Halal Food

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Personally I don't care if the meat I consume is halal, kosher, or whatever. If I'm in the mood for bacon and/or ham and it's not available, I take my custom elsewhere. I really don't care what people think I should and should not eat. The choice is mine, not theirs. When an attempt is made to force conformance to their ways, violence may ensue. Live and let live, I say.
I'm a hunter. As long as the animal dies quickly without suffering I have no issue.
In my opinion, every animal, if possible, should be slaughtered by ikejime. That is, spinal cord ablation. For fish it's easy. For big livestock like cows, it's difficult. Luckily, cows are not as delicate as fish and beef is not prone to damage from rigor. So, a captive bolt to cerebrum and a quick beheading/bleed-out is the most humane thing to do.

Religious opinion: Animals are a blessing and should not be wasted if they can be eaten.
Hmm... Excuse me, are militant vegans and Halal-abiding Muslims such a big deal where you live?
The question makes no sense in the context of the thread.

In some stores, Subway has removed all non halal meat products and replaced them with halal meat products - meaning that in these stores, customers who want pork, ham or bacon can no longer have it, while in all the other stores customers who want pork, ham or bacon or halal alternatives can.

It may be that it's a marketing decision to increase demand in areas where halal meats are already more in demand - but either way it's not the Muslims who are the "big deal". It's the decision to remove choice from customers.
Re: The Subway thing. Most of them are owned by Muslims or Indians around here. Is the halal decision an owner decision or a franchiser decision? I don't see a problem with the former if they feel that strongly about serving only halal.
I don't touch halal or kosher because in their cases, I especially can't trust if the animal has been slaughtered properly.

That is all.
Re: The Subway thing. Most of them are owned by Muslims or Indians around here. Is the halal decision an owner decision or a franchiser decision? I don't see a problem with the former if they feel that strongly about serving only halal.
Pretty sure it's by franchise. I know Subway has a few Kosher variants in my area.

I'm happy for them to give customers less choice - and I'll choose to go somewhere that doesn't.
If I lived there I'd be right there with you on that one.
I don't touch halal or kosher because in their cases, I especially can't trust if the animal has been slaughtered properly.

That is all.

You can never trust that unless you're present at the slaughter.

As for suffering, I'm not sure it plays out all the differently in practice. It's already common with dreadfull treatment of animals in the slaughtering business.
Personally, I think the way the animals are killed in the production of halal meat is cruel and inhumane. Therefore I don't eat it. However, my stepdad, who is a Muslim, eats it and that's fine by me. It's his life and he can choose to do whatever he wants with it. I have also unknowingly eaten halal meat before (this was when I was too young to know the meaning of halal) and I thought the taste wasn't as nice as normal meat either. For those two reasons, I don't eat halal meat.
You can never trust that unless you're present at the slaughter.

As for suffering, I'm not sure it plays out all the differently in practice. It's already common with dreadfull treatment of animals in the slaughtering business.
Well, I did say the word "especially" for a reason. Usually whenever religious logic is applied to slaughter, minimizing suffering doesn't tend to be very high on the priority list.

At least when it's a secular slaughterhouse, there's some hope for it. ^^
You dont need to remove pig products to respect muslims.

Muslims can ignore them, and if they are offered they can easily say no.
Just as vegans can say no when they are offered cheese on their veggie sub.

Yeah I've been doing this for years now. Shoot most Muslims here don't really get offended seeing pork at all.

And to be honest, there is no death without some suffering really. What makes halal really halal though is saying "In the name of Allah" and then making the cut to ensure most if not all of the blood is bled out. I think most slaughterhouses do it like that sans "In the name of Allah" part. It's a non issue for me anyway since I say "In the name of Allah" before eating.

That said, I don't think god is that cynical on how we slaughter our food when I can marry a woman of another faith and she can carry our child. This animal rights thing with the meat industry is probably gonna go on forever.
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Subway is really just another high-salt high-fat junk outlet that dresses itself up with pictures of salad, and the food isn't that great... and much of the meat is processed anyway. For half the price you can go to a fresh sandwich shop and get something much nicer :)

I don't have a problem eating Halal food but I have a lot of Asian friends and I eat out in a lot of Asian restaurants. Halal food isn't illegal to prepare or sell so I don't have a problem with it being available.

Nor do I have a problem with Subway electing to change their products, I won't be going and other potential customers have the same freedom of choice.

Why should that offend you?

Because it was shown as being particularly English maybe when he's from the United Kingdom (as in UKIP), and he's the face of Stupid UK :D
Given the location, I think it'd be better if Subway just stayed as they were and served non-halal food. The most would be to have halal Subways and non-halal Subways, but that would only complicate things. If it were a Muslim country though, like mine, then I think there's no problem with going halal. McDonalds, Subway and almost all fast food outlets here are halal. (I was amazed by the pork burger I had at a McDonalds in Thailand. :eek:)

Yeah I've been doing this for years now. Shoot most Muslims here don't really get offended seeing pork at all.

And to be honest, there is no death without some suffering really. What makes halal really halal though is saying "In the name of Allah" and then making the cut to ensure most if not all of the blood is bled out. I think most slaughterhouses do it like that sans "In the name of Allah" part. It's a non issue for me anyway since I say "In the name of Allah" before eating.

That said, I don't think god is that cynical on how we slaughter our food when I can marry a woman of another faith and she can carry our child. This animal rights thing with the meat industry is probably gonna go on forever.

Whoa, punctuations!!! :P
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@kennylmao I thought Subway were only doing it in a number of stores? I might be wrong about that.

There's a sporadic campaign on social media (haven't seen it for a while) urging people to avoid foreign companies like Starbucks and Subway who claim to be part British, part American but pay their workers minimum wage (leading to them qualifying for social benefits from taxpayers) whilst themselves organising their tax bills so that neither the US nor Britain actually get anything from them.

A few years ago McD's reinvented themselves by fessing up to what was unhealthy and adding some genuinely healthy options that kids actually liked. That was a good and well-run campaign.

In the face of growing hostility from taxpayers Starbucks seem to be trying the same go-friendly approach but so far have limited themselves to upsetting breastfeeding mothers, removing pork and refusing to be part of food bank schemes that benefit minimum-wage earners like their own staff :D
Firstly, I'm Muslim and have a A level in Business.
Now that's out the way, I think this is a really bad decision for SubWay, by doing this their going to be cutting down their potential customers by a huge amount with no good reason or advantage for the business it self. I go SubWay maybe twice a month, I have no problem with seeing Pork or other meats that wouldn't be appropriate to me, I usually stick with Tuna. I'm perfectly fine with the service too as the staff change gloves every time that I go too without having to be asked.

Basically, I feel that Subway has taken a rather extreme approach to this and will not benefit them in any way at all. Once they see that their market share and revenue is declining, they'll go back to serving what they have been since startup.
Firstly, I'm Muslim and have a A level in Business.
Now that's out the way, I think this is a really bad decision for SubWay, by doing this their going to be cutting down their potential customers by a huge amount with no good reason or advantage for the business it self. I go SubWay maybe twice a month, I have no problem with seeing Pork or other meats that wouldn't be appropriate to me, I usually stick with Tuna. I'm perfectly fine with the service too as the staff change gloves every time that I go too without having to be asked.

Basically, I feel that Subway has taken a rather extreme approach to this and will not benefit them in any way at all. Once they see that their market share and revenue is declining, they'll go back to serving what they have been since startup.
The only reason they did it, from what I saw, is due to complaints by some people in the country that they are doing the wrong thing by catering to everyone.
The only reason they did it, from what I saw, is due to complaints by some people in the country that they are doing the wrong thing by catering to everyone.

If I owned the franchise I would have told them to go **** themselves and make their own god damn sandwiches. Nobody is forcing them to go to Subway. Besides, nothing tops a foot long Italian Herbs and cheese, Tuna and Cheese, toasted, all the toppings and southwest+Mayonaise. My idea of heaven right there
If I owned the franchise I would have told them to go **** themselves and make their own god damn sandwiches. Nobody is forcing them to go to Subway. Besides, nothing tops a foot long Italian Herbs and cheese, Tuna and Cheese, toasted, all the toppings and southwest+Mayonaise. My idea of heaven right there
The issue is that some Muslims (perhaps those protesting Subway) do not care about freedom of expression of other people other than themselves. They want everyone to do what they do and not do anything else.
The issue is that some Muslims (perhaps those protesting Subway) do not care about freedom of expression of other people other than themselves. They want everyone to do what they do and not do anything else.

You have idiots from all religions/cultures. Just because there in numbers doesn't mean you should listen to them.
You have idiots from all religions/cultures. Just because there in numbers doesn't mean you should listen to them.
Unfortunately in too many situations they are listened to and it creates issues.
Unfortunately in too many situations they are listened to and it creates issues.

Yup, from what I've heard it's only affecting area's that have a dense population of ethnic minorities though. The subway where I live is staying as it is and I'm perfectly fine with that.
The issue is that some Muslims (perhaps those protesting Subway) do not care about freedom of expression of other people other than themselves.
I'm not aware of Subway's acts being in response to any demand or protest from Islamic groups.

In fact, the only places I can find even a suggestion of it is the UKIP blog and the Daily Mail.
@Famine; UKIPandtheDailyMail. Soon that will be recognised as a single word.

If I owned the franchise I would have told them to go **** themselves and make their own god damn sandwiches. Nobody is forcing them to go to Subway. Besides, nothing tops a foot long Italian Herbs and cheese, Tuna and Cheese, toasted, all the toppings and southwest+Mayonaise. My idea of heaven right there

There isn't ham in those, is there?

And do they really contain 220g of fat? That's nearly 5 big macs!