Haer Bev : 18-11 / Blue Lancer Suzuka

  • Thread starter HaerBev
My name is Zakariya, :)

The first evora shot is very nice, it's very well done, it looks very realistic, especially when you zoom in, the details pop out! Well done! 👍
I'm really liking the composition, lighting and sense of motion found in the first shot. On top of that, I find that you did a marvellous job with regard to cleaning up the car in the second picture. And the third one... It's amazing how well you're putting your panoramas together - both lighting and contrast are spot on in this shot. :) 👍
Paldies Ciro, glad you like my editing style, merging twenty x2 size pictures is kinda epic ^^

Dank u wel Zakariya :) Nice to read you noticed that most of my pictures are better looking when watched in higher resolution :)

Danke Nenad, always nice to red positive words :) The Shoren panorama was quite hard to edit coz of its size, I must find the right result between small and fullsize watch ;)

Some new panoramas, all fullsize by clicking. I can upload unedited pics if you want to edit them.




Thanks for watching, hope you'll enjoy it.​
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WOW!!!!! Herve - a collection of masterpieces!!!:drool:
The realism in shot 1 is sublime. Shot 2 is awesome, and the light and shade in 3 is fantastic:tup:
All 3 are good for various reasons. Overall they have a good realistic feel because of the toning, light and contrast so well done there for sure Herve. 👍
Thanks a lot Peter, glad you like it ^^
Eric, nice to read taht you noticed what I wanted to do with each picture :cheers:
Nato :)
George you noticed everything ;)
Merci Nicolas nice to read your words ^^
Danke GT-R, always pleased to read you.
Many thanks el fayce, did you watched it in fullsize format ?
Paldies Ciro, seems you enjoyed them a lot ;)



Hope you'll like it, thanks for watching.
If only GT5 renders flame properly... Epic 8C shot, really love it. The 908 shot's really good as well.
Have you get some holidays these last times ? ;)
You've produced so much beautifulawesome thongs since my last visit. Really glad you've found some motivation my friend ton continue the GT5 photomode my friend.
I will give you my detailed feedback as soon as i can in the other place. More easy for me with so much pics to do it in the molière language than in Shakespeare one ;)
But i can already say that you've made some kick ass thongs as usual :cheers:
Merci beaucoup Nicolas, this is my first 908 pic ever.

Danke GT-R, even if you can't say anything, as long as you like my work, this is fine :)

Thanks Taiga, that's true, it would be fine to see realistic flames, glad you like the 8C and 908 shot.

Merci Jérémy, nope, but as the weather is still crappy, and not really watching tv, I can take one or two big panorama per day :) Glad you like my recent work my friend. That's fine, let's see your kind detailed comment in another place ^^


Hope this will be fine enough to be watched.​
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Beautiful pictures, HaerBev. While I'm a huge fan of the lighting found in both of these shots, I think that the tones are superior in the second one. 👍
I think I will try again to make some close shots with merged picture like these ones. Both are superb as usual Hervé 👍
Great choices of tones for the cars, beautiful composition and a very reallistic aspect once again.
What is this black strip on the body of the MP4 ?
Nice update hervé.

That's perfect lightning on the MP4 one, outstanding job!👍

edit: And oh, love the superGT ones aswell!!!
To look at your photos, is to stare into something way past photomode. Past anyything I know about photomode, and into sheer visual delight.

How you set moods through balancing light, softness, tones and such is simply wonderful.

You are among the few, who can draw an emotion from me through your art.

I don't know if I should laugh, or cry, or curse the heavens for being so lame, but always, I see an unbridled passion that cannot be ignored.

I forget these are just video game pics, and just stare in admiration at your pages.

That Mclaren is Flawless. The set is timeless. Your gallery is poetry.

Your commitment to excellence is to be commended. I am a hypnotized fan, and would not have it any other way.

HaerBev, A Pennsylvania personalized 'MoMo Fever' plate is more than likely the way to go with the Mclaren.:sly:

Go get 'em Bev!
First, the MP4 looks stunningly realistic. Second, how do you expand the resolution to sizes such as 6000px and manage a clean clear picture?
Merci beaucoup Nicolas, glad you like the Mp4 shot, I wanted to make something brighter than usual :)

Danke GT-R, nice to read you enjoy it, when I'll find a high resolution licence plate, I'll edit the Mp4 picture.

Merci beaucoup Jérémy, nice to read your words my friend, the shadow comes from the metal barriers standing on the left of the track :) I'm usually avoiding this.

Dank u wel Zakariya, I'm always pleased to read your words, may I should try to make more GT500 pictures.

Thanks Ciro, I don't know, I'm always taking care about lighting for post editing, it helps a lot, no need to add a lot of contrast and light.

спасибо MrEverest, nice to read you like the Mp4 shot.

Many thanks Gary for your so kind words my friend. I can tell you everything about my editing process, but if you do the same, your pics gonna look like mine :) You're the best comment writer. Found some Pensylvanian licence plates, unfortunately the Mp4 licence plate isn't US size, but I'll make a pic for you.

Thanks Crooooooow , glad you enjoy the Mp4 pic. The little secret about big resolution is the merging, take more than one and merge them.

Thanks a lot el fayce, glad to read your positive words :)

Here are the news





Thanks for watching, hope you'll enjoy it, click for bigger resolution.​
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The second shot of the 8C coming out of the tunnel at what I assume is Grand Valley looks awesome mate. I like the colour on it, the sharp crisp highlights of the wheels and the light plus the smooth shiny paint which looks rich and glossy is fantastic.

I get a good feeling from it overall and a big part of that is the composition. All in all very well done I really like the toning you applied too. Bravo. 👍 👍

The other shots are quite nice too and the first 8c shot is my second fav but that next one takes the cake. ;)
Once again, great lightning,especially on the tunnel one. I also agree with GPR, the paint looks fantastic! 👍 And i´ll love to see more supergt pics!
The first one is soo goood! It has perfect toning and composition. Also is it only me but when taking X2 pictures they take very long ammount of time to load.