Haer Bev : 18-11 / Blue Lancer Suzuka

  • Thread starter HaerBev
I knew this Alfa would be nice to watch again :)
The first, in Toscane, offers a great and homogeneous toning which fit maybe better to the car, but I prefer the one on SSRX. That light on this last shot is just perfect (with a great composition also).
The two 'vette shots are beautiful with, once more, a great light on the SSRX one. And I love the way you use the curves of the Ring for the white 'vette shot 👍
I've kept the best for the end, the Tuscan shot in London is almost perfect, superb city shot my friend ! The composition is just perfect, great use of light & shadows. All the elements which make me love the city shots are on top in this photo.
Great job Hervé :cheers:
Many thanks for your words YellowBird, really nice to read that you noticed each thing I tried to enhance with the red Tuscan S :)

Merci Jérémy, That's right the Toscane shot looks more like a painting than some kind of realistic stuffs, glad you like the Vette pics. I knew you were going to like the London panorama, thanks my friend :)

More Tuscan S coming today. Tomorrow I'll put my hands on the Tales of Xillia ltd collector edition, yeah the only rpg since FFX.



This one is pre edited by Nathan, I made an unedited panorama that everybody can edit You made a very nice job so I tried to make the final edition, here's the result, thank you mate.

Pre edit by Nathan - Mid and Final edit by me




Feel free to edit this one. Thanks for watching.​
Very nice Herve, I think this collaboration between us turned out great. :) The other shot is also superb. 👍
Superb composition on the first pic Hervé. Love the choice of the spot for this pic. The little hillock on the right of the track, and the sun reflections on the background. Beautiful toning as usual for a very realistic rendering. I also like the typo for the license plate.

And thx for sharing a new merged pic to edit. Hard to come after your collaboration with Nathan but I've tried to do something, hope you 'll enjoy it my friend :)

Loving your latest work, Hervé. The smooth colour transitions in those TVR shots caught my eye immediately.

👍 👍 👍
I actually wanted to edit your photo this weekend, but... I just couldn't resist...

Thanks for the original image. 👍​
I'll also try my skills on editing this soon 👍
Great pics, Herve. Really love your latest work, but TVR at Ahrweiler outstands :drool:.
Awesome composition and the usage of toning in the photos as always Herve, the blur in the course and the background, the angle of the picture are also spicing up the image to create the round rendering of the work even more realistic. :)
Thanks a lot Eric, nice to read your words, my pleasure to see your panorama edit, classy and bright toning, sure I like it, the double signature as needed 👍

Thanks Nathan, thanks a lot, glad you like the other pic. Sure our collaboration turned out great, we must work together again ;)

Merci Jérémy, I'm always pleased to read that you can detail each thing I choose when making a picture, the UK licence plates are easy to create, the font can be found easily, this is what a British car needs. Thanks to you my friend, loving your panorama edit, shiny as a diamond, the Jérémiesque style :)

Thanks a lot Roman, for your positive feedback, nice to read your words :)

Danke Nenad, loving your pano edit, watching it with your editing style is unexpected and unique, the kinda greyish colors are nice, my pleasure for the original pano ;)

Thanks a lot Konrad, nice to read you like the recent work and the Ahrweiler pic. Yes fell free to edit the pano with your skills, sure it will look great :)

Many thanks Christopher, I'm always pleased to read you words, and finding a realistic touch :)

Thanks a lot Zakariya, oh yes please, try to edit the pano, your classy skills will enhance this one the nice way :)

Many thanks George, nice to read you like the London TVR picture and my editing ;)

Thanks again mates for editing the pano with your skills.

Here are the news.







Thanks for watching. Amicalement.​
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Woah ! :drool: Your latest shots are amazing 👍 Especially this one :drool:
I really love the tones you use. Some of the pictures look so realistic... Great work mate ! 👍

Btw I don't know why you still are not in my contact list on flickr :lol:
Ooh, I like the first pano of the MP4. Very nice realistic toning and the composition is a winner. 👍
Agree with George, the composition of the first pano is on top, with a great depth of field in addition to the superb sense of speed of the foreground 👍 Beautiful light and nice licence plate edit also (if you have the basis plate on hd I would be glad to steal it ;) ).

I also like very much the second one, great contrast and light in this one. We can feel the hard braking after a long full speed straight line :cheers:

And the last but not least one is beautiful. Great choice of color for the car. Superb choice of angle and focal lenght once more 👍
Realistic tones all around. The lighting is looking good in each one of those shots, as well. Can't really choose a favourite since every single shot is special in its own way. 👍
Very nice update, absolutely loving the lightning, looks so realistic! 👍 I'm in love with the R8!

I tried to edit your pano as promised but i'm not too happy with it, this one was hard to edit imo.:grumpy: I should stop using that mud texture:lol:

Many thanks Masta, now I see you on Flickr :) I didn't knew that some poeple wanted to add me. I was using this website only for uploading, now I must take more time to explore and find your real name :) I'm really plased to read that you like my pics as yours are one hundred times better than mine mate.

Thanks George, hard to deal with this track, the trees are looking like when the kids are cutting paper to make some for christmas. Nice to read that you like the first pano.

Merci Jérémy, nice to read your positive words, I didn't erased the unedited pano, if you want. Yes the licence plate is ad hd resolution one, can't remembe where I found that one, can be sent on request my friend ;) The R8 and Tuscan color is named Panther Pink, looks great you must try this one soon. You noticed the focal lenght.

Danke Nenad, always glad to read your words, good light is the key :)

Thanks a lot Héctor, nice to know that you like all the recent work, and thanks again for adding this picture into the best thread ;)

Thanks a lot Zach, always glad to read your words mate :)

A bunck of thanks Zakariya, nice to read that you find my work realistic, thanks again for the pano editing, the muds fits with a British car, the narrow countryside roads are sometimes full of mud ;)

Here are the news, first time for Laguna Seca and the ugly grass reminding me the old days when I was playing Tomb Raider on my Sega Saturn, the mountains created with paper and cizors, almost impossible to make average pictures, but I tried.





Thanks for watching, hope you'll like these pics.​
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Here are the news, first time for Laguna Seca and the ugly grass reminding me the old days when I was playing Tomb Raider on my Sega Saturn, the mountains created with paper and cizors, almost impossible to make average pictures, but I tried.
I agree, it's such a shame that the environment around track is so poorly done. Nevertheless, you did an amazing job with those two pics as always 👍👍
Oh... So you've decided to make some pics in Laguna Seca ;)
Without any surprise the corkscrew one is my fav', the choice of angle and the focal lenght is once more perfect, give the car a very aggressive looks. And in the two pics the use of light & shadows is on top. Great work my friend. And thanks a lot for the gift, you should post it here also :cheers:
Thanks a lot Héctor, we can only hope that gt6 will offer better landscapes, nice to read your words.

Thanks SuperVeloce, for you positive words, TVR cars are always nice looking hehe.

Merci Jérémy, yes but its almost impossible to make a picture, tried various corners and nothing came out well, nice to read your words my friend :)

Thanks a bunch Mister Everest, nice to read you like all my recent pics.

Many thanks Fazer, nice to read your words.

Here are the lastest merged pics, after watching Eric's Reign in Blood set, and his DLC paint use, I wanted to try something with these strange colors. Hope GT6 will have a custom paint shop.











Thanks for watching. Hope this will be enjoyable.​
Fabulous stuff Herve:drool::drool:
That McLaren is glorious in it's colour shift!!
The Merc looks like it's from Transporter chasing a BMW through the city streets:eek: