Halliburton gets contract to build detention camps in U.S.

  • Thread starter Zardoz
The mass media missed this entirely:


Here's what those "support services" are:

"The contract, which is effective immediately, provides for establishing temporary detention and processing capabilities to augment existing ICE Detention and Removal Operations (DRO) Program facilities in the event of an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs."

"New programs", huh? Now what do you suppose that's all about? These "new programs" will require detention camps in the U.S.?

What's going on here? What are they up to?
:rolleyes: It's so damn obvious what's going on why doesn't Bush, Cheney and Halliburton all get together and show us kissing each other's asses... wait.. nevermind.
I wanted to respond to this on Friday but the Internet connection at work went down for two hours and then I was swamped playing catch up and then I am never on GTP on the weekends.

Here's what those "support services" are:

"The contract, which is effective immediately, provides for establishing temporary detention and processing capabilities to augment existing ICE Detention and Removal Operations (DRO) Program facilities in the event of an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs."

"New programs", huh? Now what do you suppose that's all about? These "new programs" will require detention camps in the U.S.?

What's going on here? What are they up to?
Well, since ICE stands for Immigration and Customs Enforcement I would bet it is those detention centers they stick the border jumpers and drug smugglers in at the border while they wait for INS or DEA officials to take them somewhere. Sounds pretty simple to me.

It's so damn obvious what's going on why doesn't Bush, Cheney and Halliburton all get together and show us kissing each other's asses...
Because then we would have to line up every adminstration official since the 1950s, when they were being contracted to build roads. Every adminstration since has given Halliburton contracts. The only reason why its an issue now is because Cheney USED to work for Halliburton.
...detention centers they stick the border jumpers and drug smugglers in...

$385 million dollars to build more border-jumper detention centers? Just how many border-jumpers do they think we may be seeing? And, once again, what are those "new programs"?

"Immigration emergency"? What in the world is that? What do they think may be coming, and why will it require several big detention centers to cope with it?

There's more to this than just illegal immigration. Something else is involved here.
There's more to this than just illegal immigration. Something else is involved here.

Obviously they'll be rounding up liberals and putting them in jail during the next election so that the republicans can win again. I can't see any other reason they're doing what they're doing.
Obviously they'll be rounding up liberals and putting them in jail during the next election so that the republicans can win again.

You wish!

Doesn't this seem a little odd to you? I have a nephew in the Border Patrol. I called him and asked him about this. He was baffled. He hasn't heard of any serious overcrowding of existing detention facilities, and he was stationed along the Mexican border for years. Space to stash illegals isn't some big, desperate problem they have to deal with, so why are they making so much room "available"?

What are they expecting?
Just a guess... I'm not suggesting that this is the case, nor would I support it. But at the start of World War II, many Japanese immagrents were sent to detention camps... Perhaps something along those lines... You draw your own conclusions on what these ones are for...
You wish!

If you read many of my posts you would know well that I don't.

Doesn't this seem a little odd to you? I have a nephew in the Border Patrol. I called him and asked him about this. He was baffled. He hasn't heard of any serious overcrowding of existing detention facilities, and he was stationed along the Mexican border for years. Space to stash illegals isn't some big, desperate problem they have to deal with, so why are they making so much room "available"?

What are they expecting?

Who cares?

Honestly, why the hell do you care? Why don't you wait and find out instead of speculating about the evil genius plans that you think might be coming.

If 2 years from now they haven't used those facilities, you can call it a complete waste of money and vote against the republicans. If 2 years from now they've used those facilities to imprison liberal media personalities so that Fox can turn into a propaganda machine and brainwash the country, feel free to bash Bush and vote against the republicans.

If in 2 years you find that they stepped up the border patrol and are detaining illegal immigrants like mad, maybe you should be happy about the situation.

In the meantime, try not to over-analyze.
With all the things the US government has pulled in recent history, the question is why don't you care? That's okay, go to sleep... You're in good hands... They'll take care of everything... Go to sleep... A true patriot doesn't follow blindly what they're fed, but questions in order to make sure their contry is in order... You're supposed to be loyal to your contry and your contrymen, not the government... People forget that...

Most of the greatest American heroes questioned, if not helped to over throw the governments of their day...
Canadian Speed
With all the things the US government has pulled in recent history, the question is why don't you care? That's okay, go to sleep... You're in good hands... They'll take care of everything... Go to sleep... A true patriot doesn't follow blindly what they're fed, but questions in order to make sure their contry is in order... You're supposed to be loyal to your contry and your contrymen, not the government... People forget that...

It's almost as though you didn't read my post. Maybe you just didn't think about it.

Try re-reading this part

If 2 years from now they've used those facilities to imprison liberal media personalities so that Fox can turn into a propaganda machine and brainwash the country, feel free to bash Bush and vote against the republicans.

I'll digest this for you since you failed to do it on your own. This means, hold them accountable for their actions - NOT what you think they might do.
I'm sorry, the part where you were flamming the guy for carring and wanting to know what the government were up to was kind of miss leading... Maybe that's just me... Then again, perhaps I just over analyzed your comments... Seeing as how the quote you made sounded very sarcastic and the other five were very dismissing, I think one would see where the problem of how to take your comment came from...
Canadian Speed
I'm sorry, the part where you were flamming the guy for carring and wanting to know what the government were up to was kind of miss leading... Maybe that's just me... Then again, perhaps I just over analyzed your comments... Seeing as how the quote you made sounded very sarcastic and the other five were very dismissing, I think one would see where the problem of how to take your comment came from...

Take all of the words in my previous two posts seriously. I meant every word.

This on the otherhand:

Obviously they'll be rounding up liberals and putting them in jail during the next election so that the republicans can win again. I can't see any other reason they're doing what they're doing.

Was sarcastic.
So your intention was to flame the guy for wanting to know?

So agian, why don't you care what they're doing... More over, why do you care if Zardoz does? I'm not even American and I'm currious...
Canadian Speed
So your intention was to flame the guy for wanting to know?

No. My intention was to flame him for jumping to conclusions.

So agian, why don't you care what they're doing... More over, why do you care if Zardoz does? I'm not even American and I'm currious...

...I don't know what they're doing. How can I care if I don't even know what it is? What I DO care about is when people jump to conclusions or make up conspiracy theories that aren't supported by the facts.
Canadian Speed
Just a guess... I'm not suggesting that this is the case, nor would I support it. But at the start of World War II, many Japanese immagrents were sent to detention camps... Perhaps something along those lines... You draw your own conclusions on what these ones are for...

Funny isn't it? My grandfather was a German immigrant, and he was accepted into the US Air Force. My grandmother was a Japanese immigrant, and she was sent to the camps.

I'd rather not draw any conclusions yet. Note that those are supposedly temporary facilities. Probably lightly secured and built. I don't see them as being used as maximum security holding areas for terror suspects... not just yet.

Wonder what country they're expecting a massive influx from? Except for Cuba, seems most of the Latin Americans are happy to be under leftist/fascist rule.
Because then we would have to line up every adminstration official since the 1950s, when they were being contracted to build roads. Every adminstration since has given Halliburton contracts. The only reason why its an issue now is because Cheney USED to work for Halliburton.

And that's why I specifically put the three names in my post... :rolleyes:
...conspiracy theories...
What conspiracy theory? I'm just wondering why they think we're going to need $385 million worth of all-new detention camps.

Again: What do they think is coming?

...Probably lightly secured and built...
It'll be interesting to see the details of the first one they build.
It'll be interesting to see the details of the first one they build.

Keep your eyes open for strange looking bent cross' or for burning ones for that matter... Heck, maybe I should be afraid up here in Canada... Nuke us to get our and China's oil reserves... Who knows... But I trust American government as much as I trust 1940s German Work Unions...
Maybe those camps are for Canadians jumping across the border to escape the squalor, ethnic violence and fascism of Canada... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, it's a wait and see thing. If they turn them into mini-Alcatrazes, then we can start questioning them.
This is obviously part of the preparations for the massive invasion of our shores by the evil Norweigans.

They wait in their fjords, silent, plotting for the day they can conquer America and use its global influence to prevent Sweden's Ikea from subverting the human soul and sending us all to Gutterdammerung.

Geez, it's so clear.

(and if you can't tell how serious this post is... XD)
Wonder what country they're expecting a massive influx from? Except for Cuba, seems most of the Latin Americans are happy to be under leftist/fascist rule.
At last estimate it was believed that there were 8-11 million illegal immigrants already in the states and approximately one million more coming in every year. Someone prefers America.

As for why we would build these centers; some of the southern border states' governors are sending the National Guard in to asist in border patrol operations-perhaps they are expecting to catch many more border crossers. Or perhaps there is a long-term plan to step up the border patrols and are intending to catch many more. Or maybe it is just a waste of money and it will be nothing.

Whatever the case is the contract is for ICE operations, not anti-terrorism or any other suspicious looking plan. Until they are actually built we have no clue. If you go looking for a conspiracy you will always find what appears to be one, but 99% of the time it isn't.

And that's why I specifically put the three names in my post...
Why? I'm trying to find what makes this adminstration's use of Halliburton any different than Clinton's or anyone elses.
Hmmm I have been staying away from their stock ...but...from the look of things it may be a good buy .
Are you sure this new project would'nt involve the housing of customer complaints for Walmart?
I thought it would be Wal*Mart employees actually.
Or UAW hardliners?

8-11 million? That's enough to populate a small country... gee... guess they can't ship them back out fast enough. I'd forgotten about economic refugees... though they may elect a very leftist government... not many of them like living under it. :lol:
I wonder if this has something to do with it:

Mexican oil output could drop sharply - report

If Mexico suddenly finds itself in a real oil squeeze, the economy will get hit very hard, and we all know what that will mean. We'll see people coming north like never before.

Could be that the Bushies know this is on the near horizon, and really are, in fact, planning for an "immigration emergency" of epic proportions.
Speaking of which, I have really been wondering why all these new border patrol commercials have been showing up in the past few days......