Hating the graphics of GT6

  • Thread starter TomBrady
No blur here the graphics are very crisp , I use a 52" plasma 1080i with a 4k hdmi lead and im very impressed with the quality seeing as its old gen, ive also got forza 5 and Trust me its just as clear and the premium cars are just a tasty looking , in fact the scenery looks better in parts than forza does.
Isn't AA used to reduce the poly count so the comuting power can be used at other tasks.

I'm no expert, but thats what understood.
To my understanding its a way to reduce the white "jaggies" on the edges of body panels and fences and the like via blurring that specific area....it makes it look much more natural but if too aggressive can have a very blurry adverse affect. I prefer aggressive AA over none at all. I can not stand to look at a sharp jaggy picture.
In replays I've been noticing increased use of depth of field effects, but it's only slightly more than GT5 in my opinion.

The lighting model now uses HDR, so it"s possible that your PS3 HDMI settings are not correct for GT6, what display settings are you using?

Well I tried turning the Super White mode on the XMB off, I can't tell if that even was an improvement or if I'm getting used to the blur.

I also tried setting RGB to limited. No difference.

I tried setting the image quality in GT6 to Sharpen, Flicker Reduction, and normal, and it still looks significantly more blurry than GT5.

I hope I can adjust to it, but right now I'm severely disappointed with how blurry the graphics are compared to GT5.

I also think it has to do with alpha coverage because at materhorn, it doesn't look too bad. I can deal with the graphics at materhorn, but at any track with a lot of trees or fences and whatnot, it looks really blurry.

Oh wow.... :lol:

He does not mean 420, he means 420p. 420p is a resolution of pixels, similar to 720p, and 1080i/1080p. 720p and 1080p/i are High Definition, 420p is Standard Definition and looks very bad on large TV's. He's saying if your TV is setup to display at 420p then there may be some blurring going on, which can be fixed by upping the resolution.

You're thinking of 480p. And obviously my TV and PS3 are set to 1080p. He was just being sarcastic.
163" 1080p image and everything looked just fine for me.

If you haven't done so already, play around with the display settings. Make sure it's set to 100% for HD and the highest resolution your display can handle. Also, I'd like a comparison shot between GT5 and GT6 to see exactly what you're talking about.
You're thinking of 480p. And obviously my TV and PS3 are set to 1080p. He was just being sarcastic.
And that's what I get for being tired.... Sorry :lol:

From what I've heard it must be something to do with the new AA.
I've seen enough comparisons (direct feed captures) and the game has a better IQ in everyone of those.

Maybe in your opinion but even on youtube comparison, you can easily see it looks significantly more blurry than GT5. Seriously, check out

There's no way you can deny GT6 is blurry in comparison to GT5. Even in 360p you can see it.
There is so much blur it's ridiculous. I normally wouldn't complain about graphics, but I'm really having trouble adjusting to GT6. It looks horrible in my opinion. It's one of the blurriest games I've ever seen.

I can't stand the fact that GT5 looks so much better than this. I don't understand why they would change the rendering engine just to make it look worse. I could care less if the lighting looks better or whatever.

I'd rather them have GT4 graphics rendered at full 1080p than this blurry mess. Seriously, even Vice City on my PC is easier to look at than this. So disappointed

I always loved GT5's graphics because they are crisp, clear, and detailed. What the hell happened?

Seems to me like you are playing a different game? Did you check on the box? Does it say GT6? Graphics look spectacular. As good as it gets on a PS3.
163" 1080p image and everything looked just fine for me.

If you haven't done so already, play around with the display settings. Make sure it's set to 100% for HD and the highest resolution your display can handle. Also, I'd like a comparison shot between GT5 and GT6 to see exactly what you're talking about.

I messed around with every setting possible on my TV, PS3, and in GT6. It still looks a lot blurrier than GT5.

And there's a comparison in post #38, even in 360p you can see GT6's has a lot more blur and it's not just motion blur either.
Its meant to be blurry.

Yea, and that's what I hate about it. I don't like blur. This isn't motion blur, this is blur. It's over everything. It reminds me of the terrible vaseline filter that was on the PS3 version of GTA IV. Ballad of Gay Tony removed that blur filter, and had much better graphics as a result.

I think even people that like blur would agree there is such a thing as too much blur, and that's my problem. There's too much of it.
Maybe in your opinion but even on youtube comparison, you can easily see it looks significantly more blurry than GT5. Seriously, check out

There's no way you can deny GT6 is blurry in comparison to GT5. Even in 360p you can see it.

It surely does look more blurry.

In my opinion it's a little too much, therefore I definitely see your point TB.
i know what you mean, maybe graphics are in general better than gt5 in my opinion but gt5 looks cleaner for some reason and also framerate is worse. with gt5 everything is absolutely fine but with gt6 its all just not as smooth but i can live with it still a good game
Yea, and that's what I hate about it. I don't like blur. This isn't motion blur, this is blur. It's over everything. It reminds me of the terrible vaseline filter that was on the PS3 version of GTA IV. Ballad of Gay Tony removed that blur filter, and had much better graphics as a result.

I think even people that like blur would agree there is such a thing as too much blur, and that's my problem. There's too much of it.
Well I can understand that no everyone likes, or will like it. I think it looks alright.
Cant judge as i don't own it, but maybe they had to blur the details down a little to implement day/ night transitions and to have the stars shine at night?
@TomBrady In fairness to you, the background does look pretty blurry in that video. Not enough IMO, for it to be a problem, but it does look that way.
there is an option in display settings in game to change image quality, try the "sharpen image" option may help you out :)
i know what you mean, maybe graphics are in general better than gt5 in my opinion but gt5 looks cleaner for some reason and also framerate is worse. with gt5 everything is absolutely fine but with gt6 its all just not as smooth but i can live with it still a good game

Yea. I just hope I can adjust to it because other than the graphics, this is comprehensively the best GT of all time. Especially when they finally patch in the course maker and the new engine sounds
@TomBrady In fairness to you, the background does look pretty blurry in that video. Not enough IMO, for it to be a problem, but it does look that way.

It's a problem for me. I've always struggled with blurry graphics. Really strains my eyes even if I wear reading glasses.

there is an option in display settings in game to change image quality, try the "sharpen image" option may help you out :)

Yes, I tried all 3 settings in the options menu. No luck. I hope I can adjust to it but so far it's been painful to look at. Doesn't help that these 15th anniversary cars has the stupid windshield decal that takes away what little visibility you have
Oh shocks.:guilty:
All sorts of AA aka anti-aliasing are actually just variants of supersampling.

Means all or just a part gets rendered at higher quality/resolution and then again lowered/down-sampled to match the final picture resolution.

It does cost computing power.
Maybe in your opinion but even on youtube comparison, you can easily see it looks significantly more blurry than GT5. Seriously, check out

There's no way you can deny GT6 is blurry in comparison to GT5. Even in 360p you can see it.

It looks more blurry because they added motion blur to every camera in the replays.
The edges seem to be the same (or even more crisp) and I find GT6 more easy on the eyes, especially because the lighting isn't so overblown anymore.
It looks more blurry because they added motion blur to every camera in the replays.
The edges seem to be the same (or even more crisp) and I find GT6 more easy on the eyes, especially because the lighting isn't so overblown anymore.

If it was motion blur it would go away when you stop the car. It never changes no matter what speed you're going. That's not motion blur

Plus, it's mostly on thinner objects which makes me think it's caused by the MLAA they're using as well as their alpha coverage.
Well I can understand that no everyone likes, or will like it. I think it looks alright.

It doesn't just look alright, it looks realistic. The point of motion blur is to simulate realism; in real life your vision wouldn't be as crisp as it is when moving at high velocities like it is in GT5. Since the focal point of the third-person camera is the car, it's only logical that the rest of everything around it would be blurred during motion.

As crisp as GT5 looks, it's unnatural. The eye can't parse enough visual information to render that kind of clarity, so motion blur is used to help simulate fluid motion, both in nature and in video games/movies. In regards to the video quality, they're never going to be as good as looking at it a TV screen because of the video compression to save space and reduce loading times.

The only real way to 'deal' with it is either not play it, help man evolve so that our eyes capture more information quickly, thus resulting in more clarity, or help build video processors and cards that churn out enough frames to kill a dinosaur.

Horrible YouTube compression aside, everything that's not affected by the motion blur looks sharper in GT6.
You can even zoom in on the picture and you'll get clearer edges in GT6 (best noticable on the car).
Maybe in your opinion but even on youtube comparison, you can easily see it looks significantly more blurry than GT5. Seriously, check out

There's no way you can deny GT6 is blurry in comparison to GT5. Even in 360p you can see it.

Oh god yes. They finally put in some motion blur.
Obviously @TomBrady is the only person who think the graphics have worsened, for whatever reason. There is no point trying to argue about it, or accuse him of being a troll, or getting his eyes, checked.
I'm sort on the same page with Brady but not 100% sure yet. Currently ps3 is running 720p on a 22" PC monitor and it does indeed look slightly poorer than GT5. Haven't checked my TV yet so don't want to jump to any conclusions.
I'm sort on the same page with Brady but not 100% sure yet. Currently ps3 is running 720p on a 22" PC monitor and it does indeed look slightly poorer than GT5. Haven't checked my TV yet so don't want to jump to any conclusions.
I am still waiting for the game, my posts are based on what I have seen from YouTube.