Nenad, I wasn't sure about the final editing water into the latest panorama, your words are always welcomed ^^
Thanks a lot
el fayce, no worries mate, I'll keep going, nice to read your positive words
Dank u wel
Kalax (sorry sorry I don't know your real name), I won't blame you mate

glad you like my new vs old SL idea, the blue SLS paint is named "Pathfinder Blue Metallic" it fits with the Black chrome rims. I'm always glad to read your positive words, I'll keep em coming right now
Thanks a lot
George, You're right, there was so much distortions to correct, this is the best I was able to do, nice to read that you noticed the failling points, I was mainly focused on the water color

The same panorama with a higher starting location and an accurate focal will match the score as it has to be done

glad you like it anyway mate

You should try to merge pics, sure they would be great.
Click for fullsize
Thanks for watching, hope you'll like this.