Meanwhile, over at the Forza forums, the horrible decisions they've made in taking the game away from being a racer and towards being a paint your car and show off your pictures and videos on YouTube game has many people, like myself, finding ourselves now with a huge appetite for GT5. Ironic.
PD has a opportunity here, and I do hope they've been paying attention to the uproar over at over the many issues that in alot of the long time Forza hardcore's eyes are killing the game.
I won't go into them all, but here's the 3 main things that have me looking forward to the release of GT5, where just a mere month ago, all I wanted was Forza.
1. There are no more real racing classes. In FM2 you had 4 real racing classes where real world race cars were grouped. These cars were replica's of many of the greats from LeMans and the ALMS. These cars could not be upgraded, painted or tuned. They were as close to sim racing as you could get on the game, and I, along with many others loved them. They still have what they are calling R classes. But now they've allowed upgrades/downgrades to all of them and have allowed max upgraded production class cars into mix as well. Predictably, this has left the real world racing cars in the dust, they have no chance.
2. The PI system is more flawed than it's ever been. AWD dominates everything on the game. The PI system has been designed so that it's a performance advantage to swap drivetrains of RWD cars to AWD. Take a look around, and you'll see nothing but AWD Dodge Vipers, Ford GT's and even AWD 60's American Muscle classics dominating every single leaderboard. And by extension, dominating every single online race. RWD cars have no chance.
3. Matchmaking multiplayer. The great thing about FM2 was the ability to set up a lobby how you wanted it and people could then search that out and join. That ability is gone, replaced with the matchmaking system that limits choice to a handful of classes, random tracks and a predetermined number of laps. They also withheld this information till release, and made deceiving public statements that they were just going to add things for FM3 without taking away any of the functionality that the core users had come to expect. Needless to say, this has caused a huge uproar among the Forza faithful and has sold more PS3's and copies of GT5 than any long term Forza fan could have of ever imagined.
There's a long laundry list of other complaints I won't get into. I just hope that the folks at PD are paying attention to this. They have a opportunity here to crush T10. And given Dan Greenwalt's arrogant and disrespectful attitude and underhanded tactics in regard to PD, I would think they're looking to put T10 out of business.
Give GT5 public custom lobbies, realistic and balanced classing and a more direct commitment to making the racing the prime focus of the game and you can expect a huge influx of former Forza fanatics like myself showing up here in the coming months.