Haer Bev : 18-11 / Blue Lancer Suzuka

  • Thread starter HaerBev
Small but top quality update Hervé 👍
Like a lot the mood of the SLR pic with the car quitly installed far away from the crowd :) The two vantage shot have a very realistic rendering of the scenery. In the first the car is beautiful and I also love the driver position. In the second you show us your mastery in composition by using elements of the scenery wisely 👍
Great work !
from all your panoramas i think that is the best 👍

In most of his photo editing works he's very clever at adjusting the sharpness, emphasizing the contrast of shadings and light of tones(including saturation) clearly, and fitting the car and other objects into right place. :D
Amazing last few photos, Herve, really, really nice. And I've got to say, your panaromas are of amazing quality.
Thanks Nathan, This is the first GT red metallic, nice to read you like the wide photo format mate :)

Thanks sneakyboy62, glad you like my static work, and for your kind words about my editing process.

Thanks TopGearHamster for your positive feedback about the entire gallery.

Thanks Paul, nice to read you like all the pics, the longest part when making a wide panorama, is the X2 size loading time, having a recent computer helps a lot when it comes to merge all the pics :)

Thanks Geatle, nice to read you like one of my panoramas, this car will return soon for more urban cruising.

Merci Jérémy, I'm always glad toread your words my friend, I wasn't sure about the red SLR as it's edited in a heavier way :) Let's hope the TGS will make me want to preorder GT6 ^^

Thanks Jaden, glad to read your positive feedback, X2 size pics is the key to high quality pictures.

Here are the news.





Edited with Ilya's texture pack, softly used



Thanks for watching​
The SLS is such a great car to shoot and you capture it perfectly! I always enjoy your editing style,Herve!
The Aston and GT-R shots are really well done as well.
The new version of the vantage shot is even better than the original. It keeps all its quality and offers a better focus on the car. And the license plate edit is the "cerise sur la gâteau" ;) (will look for the translation of this one for the next time :lol:)
The Red SLR on the Nürb is just another sample of your mastery of this track for your panoramas. Everything is perfect in it 👍
Very nice work on toning and lightning in the GTR pic. Very well done 👍
The first SLS pic offers a very original point of view and the depth of field of the background is very impressive. Maybe the pic would have been even better with a higher vertical size.
And the last one is wow, that composition, that angle, you've perfectly used this long straight line. Love also the light in this one.
Great work as usual hervé :)
These are great! I really like the compositions and the toning is great as usual. The red SLR is sweet, the last 2 SLS shots are very nice, I like the angles and depth of toning ion them. 👍

But my favourite is the GTR, this one is awesome. Love the editing on this one and the light too. 👍
I really don't know how this can get any better... With the latest update, the quality went through the roof, Hervé!

:) 👍
I said I would do another version of your last 8C panorama. I just finished it yesterday. And, serendipity, it's your birthday today ;)

So happy birthday my friend, hope you will like this second version :

Thanks a lot Zach, nice to read that you're still enjoying my editing style, with a vette chassis the SLS once lowered is a beast.

Thanks Crow, glad to read that you like the way I'm creating the panoramas.

Thanks Geatle, glad you like the GT-R edit and its autumnal mood, Ilya's texture pack helps a lot.

Merci Nicolas, I'm always pleased to read your feddback my friend.

Merci Jérémy, for your in depths comment my friend, cherry above the cake might fit as translation ^^ Got it, next Le Mans pitlane will be higher. Your second white 8C pano edit is shaking my mouse like hell, this is greatly done, without the usual unfitting extreme mirror effect, thanks for this gift, sure I like this new one :)

Thanks George, nice to read your positive feedback, and telling me that you like the autumn GT-R edit as this is my first try :cheers:

Danke Nenad, glad you like the recent pictures, how am I doing ? early morning and evening are the tricks ;)

Thanks Paul glad you like the SLS pics and the early morning lighting :)

Merci Mathieu, nice to read your positive words my friend.

Been quite busy today, birthday eating with friends and nice gifts, here are the news:




Hope you'll like this update.​
Many happy returns Herve!!:cheers:
Just catching up with the great shots you've posted. Of course, the 8C one wins my heart:bowdown:
The Schultz - I love the way you've caught the camber in the road:drool:
The SLR roaring over the "AVE IT" graffiti:eek:
The SLS with the brake disc and the infinite barrier drawing your eye to the vanishing point - beautiful!!!
The 2nd F40 shot - a well captured realism sitting in their tents stoking their BBQs and drinking beer - wonderful!!!
Bravo Herve!!!!:)
The first F40 shot is my favourite! Also the last one has a nice atmosphere! :drool: Of course, happy birthday! :cheers:
Loving all your recent panoramas Herve! I'm especially fond of the Phototravel SLS shot - fantastic lighting and a great mood to the image. 👍
The other two SLS shots are also brilliant and I really love the second F40 shot - you've captured a very realistic shot with this one - despite the fact there are the awful 2D GT5 people in the background the DOF is just right to overcome that. Also the lighting is superb on this one. :bowdown: :)
Thanks Eric. Sure Jérémy made a great work on the 8C panorama. Nice to read your positive feedback, oh yes the empty beer metal cans pyramids and endless smell of the barbecued meat :) thanks for telling me the things you like in my work, I wonder if GT6 will include the updated Nurb. :cheers:

Thanks R!ce, glad you like the first F40 shot and :cheers: mate

Thanks Ciro, nice to read your words and :cheers:

Thanks Peter :)

Thanks Nathan, nice to read you enjoy the static SLS, I like this one a lot. True the ulgy paper 2d made people can ruin a pic, hope this will be improved in GT6, the second F40 shot, gonna post this one in the realistic thread :)

Here's some kind of bonus, lightly edited with Ilya's texture pack

Really glad the gift is at your tastes my friend :)
You've made another great bunch of pics with this F40. The first one is very original, another great pit stop pic like you know how to made them. The light and the soft mood of this pic are excellent. Love also the composition with the car on the center but in an original position. The second one is another "realistic as hell" as you often do when you go on the Nürb with a beautiful car. Great choice of location for the shot, the scenery looks so realistic, and the photo would be uncomplete without its beautiful light 👍 The lighting, once more, is the main point of the third. A night shot with such a beautiful light, it's incredible ! Great work on this one too. And finally this last one is maybe the most beautiful, realistic like the first, a beautiful light like in the third and this soft edit adding which give it an artistic fealing : great ! You should do edit like this one more often my friend ! :)
Merci Nicolas, nice to read your positive words my friend :)

Merci Jérémy, for your in depths comment, I wasn't sure about the last pic, I'll try more Ilya's textures soon, I you want some F40 unedited panos, drop me a few words mon ami :)

A few words before adding the new pictures, yes I've preordered the GT6 Anniversary Edition, we'll soon meet again, and make panoramas including our cars.





Hope you'll like this update, thanks for watching.​
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Stunning panoramic shots of Aventador and Citroen GT... I'm stupefied at the saturation of lithe tones, the sharpness of the images of top quality and the usage of shading you carried into this set of photoworks. :)
OH MY GAWD!:eek: The last 2 Citroen shots is amazing!:drool: The lighting, tones and composition is perfect, especially in the last shot! I reckon that's one of your best shots so far... definitely my personal fav.