Tomorrow we are going swimming in the North Sea." And we did. Now the North Sea... Now Aberdeen is a beach, 'cause it's got sand. There the similarity to beaches ends. That's the North Sea for Christ sake. That's the Arctic Ocean just around the corner. 'Cause the Arctic comes down and then it becomes the Atlantic and splits up into the North Sea. On the horizon there's oil rigs. "Now hear this. All employees must wear survival suits at all times. You wouldn't last two minutes, if you fell into the North Sea. Failure to wear the survival suit will result in instant dismissal." Forty miles away there are women taking their childrens clothes off. "In you go, you big Jessie." I had to get stripped. There was fish looking in the water saying "There's a 🤬 pale blue guy coming in." Standing there, skinny, muscles like knots in a midgets penis. And my swimming costume, it was that knitted cotton stuff, with a belt and a 🤬 pocket, the reason for which escapes me completely. None of your Speedo, second skin. This was more your second cardigan. Big wooly number, you know. If you were stupid enough to go in above your waist, they grew, like this. It was absorbent, could drag you to the bottom. You had to grab armfulls, when you were coming out, the crotch was away down here. People could look in and see your willy, if you had one, but in the North Sea, you don't.
I read a magazine. Sumo wrestlers... it was one of those in-flight magazines. Cliff Michelmore, authority on everything, had written it. Sumo wrestlers have such exquisite control of their bodies, they can withdraw their testicles at will. Wuish. So you aim a hefty boot, and they go wuish. Poof. "Is that the best you can do?" I could do it when I was twelve. One foot in and I see the whole 🤬 lot disappear. An ugly gaping wound. Whole thing shut up to my lungs. I had to get it out with a chimney sweeps brush. This is why Scottish guys don't look sexy on the beach, it's all flopping around here. You go to the Mediterranean or Caribbean people are wandering around with a huge thing... like a baby's arm hanging out of the pram. There's your warm water, lap, lap. The wuish has gone. "Connolly, in the water." "I'm going, I'm going." "Come on, you big bloody Jessie, get in there." I ran down and put my foot in, and my heart stopped. I'd never felt cold like that before, and I heard this weird noise: "Whooouuuiiiiiiii. Whooooouuuuuaaaaiiiiii." "What the 🤬 hell was that?" It was me! You know the way, when you get a fright. You know, if you go through a dark room, and an icy hand touches you. Inside your leg or something. Nah. You don't go "Oh, what my goodness. Oh, what was that? Oh gosh!" No, you go "Whooooouuuuuaaaaiiiiii." It's something you're not in control of. "Whooouuuiiiiiiii." You can hear it. Normally you can't hear yourself, you kind of feel it, but that you can hear like it's some other bugger. "Whooouuuoooo." It's something deeply primal, something from when we lived up trees, it's stamped in your DNA or something. "Whooooouuuuuaaaaiiiiii." It's closely related to the "Blutherlyooouuuuuhhh." "Oooouuuuoooooo." You know the noise you get, when you shove a new-boiled potato up a donkey's arse. It's exactly the same noise. "Whohohouhohuhu. Ooouuooo." So the other guys are saying "Go in further, you big 🤬 Jessie." "Oooouuuooooohhh. Ooohhuuuu." And I wandered, up to my knees. I lost the will to live. "Billy!" "Uuhhooop" "Look over there." "Uuuoopp." "Look over there." "Uuoooppp? Uuuhhooo!" There was a guy in a speedboat, a bastard." "Brrrrr." "Uhhooop." Waving. "Uuhooohh." Coming towards me. I didn't want to run, case I fell in. "Uuhooohh." It actually slid in my direction. I hoped it would go away. It got bigger. "Uuhooohh." I will never forget, as long as my arse looks so... I will never forget that wave going up the inside of my thighs. "Uuhooohh." And it kissed the underside of my scrotum. "Aarrrggghhh."