Overall it's been quite good. It started off well, the beginning of 2012 was fun, I was still with my ex-girlfriend and I still was very much happy in our relationship. Had a lot of fun times with my friends, as we tried to make sure we made our last year of high school memorable (and not in the getting pissed drunk every weekend way) because we were all heading in different directions the following school year. I changed my mind about university in the spring, and decided in May that I'd go to Halifax, Nova Scotia for university starting September 2012. This caused a whole big load of drama with my ex girlfriend, she was upset that I was "leaving her", etc etc. That put a bit of a damper on my decision to leave, but in hindsight it was good to see her true colours. She seemingly calmed down and put it behind her for the rest of the school year.
June came, I had my grade 12 prom which was an all around awesome night and I was really glad with the way it went. It wasn't the "best night of my life" or anything ridiculous like that, but it was a lot of fun with a group of friends who were around for most of my time in high school. After the prom, I finished up my last few weeks and exams of high school. During this time, my ex was being very selfish, frustrating, and I was simply tired of her trying to guilt me into not going to university for another year so I could remain miserable with her in our hick town.
During the last couple weeks of school, I had my doubts about our relationship, and eventually decided I was going to break up with her. Seeing as it was only a week in the future, I decided to wait until after our exams were done to break things off, because I didn't feel like it would be right to split up right before exams (she needed to do really well on them, and doesn't manage stress well). I broke up with her the day after exams, and this lead to a stress free summer where I saw a lot of my other friends who I hadn't seen as much during the school year because I was spending so much time with my girlfriend.
Summer was a great time, went to some parties, had lots of nights hanging out by a bonfire, went to Nova Scotia to the small cottage my family bought in the spring, and went to northern Ontario to with some friends to another friend of mine's cottage. This was the last hurrah for my high school friends before we went to university, and it was a typical week in Ontario cottage country; beer, barbeques, bonfires, boating, fishing, relaxing, and tons of good memories.
After that I went off to university in September, moving from Ontario to Halifax and moving away from my family for the first time. My first semester at university has been an awesome time, I've adjusted into the college lifestyle quite well, and I'm having much more fun out there than I ever did at high school in my hometown. Now that the first semester is done, I'm returning home for the holidays and spending a long break with my family and old friends, and I'm really looking forward to this Christmas.
All in all 2012 was a fantastic year. The first half was a bit volatile (either very great or really terrible due to the ex girlfriend), and the second half of the year has been awesome. I look forward to 2013 👍