HDR photos

  • Thread starter doogle510




I just busted a nut.... I know it sounds gross but DAMN these are amazing!!!!
haha same reason over here!! you might get a psn request from me.....

but seen as though this a HDR thread heres my picture!!


Please comment....im still trying different settings, advice would be welcomed!

Sure add me, as for the pic I think it's pretty cool, it looks great dark like that with the light right down with the detail at the bottom

@ ShaolinMasta, I had to double check to make sure that wasn't StrayShadow because the reflection looks like his avatar :lol:

@ StrayShadow, is the Tuscan in melanitshwarz, or whatever it's called from Mercedes , I think that's what I painted mine with some dark pearl blue wheels, anyway, it looks good
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This one was done entirely on my iPod touch using the "HDR Foto" app


This one is with the in game lens flare and backfire


Does anybody else have a problem with Photomatix not taking Kart Space photos? Mine gives an error and basically gives you an option to quit or load different photos
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I don't have kart space but here are a few ideas. Open the pics in photoshop or whatever, set the canvas larger on all of them, save as non compressed tiff, maybe the image align in photomatix.

Not sure if any of that will help.
This also happened to me.
You just need to rename the Kart Space files 👍

The whole name, I renamed them after the kart space, I put "Kart Space I _1" left the "kart space" alone
Have i done this right?

Yes, anything you're happy with is right as long as it's HDR in this case, and you went with a surreal look, so yes, both natural and surreal are fine