Joey D
- 47,576
- Lakes of the North, MI
- GTP_Joey
- GTP Joey
The price of healthcare has not doubled in the last few years, but insurance premiums have(anecdotal, not statistical).
It's called greed, followed closely by the generation in their 50's and up expecting everything to be handed to them because they've "worked hard" their entire life. Most of the country's problems can be blamed on that generation and it makes me laugh when they try to pawn it off to younger people who are taking the brunt of the older population bad decisions. It's also rather funny that many of the people who opposes Obama's plan are the same ones on Medicare or Medicade.
I honestly can't tell if this is some game politicians are playing to make Obama look bad right before the election or they truly don't like the healthcare plan. There are a lot of good things with the healthcare reform, but like anything there are some bad things as well. I agree Obama has done a lot of stupid things throughout his presidency, but the healthcare reform isn't anywhere near the worse thing.
Allowing young people to stay on their parents insurance till they are 26 is one of those good things especially since it's harder for young people now to find a job that offers halfway decent coverage, if at all. If you have a few years to get settled somewhere without adding a $250 health insurance premium per month, it'll help you out. Or for those of us who lost their jobs, like myself, and can't seem to get going it really helps to have a parent that allows you to be one their insurance. Sure my mom is paying more for her insurance through work, but that's understandable.
Meaningful use is another really good thing since it cuts down on unneeded tests, drugs or procedures. It also cuts back on doctors doing quick money grabs for no reason at all, which saves money.
Reimbursement restrictions are good to since Medicare will not reimburse a hospital if a patient comes back with the same condition in a given amount of time. They won't reimburse for a preventable hospital infection or illness (bladder infection from a cath or pneumonia). This puts emphasis on medical education and working with the patient to promote a healthier lifestyle and stay well.
The bit about requiring insurance has a good and bad side. If you don't have insurance there is a good chance the government is going to be picking up the tab in someway either though Medicare/Medicade or tax reimbursements for charity care. However, requiring people to have insurance is just going to turn the whole insurance industry into something like a cartel. The insurance companies already do this with car insurance.