Haer Bev : 18-11 / Blue Lancer Suzuka

  • Thread starter HaerBev
Very nice pano's Herve, especially the red Aventador set.

I also like the last Citroen GT pano', but I also believe that orange paint is the hardest colour to photograph well, so you have done a fantastic job as usual on both sets.:bowdown::drool:
I really like the first Citroen GT shot, very nice use of the dark tunnel as the backdrop really drawing attention to the car and motion is expressed well. 👍

I also like the first F40 shot, very cinematic. 👍
I need a red aventador now ;)
Superbe use of the scenery once more, the composition and sense of speed of the first one is just amazing. Same thing in the second one with a superb light in addition. Your work on contrast is perfect (except for your sign which disapear ;) ).
I like a lot the first GT Citroën shot, the composition is very original with a beautiful light. And the tonning of the last is "wow", shiny as hell with a superb use of the marks on the road !
Thanks sneakyboy62, the x2 size pics format helps a lot, nice to read your positive feedback ;)

Thanks Vaios, glad you like these two panos ^^

Thanks Jaden, panoramas are my usual format, I'm usually using a small border, nice to read your positive words.

Thanks Ciro, nice to read you like my editing style :)

Thanks Paul, glad you like this update, sure orange is one of the hardest color to deal with :)

Thanks TVR&Ferrari_Fan, nice to read you like one of my pics.

Thanks Mazda, glad to read your words, may I should use these borders with each panorama ^^

Thanks George, glad you enjoyed this update and the orange GT, never used this car before.

Merci Nicolas, for your positive feedback :)

Merci Jérémy, for you detailed comment, yes I want to see your red Aventador pictures my friend, yup my sign is fading, couldn't find another fitting place, I tried to make something close to your style with the last Citroën pic :)

Merci Mathieu, nice to read your words my friend.

Here are the news, can't wait the TGS news, I WANT a BMW M3 Sport Evolution into GT6 !!!





Everything is made with X2 size pics merged, hope you"ll like this update, thanks for watching.

Wow, that 1st Mclaren shot is stunning, love how the yellow works well with tones and light of the shot. The others are of course very good too.
Wow.. Just.. Wow. Amazing set, Hervé. My favourite is the second F1 pic, It's simply stunning :drool:. Great job man 👍👍.
Ahh I see. Your pano style is really, really, really good and your toning is always apt in your photos. Real nice work. 👍
Let's go for this last bunch of pics my friend.

Already said all the goo I thought about the first one, very well composed and realistic as hell :) I may prefer the second one, mainly because of its very interesting toning. Love also the composition, the speed effect and the soft light add a beautiful touch to this great pic !

Light and toning are also the main quality of the first SLS shot, the light reflexions on the bodycar are superb !

And finally that last SLS one is maybe the light contest winner of this bunch. the contrast between the light and the shadow of the car on the right part of the pic enhance its realistic appearance. Great job on this last one.

And as always a great work on license plate replacement 👍
Merci Nicolas, glad you like the Le Mans panorama and its toning.

Thanks Héctor, nice to read your words, the McLaren F1 will return soon.

Thanks George, pleased to read your positive feedback.

Thanks Jaden, nice to read that you find my toning style really good.

Merci Jérémy, for your detailed comment, I'm always pleased to read your words my friend.

Thanks TVR, nice to know that you like one of my pics.

Here are the news.






Hope you"ll like this update, thanks for watching.​
These pano's are beautiful, and also very dramatic.
I think that 1st, 2nd and last are my ultimate fav's.
But in the end, they are all incredibly well portrayed works of art.:bowdown:
I could never throw panoramas out as good as you can. Great work! The first and last ones are my favorites of the bunch. 👍
I don't want to paraphrase myself with some reduced ersatz of my comment elsewhere so I will just say that I like a lot this last update. The light in the first, the misty foggy mood of the second one, the agressive look of the R8 in the third, the speed effect of the fourth are the key points of these pano but they have each a lot of others quality. The last one is special : it is perfect on each points ;)

Great work my friend 👍
Amazing as usual :drool: :drool: :drool: It's always a great pleasure to look at your panoramas. Also I have a small request. Would be great to see more pics like this one in future :) Keep your amazing work up, Hervé.👍
Thanks a lot Eric, for your encouraging words, if there was more people making panoramas, my work would fade away.

Merci Nicolas, nice to read your positive feedback ^^

Thanks Paul, I'm always pleased to read that you find something enjoyable with my pictures.

Vielen danke Nenad, glad to read your kind words.

Thanks sneakyboy, glad you like my panorama addiction, I must find your name coz in French, sneaky includes a dirty pervert mood.

Thanks George, nice to read you like some of my pictures.

Thanks lilmann, glad you like my panoramas, if you need help, don't hesitate to ask.

Merci Jérémy for your detailed comments, here and elsewhere, I'malwas pleased to read you words my friend :)

Thanks a lot Ilya for you positive words, really glad to read that you're enjoying my pictures. Yes I'll try to make more SSRX pictures :)

Hartelijk dank Zakariya, glad you like this update, hope you"ll buy GT6 and meet you online ^^

Here are the news.




Hope you'll enjoy this update, thanks for watching.​
You're one of the most descrete yet flawless guys here in GTP. At least is my opinion.

You're the Mr. Panorama :D I love all your shots. Great photographer!
These panoramas are beautiful and flawless in every way.

The composition of the Challenger shot is really good.
That MP4 oversteering is very realistic, and the docks scene with the SLS is very good.

Excellent job. :gtpflag: