Has Anyone Tried PC2 on the new Xbox SERIES X

  • Thread starter Sam714
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
As title suggests was looking for any info on how this game plays on the new Xbox Series X. Although the consoles are like gold dust at the moment.
Would be good to know how the jaggies/AA is like on the new console and if FPS drops etc are still present, was hoping the new beefier console would ease the problems the game has
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You mean Series X or Series S, not 1X.

There are some YouTube videos out there, however due to compression it's hard to tell.

But I would guess it runs as good as it can, but not that much over the 1X. No frames drops in extreme situations utilising full visual settings with no screen tearing.
What I'd like to know is, forgetting about graphics for a sec, as I assume they're great, do the physics still occasionally take a dump in certain situations as even the X1X does (rarely but extremely aggravating and frustrating when it does)?
I have. Far and away better than the OG One to be sure, but every once in a while, even on a nice sunny summer day, a perfectly good car with a perfectly good setup will suddenly drive like the track is a skating rink. It's happened in career now and again (usually during longer races with a 26 or so car field but nice enough weather) and a couple of times online, once during qualifying with about 12 cars and another time in a public lobby. It's annoying more than game breaking like the original XB1. Doesn't seem to happen at all in custom private races, even long ones with lots of cars, or time trial or anything, so there's that.
Yeah sorry I messed up in the title of the thread managed to change it. Just very little info on the ground, I supposed due to scarce availabilty of console and the player base
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X has higher resolution than PS so it's better version. For PC1 it's a bit opposite because the old version was for X1. It's funny because in our country nobody wants Xbox :D You can buy it easily.
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I just got the xsx and tried some games for a minute(so busy....) Pcars 2 looked great of course. Then a day later tried it again and it was stuttering real bad. I don't know if I did something but I will reinstall the game when I can.
I just got the xsx and tried some games for a minute(so busy....) Pcars 2 looked great of course. Then a day later tried it again and it was stuttering real bad. I don't know if I did something but I will reinstall the game when I can.

Kind of disappointing to hear. Recently scored a series X, still debating whether to keep it or just stick with what I have.
I have my NEW (long story) Series X up and running now, I will also attest, it is much better. The differences are all fairly subtle, but you notice them, and they add up to making it almost a completely new game, to me at least. Going from the OG XB1 (where I finally gave up on it after losing my career for the 3rd or 4th time and was never really happy with how it ran) to X1X to XSX has been quite a journey.

Edit: Just to follow up, this has gone from good to one of the greats. Certainly my favourite racing game available to this point on XBox. Been playing through the career a bit again, it's glorious. So this is what we were missing!
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I have the XSX and a New Samsung Q90 75" TV. Yes 75".(The ladies are lined up) My li at set up was a Vizio M 65" and XOX and I had no jaggy's on the roof line on F7 or PC2. Now I have small jaggy's on F7 and medium small on PC2.
PC 2.
Unbelievable 3D graphics
Bright daytime
Great elevation
Graphics have real life look
Unbelievable amount of car's
Great engine sounds
Graphics have a lot of atmosphere
Moving up to a 75" TV is going to show what the XSX and new software will do.
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