Has PD gone overboard with graphics?

  • Thread starter Earth

Does PD focus too much on the cars and tracks and not enough on gameplay and extras?

  • Keep GT that way its been

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • I'll sacrafice car detail for large fields, weather, real headlights etc

    Votes: 17 17.2%
  • PD should be able to give everything, real cars, weather, etc with PS3

    Votes: 77 77.8%

  • Total voters
Gran Turismo has always set the bar for racing game graphics on the Playstation consoles. Like Metal Gear Solid, people look to the next GT installation to see what the new console is capable of graphics-wise.

I applaud PD for spending alot of time getting the graphics near real, incluidng every last detail BUT...

Have they gone too far?

Anyone who plays PC gaming knows that if you turn down the graphic settings on your game you will increase the frame rate.

With an increased framerate the game is able to handle more on screen.

So is this the reason why PD has not included weather? Is this the reason why they have not included more then 6 cars in a race at a time?

After playing Grantursimo HD I said Yeah, its great looking, but how many insanely detailed cars can the PS3 handle at once?

Is it worth it to have insanely detailed realistic cars but only 6 at a time, no damage, no weather, no REAL headlights, no night-day shifts because the PS3 struggles with what it has to do already?

That's what this poll is about.

Would you rather keep insanely detailed graphics but sacrafice extras like large fields of cars and weather or

would you rather have insanely detailed cars with little to nothing else like GT1-4?

I hope you catch my drift.

I've said it for awhile now... They NEED to be working on the sound. Graphics should be pretty low on the list since it's been fine since GT3. The PS3 "should" be able to handle multiple high res cars at the same time since it "is" a PS3.
I've said it for awhile now... They NEED to be working on the sound. Graphics should be pretty low on the list since it's been fine since GT3. The PS3 "should" be able to handle multiple high res cars at the same time since it "is" a PS3.

Good point The sound in Gran Turismo HD is no different from the sounds of GT4. Hopefully this is because GTHD isn't the 'real' next-gen GT. But sadly I dont think sound is high on PD's list, I think it's #1 graphics >>>>>#2 everything else sadly. Graphics are nice and are a huge selling point of the game but PD focuses too much on it.

There is so many things I wish PD would do with the GT series besides just make the cars prettier, but they've only made small improvements over time. Adding fuel meters for GT4 is a small step in the right direction.

As for PS3 handling all the cars, I doubt PS3 could handle more then 10 GT HD cars at a time, if that. The cars are just too detailed. And if GT5 ends up with more then 10 cars on track at a time, then I will be pleasently shocked and surprised.
in my opinion, they can keep the graphics from gt4, because it is already pretty good and with the ps3 hardware it will look even a little bit better, so PD shouldnt be focusing on upgrading the graphics!

The game gets much more interesting with changing weather conditions, more AI cars on the track, and a much better sound (give us some more V8 Rumbles!!!) :D
The PS3 isn't going to struggle, it has a huge amount of memory, wich has to be able to run all extra's.
I really doubt that PD wont be able to put everything they want into the game. When 2008 comes around, we will see what they put in and what they didn't. Hopefully they will have fixed the sounds and the sticker like headllights on some cars, and the lack of weather.
I like great graphics as much as the next guy but they arn't as important as gameplay. I do see a need for a consoles flagship games to look spectacular though. Games like Gran Turismo are the kind of games the console sales ride on. Theres more involved than nice graphics or more cars per race. I'd happilly find a middle ground where the graphics are good but not the best, and have extras. But from Sony's point of view, it's more important that people in general, not just current Gran Turismo fans will see GT5 and think "hell yeah, I've got to get a PS3 for that". And that happens, people see a couple of games they really want, and they buy the console. If gran Turismo 5 was just another game on some platform everyone already had I'd be shouting at them to put gameplay first, infact I would rather that already. But that won't happen, the graphics will always be a key focus in gran Turismo games, and I can understand why.
Have they gone too far?
NO...they went as far as the PS2 would let them.
So is this the reason why PD has not included weather? Is this the reason why they have not included more then 6 cars in a race at a time?
YES...they went as far as the PS2 would let them.
After playing Grantursimo HD I said Yeah, its great looking, but how many insanely detailed cars can the PS3 handle at once?
It better be at least 20 or this board will jump off a cliff with insanity.
Is it worth it to have insanely detailed realistic cars but only 6 at a time, no damage, no weather, no REAL headlights, no night-day shifts because the PS3 struggles with what it has to do already?
NO...It seems that most stories I read are saying that the first gen games are only using about half of what the cell can do. Its a long way from being tapped out.
Would you rather keep insanely detailed graphics but sacrafice extras like large fields of cars and weather or would you rather have insanely detailed cars with little to nothing else like GT1-4?
I'll give up some graphics for better game play.
I hope you catch my drift.
I did!
This just made me think of something. Imagine what 20 midgets in a one make race would look like. It might resemble an asian traffic jam...
...HAHA...I crack myself up!
This just made me think of something. Imagine what 20 midgets in a one make race would look like. It might resemble an asian traffic jam...
...HAHA...I crack myself up!
That'd be even funnier than seeing a Beetle Cup race once. They looked like the scrubbing bubbles commercials.

And on topic: I am greedy so I want everything, but if they can't pull it off then I would sacrifice graphics some for weather, day night changes, and larger fields. I'm not too picky about the sounds, but it would be wonderful to have them very well done.
This just made me think of something. Imagine what 20 midgets in a one make race would look like. It might resemble an asian traffic jam...
...HAHA...I crack myself up!

Perfect track for that would be autum ring mini :)
Allow me to key in. Gran Turismo has usually been a game about impressive visuals. This game killed Forza in the graphics department (no disrespect). But in terms of if they are going too far, I don't really care. I am an art person myself, so I know what making impressions is about. Going too far means that (in the sense of graphics) the game is all show and no go. The deal with damage means that the game will have to add extra details of damaged car parts. Look at MotorStorm. MotorStorm is more of "yeah, it's all ugly. But who honestly cares if it's beautiful?" Same with Burnout's intentionally ugly cars. I will grant you that sounds need to improve. However, it only is too far of graphical detail if there are too many spectacular graphics and effects that it really takes away from the gaming experience. So count me in for "no."
With Polyphony being a first party developer and the tools available to them AND the amount of time they have had the dev-kits I would expect even better graphics and everything else included in the game.

Phil Harrison,Sonys CEO said himself that Kaz has some way,way out there plans for GT5.
This just made me think of something. Imagine what 20 midgets in a one make race would look like. It might resemble an asian traffic jam...
...HAHA...I crack myself up!

thats a funny thought!:)

Looking at a larger grid, might also change the fact, that in gt5 u dont need to win every race to get gold and complete % through that.

I would suggest to PD, that like on make races or so can be done with about 12 cars on the grid, and the goal is to win it!- the other thing is, if u are in a championship, you should be competeing againt 20+ cars and the goal should be to win the championship... so the game percentage shouldn't increase by each race, more by the win of the championship!:)
I expect that Polyphony is going to be able to do a lot more than some of you give them credit for.

I've played a few of the other hot racing games, and as my sig indicates I've gone into Toca 3 again (on the PS2, the XBox game is crap), and all I can say is some of you guys are just picky as hell and even more perplexing. You'll put up with issues in other games, even praise them, over Gran Turismo. Oh well, it's a free net.
Hopefully we'll get a better sound, just play GT Legends and choose a V8-engined car, and see what I mean !! (I'm no V8 fanboy myself BUT sounds make up a HUGE amount of the atmosphere)

Even if there will be lots of cars, they could at least create some realistic sound samples (I mean good quality samples, like GTL) and adapt them, with slight tune / tone and so on changes.....Maybe there will be some cars sounding the same (like all Skylines), but it would be then able to make a difference between a CLK55 ///AMG and an E46 ///M3.....in GT4 they sound pretty similar to me (could be wrong, haven't played it in a while) but they're quite different in real life ;)
Good afternoon.

I think GT4 graphicaly is ok, what is not ok is that Audi A3 3.2 Quattro has the same sound that NSX Type-R (NA2). Have you ever wondered... when you are racing with 5 others cars, have you noticed that is pretty much difficult to make a clean overtake? For instance, when you approach the car in front of you from the inside of the corner, from the moment you are on his side, he cannot hit you, and try to take you to the grass... but they do. I think GT AI is not that great, and its what bothers me most.

And I guess that is all I can say for now, I would just like better AI. Oh, and one thing... when the cars hit the rev limiter, it sounds different for each gear. In my 95 1.4i Civic, its exactly the same sound, no matter its in 1st, 2nd or 5th gear, or even in neutral. The delay between the fuel cut and the fuel injection is almost constant.
I think GT4 graphicaly is ok, what is not ok is that Audi A3 3.2 Quattro has the same sound that NSX Type-R (NA2).

:lol: :lol: :lol: I wrote that too in another topic.....the Audi even has the VTEC sound kicking in :scared: OK, for example inline 6's may sound similar, V8's too, and noone would be THAT bothered if the C4 sounds a bit like the C6 Corvette, but the NSX and an Audi A3 is total bull****......

About the rev limiter, I generaly agree to what you are saying, but for example I had a ride (almost 2 years ago) on a de-restricted autobahn in a friend's BMW E34 ///M5 and it hit the rev limiter at 260 kmh (160 mph?) and the power loss, until fuel was injected again was really noticable and felt really strange, nothing like in ...say the first three gears.....maybe because the 5th was a bit longer than in your Civic ?
i don't think it will be a problem for the PS3 to handle all the new features. it is the most powerful of the 7th gen systems.
PD should focus more on other things than the graphics (damage, weather, multiple AI, sounds, etc...) i would still be happy if the new GT5 had the same graphics as GT4 but with all the added features.:)
I just have the tiniest inkling that the PS3 can handle better graphics than these screens we've been seeing. Yes, I've seen them. I mean, look at the PlayStation 2. The first releases for that console (remember Smugglers Run?) looked like PS1 games! Then, four or so years later, came Gran Turismo 4. Not to mention Final Fantasy 12, which, from the trailer, has PS3 graphics!

So, all in all, I reckon that GT5 will have those eye pulverizing graphics and more cars, on and offable headlights, weather, etc., simply because the console can handle better graphics than these. It's a dead cert.
Final fantasy uses High Resolution cut scenes at regular intervals throughout the game, they are the incredible graphics you witnessed in the trailer however they are not the graphical quality of the game but i guess that it does have good graphics anyway
They have not gone over board with graphics on GTHD, but great graphics add something to the gameplay, but it is one part of great gameplay. However they should go a bit further with the graphics, while still keeping the great gameplay, while adding other stuff to the gameplay.
there are stilll TONS of details missing from gt videos we have seen.
realistic tire marks, visual tire deformation, tire wear and damage, etc.
You folks do realize that the graphics engine and the game engine are written by two completely different teams of people, yes?

To be more specific, the people who's job it is to make the game look as good as it possibly can have absolutely zero input on the AI or physics or anything else.

What, do you expect those people to move over to a different group where they have little or nothing to offer the company? I don't think so.

Besides, as a GT fan, I've always been proud of the fact that I can say with confidence that GT kicks the collective asses of all other racing games in terms of graphics.
That's a bit naive isn't it.

You folks do realize that the graphics engine and the game engine are written by two completely different teams of people, yes?

To be more specific, the people who's job it is to make the game look as good as it possibly can have absolutely zero input on the AI or physics or anything else.

What, do you expect those people to move over to a different group where they have little or nothing to offer the company? I don't think so.

Besides, as a GT fan, I've always been proud of the fact that I can say with confidence that GT kicks the collective asses of all other racing games in terms of graphics.
Thats true, but it's the coders who get to turn around and say, hang on we've got too much going here we can't make it work with more than 6 cars per race or whatever. If they want more cars in each race, they ask the coders how much detail they will need to drop, then the modellers and graphics people will drop that detail.
I don't think it's naive at all.

After going through some of the racers on both PC and console, I can say that Polyphony has done a superb job with their franchise. I've noticed many of the same flaws in other games like Toca, Enthusia, GTR and others which the die hard fans overlook, but in Gran Turismo results for some reason ina critical failure.

This is nothing more than a matter of personal taste and opinion, however the net being the net, personal opinions tend to inflate to epic proportions, as well as our own admiration of them. The games all simulate reality to one extent or another, they do some things superbly, others not so well, but deciding which ones are deal breakers, I've noticed are entirely subjective and individual. After going through every Gran Turismo but the Prologues and special single car issues, I'm buying Gran Turismo 5 Prologue and GT5 without hesitation.