Obviously PD is savvy to what is being done legitimately and whats not, and Kaz has said as much. So I don't presume to believe that PD isn't listening. I'll wait until GT6 comes out, then one of us can come back here and say "I toadaso!"
@Lock2Lock Yes, of course it programmed, its an editable variable. otherwise it would be an easier fix for PD to eliminate. However, that doesn't matter, PD gave no access to the function. They did not intend for the user to manipulate it, or any other function. I guess I am in the drifting forum and not the others so I don't know about the other side of the culture, but this isn't an attack on drifters or whats going on with the legit "realistic" mods. You guys are the sorta casualties of war.
@Gonales You will have to come by me again with the shot at SNAIL though, I'm not quite picking up your drift here. SNAIL, nor its community draft out anybody by setting standards. We have rules for the many different events, yes, as does any and all sanctioning body has for its leagues races. But I see no relevance in bringing this up. Further, SNAIL does a great job catering to many aspects of the racing culture. While we most adhere to spec style racing. there are tuner series, and I currently host small drifting nights. Some mod cars, most of us don't though. But I'm not getting what you mean by that last statement. We don't draft people out,

Regardless about the modification being against the ToS. The main reason this while conversation started was because some people believe it is so unrealistic and is cheating. We all who have supported it have explained over and over to why it isn't (no competition it isn't cheating end of story). I don't understand how that isn't clear enough.

I've posted a few times why I've said it's cheating and what I saw.
I hear you. I just wanted to make it clear that there is a separation between the people who use this in a realistic way and do not hide it from others to take a advantage of others. Most of the people who use it like the realism to get closer to real life standards.

There is also the people who do use it to gain a advantage and hide it from others.

This situation is pretty much the same situation with the un-realistic vs realistic hybrids and the people who use them.

I am just happy to see that you understand the reasoning most people in this thread have for using it. Just didn't seem like you did at first.
Seems you want to draft out people who don't comply to the modders standard. I'm also not blaming the hackers, nor PD for anything. I blame some of the modders out there (running a program to change some parameters in a saved file is not hacking) who abuse this ability. Obviously PD is savvy to what is being done legitimately and whats not, and Kaz has said as much. So I don't presume to believe that PD isn't listening. I'll wait until GT6 comes out, then one of us can come back here and say "I toadaso!"
@Lock2Lock Yes, of course it programmed, its an editable variable. otherwise it would be an easier fix for PD to eliminate. However, that doesn't matter, PD gave no access to the function. They did not intend for the user to manipulate it, or any other function. I guess I am in the drifting forum and not the others so I don't know about the other side of the culture, but this isn't an attack on drifters or whats going on with the legit "realistic" mods. You guys are the sorta casualties of war.
@Gonales You will have to come by me again with the shot at SNAIL though, I'm not quite picking up your drift here. SNAIL, nor its community draft out anybody by setting standards. We have rules for the many different events, yes, as does any and all sanctioning body has for its leagues races. But I see no relevance in bringing this up. Further, SNAIL does a great job catering to many aspects of the racing culture. While we most adhere to spec style racing. there are tuner series, and I currently host small drifting nights. Some mod cars, most of us don't though. But I'm not getting what you mean by that last statement. We don't draft people out,

Your biggest reason against modding was the cheating aspect. I brought up racing leagues, that have the possibility to disqualify, ban and kick people from lobbies whom do not comply to their standards. (Believe me, I definitely do approve of setting standards). It is these racing leagues that are the most serious, and they can easily get rid of unfair modding. The possibility for modders to be unfair, are in the messy and unimportant online lobbies nobody cares about anyway. And they will get kicked after one race if it's obvious that theyre modding unfairly.
Dom I agree with you on that. Racing is one thing I have never allowed even my self to make hybrids for. I haven't raced competitively in a long time and even if I was today there would never be a hybrid on the track during that time.

Some people don't have the same mentality as me on that subject but some do. Called common sense or responsibility
OMG, did an internet debate just end with everyone in agreeance with one another, and no hurt feelings? I think this is a first!

And it totally does not make sense. I'm involved, which makes a lot of sense, but... I didn't offend anybody or upset anybody. (I think) *Mindblown* =D
OMG, did an internet debate just end with everyone in agreeance with one another, and no hurt feelings? I think this is a first!
Hahaha.... I am a very understanding person. As long as it is reasonable I can have a normal debate.

Not everyone in the drifting section are bad haha.

@Lock2Lock Common sense is not so common.

It's a shame too
I will never understand some of the arguments that happens in this forum. Everyone has opinions, move on if you do not agree. I really hope the GT6 section is 100% better, these stupid arguments is what makes everyone hate the drift section. Drifting is meant to be fun, who cares if someone is using steering angle? If it is allowed in a competition, then I say use it. In open lobbies it does not hurt anything. As the drift community we should work together and enjoy drifting, rather then fight over it. I feel like before GT6, as a community we need to generate a rule book. This will allow for much cleaner rooms and no more stupid arguments.
I hear you. I just wanted to make it clear that there is a separation between the people who use this in a realistic way and do not hide it from others to take a advantage of others. Most of the people who use it like the realism to get closer to real life standards.

There is also the people who do use it to gain a advantage and hide it from others.

This situation is pretty much the same situation with the un-realistic vs realistic hybrids and the people who use them.

I am just happy to see that you understand the reasoning most people in this thread have for using it. Just didn't seem like you did at first.

Yeah that's what I mean, the only way to make it a level playing field would be to disallow it in competitions. People can feel free to use it when they drift by themselves or with others, but when a cars going down the straight at daytona doing 90' degrees all the way down. That's what raises eyebrows as to what people that use this hack are capable of doing in competitions.
Yeah that's what I mean, the only way to make it a level playing field would be to disallow it in competitions. People can feel free to use it when they drift by themselves or with others, but when a cars going down the straight at daytona doing 90' degrees all the way down. That's what raises eyebrows as to what people that use this hack are capable of doing in competitions.
Yeah I hear you.
Most competitions that are held on here are in either Formula Drift or D1GP rules and regulations, so as a result it is usually allowed.

At the Daytona part.... I can do that without steering angle modification actually. If I feel my car starting to spin out, I simply push the clutch in and slowly slip it back out. Hints why I never will go back to DS3 or a DFGT.

Also remember it isn't all about getting 90 degrees to trip the follower. If you do that and do not maintain your speed (aka slow down) and cause the follower to hit you, that is the leader's fault anyway. That's what I meant earlier by "competitions with proper judging".
So s
Yeah I hear you.
Most competitions that are held on here are in either Formula Drift or D1GP rules and regulations, so as a result it is usually allowed.

At the Daytona part.... I can do that without steering angle modification actually. If I feel my car starting to spin out, I simply push the clutch in and slowly slip it back out. Hints why I never will go back to DS3 or a DFGT.

Also remember it isn't all about getting 90 degrees to trip the follower. If you do that and do not maintain yiur speed (aka slow down) and cause the follower to hit you, that is the leader's fault anyway. That's what I meant earlier by "competitions with proper judging".
So staying 90+ degree's down that straight is possible without the mod? Not even moving of line in the slightest aswell or changing direction.

Damn, them physics tho.
So s

So staying 90+ degree's down that straight is possible without the mod? Not even moving of line in the slightest aswell or changing direction.

Damn, them physics tho.
It's very difficult but yes it can be done. One thing I do to warm up is "manji" the whole straightaway of SSRX. I do use three lanes to do so. What it teaches you is car control, speed management, and consistency. It does takes a lot of practice to do but once you are able to do it it becomes easy.