Happy Birthday to us ...

  • Thread starter Nokkien
1967 - from gblouin
1982 - Rockman99999995
1985 - Kingy1988
1990 - from sett7188
1991 - from Karebeer87
2000 - Morbus79
2003 - ConemasherGarage
2005 - from ACDC2TURBO
2008 - ConemasherGarage
2010 - from Steve-James85

Tickets that have been sent out
1974 - J_E_S_U_S__LIVES
1974 - gblouin
1974 - Steve-James85
2005 - sett7188
2010 - karebeer87
1967 - Morbus79
2005 - Genshken
1974 - Conesmasher
1989 - Kingy1988
2010 - Rockman99999995

Next up:
2005 ticket to vinny32 on 3/30
TBD ticket to Conesmasher on 4/1
Updated list of tickets (NOTE for the most part I am just sending tickets to those on the list who are missing ones I have.)

To trade please add psn bhrin72

70 ( Dave1127 )
84 (WRXWagonFan)
85 (Enygma_6)
92 ( Morbus79 )
lvl 17

Looking for all other tickets... Would be nice to get a 1998, 2000, or 1969


22/03/11 - 2002 to Dave1127 (PSN Kingy1988) Done!
24/03/11 - 2002 to Morbus79 Done!
26/03/11 - 1992 to WRXWagonFan Done!
29/03/11 - 2008 to Enygma_6 Done!
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My schedule is booked up for the next week or so, but I am still sending out tickets and handling most things through private messages to not clutter up the thread too much. I keep my signature up to date with all the tickets I have so if you need one or have something that I don't please let me know.

Thanks to everyone that have sent tickets.

PSN: Kingy1988

Tickets I have available

1967, 1970, 1985, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010

WRC Rally Ticket
Ticket 1000

Tickets I have sent

18/03/11 - 2010 to Enygma_6
19/03/11 - 2000 to ACDC2TURBO
20/03/11 - 1985 to Boostedfiend
21/03/11 - 1985 to Aquamannen
22/03/11 - 1970 to lyme3m
23/03/11 - 1985 to Morbus79
25/03/11 - 1996 to ACDC2TURBO
29/03/11 - 2009 to Tony1409
30/03/11 - 1993 to Morbus79

31/03/11 - WRC Rally Ticket to SteveMiff71

Tickets I have received

19/03/11 - 1985 from Enygma_6 ๐Ÿ‘
21/03/11 - 1996 from Aquamannen ๐Ÿ‘
22/03/11 - 2002 from lyme3m ๐Ÿ‘
22/03/11 - 2005 from ACDC2TURBO ๐Ÿ‘
26/03/11 - 2008 from Morbus79 ๐Ÿ‘
27/03/11 - 2006 from karebeer87 ๐Ÿ‘
29/03/11 - 1989 from Boostedfiend ๐Ÿ‘
29/03/11 - 2010 from ACDC2TURBO ๐Ÿ‘
30/03/11 - 1986 from Tony1409 ๐Ÿ‘
Looking for 21 ticket!
Will offer 370Z Academy Version, mattes, and silver chromes (Both car and paints!)
I need some tickets too.
I'm looking for the 2010 ticket and the History rally ticket!
Please sign me up!

PSN: EgiL_KhaytaaH

I have some tickets for trading too!
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Can trade now!
PSN = smokezeke, Make sure to add note in FR that yer trading tickets.

Tickets I have:

Tickets wanted:
1970 and others
Tickets I have:
1967 - from gblouin
1982 - from Rockman99999995
1985 - from Kingy1988
1990 - from sett7188
1991 - from Karebeer87
2000 - from Morbus79
2002 - from bhrin72
2003 - from ConemasherGarage
2005 - from ACDC2TURBO
2006 - from J_E_S_U_S__LIVES
2008 - from ConemasherGarage
2009 - from vinny32
2010 - from Steve-James85

Tickets that have been sent out:
1974 - J_E_S_U_S__LIVES
1974 - gblouin
1974 - Steve-James85
2005 - sett7188
2010 - karebeer87
1967 - Morbus79
2005 - Genshken
1974 - Conesmasher
1989 - Kingy1988
2010 - Rockman99999995
2005 - vinny32
2000 - bhrin72

Next up:
1982 ticket to Conesmasher on 4/1
2003 ticket to Stevemiff71 on 4/6
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due to increase in my friends list i now using a second account as a trading account psn agt5mod

tickets i have
1985 (thanks to fox suicide)
2005 (thanks to gtcam)

plus lvl tickets

fox suicide sent 1985 recieved 1967
gtcam sent 1988 recieved 2005

today free
30/3 1251 division sending lvl 9 recieving 1992
31/3 gtcam 1985 rec 2004
1/4 free
2/4 wrx wagon fan sending any apart from 67,84 or 92 recieving 1984
3/4 free
4/4 free
5/4 free
sett wants 86 or 88 sending 2009
please feel free to request a trade
either pm me on here or send message to psn main account stevemiff71

Steve, Your inbox is full... I'll take the 89 ticket and will send the 2002 on the 5th.
I'd like to join, but I only have 1984. I'd like to collect them all eventually...

I have ticket 1000 and 21, as well, if that's any incentive for anyone.

PSN: CrinellaMonsta

I can trade today after reset, FR me and I can send first. I'll take any ticket other than 1984.
Tickets I have:
1967 - from gblouin
1982 - from Rockman99999995
1985 - from Kingy1988
1990 - from sett7188
1991 - from Karebeer87
2000 - from Morbus79
2003 - from ConemasherGarage
2005 - from ACDC2TURBO
2006 - from J_E_S_U_S__LIVES
2008 - from ConemasherGarage
2009 - from vinny32
2010 - from Steve-James85

Tickets that have been sent out:
1974 - J_E_S_U_S__LIVES
1974 - gblouin
1974 - Steve-James85
2005 - sett7188
2010 - karebeer87
1967 - Morbus79
2005 - Genshken
1974 - Conesmasher
1989 - Kingy1988
2010 - Rockman99999995
2005 - vinny32

Next up:
1982 ticket to Conesmasher on 4/1
2003 ticket to Stevemiff71 on 4/6

Open slot tonight. Sending you an 02!

PSN: Kingy1988

Tickets I have available

1967, 1970, 1985, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010

WRC Rally Ticket
Ticket 1000

Tickets I have sent

18/03/11 - 2010 to Enygma_6
19/03/11 - 2000 to ACDC2TURBO
20/03/11 - 1985 to Boostedfiend
21/03/11 - 1985 to Aquamannen
22/03/11 - 1970 to lyme3m
23/03/11 - 1985 to Morbus79
25/03/11 - 1996 to ACDC2TURBO
29/03/11 - 2009 to Tony1409
30/03/11 - 1993 to Morbus79
31/03/11 - WRC Rally Ticket to SteveMiff71

Tickets I have received

19/03/11 - 1985 from Enygma_6 ๐Ÿ‘
21/03/11 - 1996 from Aquamannen ๐Ÿ‘
22/03/11 - 2002 from lyme3m ๐Ÿ‘
22/03/11 - 2005 from ACDC2TURBO ๐Ÿ‘
26/03/11 - 2008 from Morbus79 ๐Ÿ‘
27/03/11 - 2006 from karebeer87 ๐Ÿ‘
29/03/11 - 1989 from Boostedfiend ๐Ÿ‘
29/03/11 - 2010 from ACDC2TURBO ๐Ÿ‘
30/03/11 - 1986 from Tony1409 ๐Ÿ‘
Tickets I have 63,66(pending),67,70,82,84(pending) and 85-10.

I also need all 3 rally's and both historic tickets too if someone doesn't have the birthday tickets I need.

Gonna and try to start keeping up with this. There are more but these are the only ones I can remember the dates.

3/13 - '92 to crytomanic
3/14 - '92 to steve-james85
3/15 - '05 to gblouin
3/16 - '89 to cryptomanic
3/18 - '92 to Supercheyenne
3/19 - '01 to gtcam
3/21 - '05 to morbus79
3/22 - '08 to AHOLE2445
3/23 - '06 to AHOLE2445
3/24 - '03 to AHOLE2445
3/25 - '04 to AHOLE2445
3/30 - '91 to rockman9999
3/31 - '82 to cignm6

3/13 - '06 from crytomanic
3/14 - '08 from steve-james85
3/15 - '98 from gblouin
3/16 - '01 from cryptomanic
3/18 - '09 from supercheyenne
3/19 - '00 from gtcam
3/21 - '03 from morbus79
3/22 - '07 from AHOLE2445
3/23 - '02 from AHOLE2445
3/24 - '97 from AHOLE2445
3/25 - '96 from AHOLE2445
3/30 - '91 from rockman9999

Future Schedule
4/1 - booked
4/2 - booked
4/3 - booked
All open after that
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I'd like to join, but I only have 1984. I'd like to collect them all eventually...

I have ticket 1000 and 21, as well, if that's any incentive for anyone.

PSN: CrinellaMonsta

I can trade today after reset, FR me and I can send first. I'll take any ticket other than 1984.

Welcome to the ring, just remember we share tickets here, no trading please.
3/22 - '08 to XXXYYY
3/23 - '06 to XXXYYY
3/24 - '03 to XXXYYY
3/25 - '04 to XXXYYY

3/22 - '07 from XXXYYY
3/23 - '02 from XXXYYY
3/24 - '97 from XXXYYY
3/25 - '96 from XXXYYY

I'm just using this as an example but I would recommend trying to spread out your gifting. The problem with focusing your tickets is that only two people can propagate the system when this happens. It works better if you chose a new person every day.

I'm not hating BTW. I'm just recommending.
Updated list of tickets

List can be found here also --> http://www.mygranturismo.net/user_sheet.php?id=14422

1970 ( Dave1127 )
1984 (WRXWagonFan)
1985 ( Enygma_6 )
1992 ( Morbus79 )
2000 ( boostedfiend )
2009 ( Morbus79 )
lvl 17

Looking for all other tickets... Would be nice to get a 1998 or 1969


22/03/11 - 2002 to Dave1127 (PSN Kingy1988) Done!
24/03/11 - 2002 to Morbus79 Done!
26/03/11 - 1992 to WRXWagonFan Done!
27/03/11 - 1984 to EdCantDrive84
30/03/11 - 1984 to Morbus79 Done!
31/03/11 - 2002 to boostedfiend Done!
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Tickets I own:

- 1970
- 1977

- lvl 12
- lvl 24

- Rally Cars

If you want to trade just add me as friend.
PSN: EgiL_KhaytaaH.
Updated list of tickets

List can be found here also --> http://www.mygranturismo.net/user_sheet.php?id=14422

1970 ( Dave1127 )
1984 (WRXWagonFan)
1985 ( Enygma_6 )
1992 ( Morbus79 )
2000 ( boostedfiend )
2009 ( Morbus79 )
lvl 17

Looking for all other tickets... Would be nice to get a 1998 or 1969


22/03/11 - 2002 to Dave1127 (PSN Kingy1988) Done!
24/03/11 - 2002 to Morbus79 Done!
26/03/11 - 1992 to WRXWagonFan Done!
27/03/11 - 1984 to EdCantDrive84
30/03/11 - 1984 to Morbus79 Done!
31/03/11 - 2002 to boostedfiend Done!

I've got a 1990 if you are interested. I myself would not mind a 2000.
I've got a 1990 if you are interested. I myself would not mind a 2000.

Cool, I'll shoot you it tonight. I think we're already friends but if not please add psn bhrin72.

FYI for others. I'm really interested in all tickets and am primarily just looking at peeps lists on the birthday ring and sending them as needed. I hope for the same others and will simply return the favor.

I know this is a ticket ring, but am wondering if we could add a note for paint chips and museum cards. I'd be willing to randomly send those also to those who note it and would hope to receive them back. Just a thought.

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PSN: Kingy1988

Tickets I have available

1967, 1970, 1985, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010

WRC Rally Ticket
Ticket 1000

Tickets I have sent

18/03/11 - 2010 to Enygma_6
19/03/11 - 2000 to ACDC2TURBO
20/03/11 - 1985 to Boostedfiend
21/03/11 - 1985 to Aquamannen
22/03/11 - 1970 to lyme3m
23/03/11 - 1985 to Morbus79
25/03/11 - 1996 to ACDC2TURBO
29/03/11 - 2009 to Tony1409
30/03/11 - 1993 to Morbus79
31/03/11 - WRC Rally Ticket to SteveMiff71
01/04/11 - 2008 to karebeer87

Tickets I have received

19/03/11 - 1985 from Enygma_6 ๐Ÿ‘
21/03/11 - 1996 from Aquamannen ๐Ÿ‘
22/03/11 - 2002 from lyme3m ๐Ÿ‘
22/03/11 - 2005 from ACDC2TURBO ๐Ÿ‘
26/03/11 - 2008 from Morbus79 ๐Ÿ‘
27/03/11 - 2006 from karebeer87 ๐Ÿ‘
29/03/11 - 1989 from Boostedfiend ๐Ÿ‘
29/03/11 - 2010 from ACDC2TURBO ๐Ÿ‘
30/03/11 - 1986 from Tony1409 ๐Ÿ‘
Tickets I have:
1967 - from gblouin
1971 - from Karebeer87
1982 - from Rockman99999995
1985 - from Kingy1988
1990 - from sett7188
1991 - from Karebeer87
2000 - from Morbus79
2002 - from bhrin72
2003 - from ConemasherGarage
2005 - from ACDC2TURBO
2006 - from J_E_S_U_S__LIVES
2008 - from ConemasherGarage
2009 - from vinny32
2010 - from Steve-James85

Tickets that have been sent out:
1974 - J_E_S_U_S__LIVES
1974 - gblouin
1974 - Steve-James85
2005 - sett7188
2010 - karebeer87
1967 - Morbus79
2005 - Genshken
1974 - Conesmasher
1989 - Kingy1988
2010 - Rockman99999995
2005 - vinny32
2000 - bhrin72
1982 - Conesmasher on 4/1

Next up:
2003 ticket to Stevemiff71 on 4/6
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I know this is a ticket ring, but am wondering if we could add a note for paint chips and museum cards.

Paint thread here: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=137205

Maybe you can make a Museum Cards thread?

Museum Cards are fairly easy to get, compared to Horns and Paints.

Click GT5 Marketplace then the Search this Forum button top right, it will give you whatever you want and lots of it too.


Tickets I own:

- 1970
- 1977
- 2010 (thanks to Stevemiff71)

- lvl 12
- lvl 24

- Rally Cars

If you want to trade just add me as friend or send PM.
PSN: EgiL_KhaytaaH.


All free from 4/4
PSN: Kingy1988

Tickets I have available

1967, 1970, 1971, 1984, 1985, 1986,
1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1998,
2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
2008, 2009, 2010

Morbus79 - ?
B-STRICK - 2007

Rally Base Car Ticket
WRC Rally Ticket
Ticket 1000

Tickets I have sent

18/03/11 - 2010 to Enygma_6
19/03/11 - 2000 to ACDC2TURBO
20/03/11 - 1985 to Boostedfiend
21/03/11 - 1985 to Aquamannen
22/03/11 - 1970 to lyme3m
23/03/11 - 1985 to Morbus79
25/03/11 - 1996 to ACDC2TURBO
29/03/11 - 2009 to Tony1409
30/03/11 - 1993 to Morbus79
31/03/11 - WRC Rally Ticket to SteveMiff71
01/04/11 - 2008 to karebeer87
02/04/11 - WRC Rally Ticket to B-STRICK
03/04/11 - 2003 to karebeer87

05/04/11 - 1970 to CrinellaMonsta

Tickets I have received

19/03/11 - 1985 from Enygma_6 ๐Ÿ‘
21/03/11 - 1996 from Aquamannen ๐Ÿ‘
22/03/11 - 2002 from lyme3m ๐Ÿ‘
22/03/11 - 2005 from ACDC2TURBO ๐Ÿ‘
26/03/11 - 2008 from Morbus79 ๐Ÿ‘
27/03/11 - 2006 from karebeer87 ๐Ÿ‘
29/03/11 - 1989 from Boostedfiend ๐Ÿ‘
29/03/11 - 2010 from ACDC2TURBO ๐Ÿ‘
30/03/11 - 1986 from Tony1409 ๐Ÿ‘
01/04/11 - 1971 from karebeer87 ๐Ÿ‘
04/04/11 - 2004 from SteveMiff71 ๐Ÿ‘
04/04/11 - 1984 from CrinellaMonsta ๐Ÿ‘
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1982 (thanks rockman99999995)
1985 (thanks crsn891)
2005 (thanks BoostedDC2)

Nokkien (J_E_S_U_S__LIVES)
TheRealRedDevil (TheRealRedDevil)
Autotrader (Tony1409)
rams_man (rams_man)
crsn891 (crsn891)
Alex 3074 (triggsie1)
BoostedDC2 (boostedfiend)
Tickets I have 63,66,67,70,71,80-10.

Also looking for historic rally(pending) if anyone has that

3/13 - '92 to crytomanic
3/14 - '92 to steve-james85
3/15 - '05 to gblouin
3/16 - '89 to cryptomanic
3/18 - '92 to Supercheyenne
3/19 - '01 to gtcam
3/21 - '05 to morbus79
3/22 - '08 to AHOLE2445
3/23 - '06 to AHOLE2445
3/24 - '03 to AHOLE2445
3/25 - '04 to AHOLE2445
3/30 - '91 to rockman9999
3/31 - '82 to cignm6
4/4 - '07 to dave1127

3/13 - '06 from crytomanic
3/14 - '08 from steve-james85
3/15 - '98 from gblouin
3/16 - '01 from cryptomanic
3/18 - '09 from supercheyenne
3/19 - '00 from gtcam
3/21 - '03 from morbus79
3/22 - '07 from AHOLE2445
3/23 - '02 from AHOLE2445
3/24 - '97 from AHOLE2445
3/25 - '96 from AHOLE2445
3/30 - '91 from rockman9999
4/1 - 'rally ticket from dave1127
4/4 - '80 from Karebeer87
4/4 - '71 from Karebeer87

Future Schedule

4/5 - booked
4/6 - '66 to Karebeer87
4/7 - ? to stevemiff71
4/8 - '07 to Karebeer87
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Would like to get in. PSN = smokezeke

Current tickets:

4/5 = free
4/6 = free
4/7 = free
Welcome to the ring, just remember we share tickets here, no trading please.

Gotcha. I'll do my best to send a ticket out every day, though I often have to leave town (and my ps3) for work.

3/31 - Lvl 21 to Strickand/BoredGunner

3/31- 2003 (Thanks Strickand!)

Available Tickets:
Lvl 21

Great idea, this birthday ticket ring. I'll be FR'ing one of you missing 1984 or 2003 in a few minutes.