Top Gear should be showed in the US unedited, much the same way US shows are shown unedited in the UK. If people complain about JC critiscising/making fun of the US, or have problems with the slight language differences, it doesn't matter because us brits have had much worse from shows like family guy *shrug*
Meh you can always catch top gear on various websites anyway, most of the challenges are shown on youtube on unofficial channels that arn't region locked.
Plus i don't think Top Gear has that much of an affect. I think that in the US, cars and fuel are (in general) cheaper, and the average wage in the US is higher than most European countries (with the exception of places like Luxembourg which have a population of 10,000 or something). It means people don't have to do this in a game, they can go out and build they own cars and compete on their local racetrack. More people do that in the US than anywhere else. The tuning community over there i've heard is huge.
Oh yeah i forgot to mention, Gran Turismo 1 and 2 were out before Top Gear released its new and improved entertainment format, and GT3 was out before it became popular too. Sales of those 3 were highest in Europe too.
If the US had a show like Top Gear (or Top Gear was shown frequently) it would be a lot better off. In fact there was supposed to be an American Top Gear, but the presenters wouldn't have been funny/as funny, and most Americans don't get the Brits humor. I find a lot of the stuff funny, but even then there's some things that I'm left in the dark because I don't know the reference.
I mean the language would have to be dealt with.. The American TV is so anal about anything and everything to protect all the innocent childrens little ears it wouldn't fly.
I absolutely LOVE Top Gear though, the presenters altogether make the show what it is, and even though it seems they are getting more 'scripted' it's always a good laugh, and reviewing cars is something we don't get on American TV. Okay I lied, we get Supercars Exposed and Motortrend SOMETIMES on Speed, but those are possibly the two most boring shows on television. I hate watching them because they're so dull and lifeless. Jeremy Clarkson and his co-hosts actually have a passion for it and it shows. The presenters on the two shows I mentioned couldn't be any less entertaining.
Average fuel and car costs are INCREDIBLY less. Road tax and all that other crap? Driving is a fortune in Europe. But I wish there were more laws against cars in the US like the size of the engines and such, because there would be a 5L V8 with only 250hp, JUST because they could make a 5L V8, there is nothing technical, and there is no efficiency behind the madness, unless European and Japanese cars, there is thought and innovation in each motor.
But that is also what makes all the tuning companies here so successful, Underground Racing (twin turbo Lamborghini specialists) Hennessey muscle car tuners, and even in the import community is further along than some top Japanese tuners. There is no government limit on what we can do to cars (in some states it is worse than others) but in Florida we are virtually free.
they even had a show, in which TopGear and D Motor guys (and one girl, Sabine Schmitz

, she drives the BMW M5 Ringtaxi at the Nordschlife) fought eachother in several different "races".
Though England won in the end (The Stig won the deciding race) it was fun to watch.
That was a good episode haha 👍
But thats one of the aspects that is going to make GT5 great. Its obvious, that Polyphony Digital has a very good relationship to everything that has to do with cars. Kaz drives races, they designed stuff (computer and performence screen layout) for the Nissan GTR, they give away prices for best of show on several events, they are sponsoring many race events and they formed partnerships with several manufacturers.
Gran Turismo really captures the spirit of the automobile Industry and the people that consider themselves gearheads.
I missed that spirit, I missed the soul in Forza Motorsport 3, it just feels like every other game on the market.
Yeah there was
something about FM3 that just didn't do anything for me. I just wanted to advance and get the next best car, or the next fastest car. I didn't want to take my time with a car, or when I won a lot of money, and build a lower class car, the power it would have rendered the car useless. I couldn't even have a decent race without spinning through 4th. I know in GT5 even though I'm going to save up for the Enzo, or save up for the Lambos, I'm going to enjoy them just as much as I'm going to enjoy the Honda Civic I build for time attacks. The entire feel of the game is so much more solid and even if I spend a day saving up for another car, I know I can spend an entire day snapping photos of the car I have gladly built. Not a halfassed photomode where the graphics in the picture look worse than the graphics in the game. Kaz puts his passion of the car industry into the game, not just trying to make a buck and one up the competition