You've done a great job on your Subaru!
I think it looks great, but I'm kind of partial, since my previous car was a blue 2005 WRX. They are just great in the winter.
The only issue I ever had with my WRX was with the heater's air-flow zoning.
The problem I had was how the heater balanced hot and cold air thru the air-vents once the car's interior was warm.
When I first turned on the heater, it would blow warm air thru all the vents about equally. However, once the interior was warm, the heater would ease off on the warm air being blown to the driver side, and start to blow cool air towards the driver, and continue blowing warm air to the passenger side (ie. the left vrs right side balance was not equal). To overcome the cool air being blown at the driver (me), you had to turn up the heat again, and then any passenger would get roasted!
This ocurrs at the bi-level setting (which is the setting I used most) where air is blown thru both the dash vents and the vents at your feet.
I wonder if you will experience the same problem.