Has 2012 been good or bad year for you?

Rather poor year all things considered. So-so birthday in March, many friends rarely even acknowledged it. Decent raise in my last job in April that was quickly cut short by surgery on my lung, to this very day, I don't think I ever needed. Entered into a relationship afterwards that became nothing but a stressful, long-term relationship that ended in a break up after the summer.

It got better once I started my current job, but I quickly went into depression afterwards constantly thinking about the ex. & the people I had called friends, amongst figuring out to pay for thousands & thousands of dollars worth of medical bills. A very special ex co-worker picked me up & to this day, remains my saving grace and a close friend. Lately though, despite the perks of the new job showing, I've been on the edge of dropping back into depression as I realize the few people who came to help me months ago come back the first time around, have only reverted back to the same ways they were before.

Hopefully, New Years will end the year on a good note & will be spending 2013 looking out for myself & the people who've proven they have my best interests in mind, not the people who pretend & waste my time.

Seems that you had it pretty hard this year, and I sort of understand, I have been in a similar position.

I have been ... sick for quite some time now, it was a thing from 2011 but it really got bad in January, then a series of things started happening. For one I lost my girlfriend, well ... we kinda put an end to it on 2011 but I really screwed things up, she hated me for some time until we managed to sort things out recently(I honestly still feel bad about it, not really proud of what I did).

I lost my job by June, it was bound to happen anyway, I managed to save enough for tuition fees for 2012's second semester, moved back home to then realize that programming was not my thing, so I quitted (lost a lot of time, effort and money, it's a temporal quit while I organize a little bit my life). Unsurprisingly depression and stress got me really hard, which led to ... panic attacks(prime reason of why I dropped college this semester, and for next semester).

Is not that bad though, I got a new job, and this year I discovered ... a group of incredible people who are the most loyal, sympathetic, trustable, reliable and probably the nicest people on earth, I have no idea where I would be without their help, or without them in fact, and I'm really thankful for having people like them to support me, life can be hard sometimes, but it is easier to have people like that around you.

I have big hopes for 2013, for one I'm no longer that sick, and I got (what it seems to be) an stable job, I'm surrounded by really nice people and while I don't have any girlfriend I'm still constantly meeting new people, maybe someone special will show up some day(who knows). There are a bunch of goals I want to reach, and I'm pretty confident that next year the opportunities will arise, things will be better, I'm sure of it.
2012 was just a tough year. It pushed me mentally and physically and I learned a few things about myself that I did not know.

I dipped into a depression around late March when I was doing Track and Field. I was being forced to do events that I didn't want to do. My family and coaches were trying to make fill in the footsteps of my brother which I did not want to do. I felt like I had no control and hated every day of going to school because I knew I had practice again. I still have no idea how I got out of it because some time around late April I started to feel better about being in the position I was in.

Summer came and I stayed home all summer. I talked with some friends on Xbox a lot during the summer but I never wanted to be near some of my other friends. I started having some medical issues around my Birthday with me getting sick and constantly getting stomach aches. I did nothing on my birthday besides playing Xbox and being on GTPlanet. The closer I got to school starting the more I really started enjoying being away from everything and I got busier.

School started again and I felt great. I met some new people, started to hang out with some old friends and it made me feel a lot better. The year started uneventful got worse and then changed for the better. It was not great but I had my enjoyable moments but I hope 2013 is a great year and brings a lot of success.
my year has been pretty awesome, it started out like any other year but was a little bit special because i started high school. Unfortuanatly my best friend moved to another city but we still hang out and talk as much as we can. I also became great friends with my first high school crush and now we talk everyday. Mostly everything has been going good but my great grandmother had a stroke so i pray for her. By the end of 2013 i will be a junior in high school and start studying for ACT's. Happy new years eve everyone
Has 2012 been a good or bad year for you?

My grandmother died, and she was the last of my grandparents, but my daughter was born and that was a pretty big plus so on average I'd say 2012 was good for me.
2012 has been a fairly good year for me. Started my university study, and it has been really enjoyable. Met some new people but also managed to keep in touch with current friends.

Spending most of the year living away from home has also been an experience. I have also enjoyed some success in karting in Australia which makes me really look forward to what 2013 holds!

Happy New Year to all!