Head2Head Competition Week 41 - Closed

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
I think those are real rims aswell. Still a very nice shot.

Thats just a sign of people not viewing the full image. When people vote they need to view full sized images. Previews, alot of the time, make pictures better than they really are when viewed full sized.

...and on a side note I say rim sizing should be allowed, GT gives us only one default size and it sucks. Its not a big modification either.

But whatever..
I like the shot, DO, but there are some quality issues when viwed full-size, IMO.

Agreed, but then again, I've never known DO to alter shots much, he usually just does an amazing job of making in game blurs and such look outstanding, in its most literal sense.
I do believe it's odd that you are the first to mention the rim enlarging, 440, because you've even said that's usually the case for your wheel blurs ;).

Wheel blurs, if done properly, don't affect the size of the rim. Remember, the H2H rules are analogous with the 2.0 ones, and the tag there is that the original geometry must be retained, so no adding bodykits or other things. I realize wheels are a grey area, but allowing rim enlargement even furthers the "advantage" more avid modifiers have over the people who do more basic editing. If wheel enlargement is allowed, what other enlargements are allowed? Hell, one could actually make a bodykit just by clever, selective enlarging. So sorry DO, but this week I'll have to ask you to resubmit. I like the shot, though I think the rim growth is a bit excessive (those look like 22's!).

I will have a talk with Rev this week to discuss the idea of furthering the limits, but as an aside, I'd also like to see others' thoughts. I realize some cars (the vintage ones) come with some tiny rims that people would love to see at modern sizes, but it is a touchy subject. So let's all figure something out!
I really do agree with your decision Slip. And honestly, the rim enlargment in your shot, DO, killed the shot for me. The rim just looks soo pixelated and just doesnt fit with the shot. Now, on the other hand, If you were to blur an enlarged wheel, the pixelation would be gone, thus, it would be an advantage. Aside from that, I think that wheel enlargment should be allowed, seeing as how, amateurs would only make their shots look worse by doing it, and it really isnt changing anything about the car, or the shot. Just proportion.

That said, i think we should draw the line strictly following that. Wheel enlargments should be the only enlargments allowed, seeing as how enlarging any other portion of the car would drastically alter the way the car looks. Of course, this is just my opinion.
I brought it up because I remember being razed about it in the past. And besides, I don't think I enlarged them quite that noticeably.

Anyway, I would love to see wheel enlargment included in the list of modifications allowed. But like has been said, that might put some of us at a greater advantage. And I think others might take it to the extreme and make ridiculous looking shots. Which in the end, could hurt their chances. But allowing modest wheel enlargments would be cool. I would certainly enjoy it.👍
I brought it up because I remember being razed about it in the past. And besides, I don't think I enlarged them quite that noticeably.

Anyway, I would love to see wheel enlargment included in the list of modifications allowed. But like has been said, that might put some of us at a greater advantage. And I think others might take it to the extreme and make ridiculous looking shots. Which in the end, could hurt their chances. But allowing modest wheel enlargments would be cool. I would certainly enjoy it.👍

No, I remember it was more reasonable, yes, but in for a penny, in for a pound, right? Er, isn't that how the saying goes? I don't know :lol:

I do think that's an interesting point, and that's why I'd like to see discussion about it. It does give some people the advantage; but just how we've seen some poorly-executed radial blurs since they've become common, I'm sure we'll see plenty of rediculous rims if it becomes allowed. So really, it's only an "advantage" if its appeals to voters. I know I'm not the only one that thinks in some cases, artificial blurs done improperly are far less impressive than the shot without a blur at all!
Actually, I like the idea of allowing to make the rim bigger. I have no problem with this as it's just cutting the rim out and transforming it which means you are using everything from "in-game". Would look nice especially in a muscle car theme :lol:

DO's picture hasn't got the best quality but you've got to admit it was a unique idea 👍

Anyway, it's not up to me to set the rules so I'll just shut up ;)


I went with BBS last time so I thought Id switch it up
Thats just a sign of people not viewing the full image. When people vote they need to view full sized images. Previews, alot of the time, make pictures better than they really are when viewed full sized.

...and on a side note I say rim sizing should be allowed, GT gives us only one default size and it sucks. Its not a big modification either.

But whatever..

I always view photos in full size before judging them but his didn't load for me for some reason. I figured it couldn't look much worse than the preview. Looking at the full photo now i can see that the rim is pixelated from the resizing process. I guess he can just put the original size rims back on the car and repost the photo cause it's very good.
F I N A L E N T R Y :

Announcement: Get those entries in, the thread will be closed within 24 hours!

Better be quick then eh? :D

Final Entry- BBS

Click for larger size

Some excellent entries so far this week 👍
Competition Closed!

For those wondering, I have decided that DO's picture will still be eligible for consideration in the Top 10. My reasoning?


I didn't take 440 out of the comp in the above thread because of a gray area in the rules; so I think it'd be unfair to DO to force him. I realize the rules in the first post don't specifically say it... I always figured it was assumed... but either way, this (and 440's multiple-image method) will have to be looked at, and something concrete will be put in the rules in the future.

For the sake of not having a repeat issue next week, I'd like to state right now that NO multiple-image or rim-enlarged shots will be allowed next week. I am however keeping the discussion open about said techniques, and I want to see what the majority has to say about things :).

Also, congrats to all Ray's entries; you guys number less than 10, so you're all in the poll automatically 👍​
Damn... I did some more retouching to my shot but I didnt have a chance to post it before the poll.. here it is anyways..
Damn... I did some more retouching to my shot but I didnt have a chance to post it before the poll.. here it is anyways..

