Heh, the cops pushed me off the bridge.

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I was on my way to sunshine auto's across the southern most bridge to try something and the cops pushed me off the bridge.

Heh, just as the car went over, I bailed and fell over too. But I landed on the car I was driving, and I was stuck. So I fired some rockets at the bridge and blew some cars/cops/army off the bridge, trying to attract the police boats.

After about 20 minutes one floated close enough, I jumped aboard and "boat-jacked" it from the cop, Where I sped to the nearest hunter, and took out everycop i could find for retrobution:D
i hate it when they do that.. i like to go really fast with the tank (and 6 stars) across one of the longer bridges and try to flip the other tanks off the bridge... good clean fun
So the car you were driving acted as a sort of makeshift island? How is that possible? And how did you get un-stuck, when you said you got onto the boat?
A glitch?



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this is kinda off topic but i noticed that the building in that picture(the one you blow up in deomolition man) has fake walls, you can just walk or fly or drive right through them, kinda wierd
Originally posted by Acidman
...i noticed that the building in that picture(the one you blow up in deomolition man) has fake walls, you can just walk or fly or drive right through them, kinda wierd

Speaking of which, does that bulding ever finish? You know, like the Cartel skyscraper in GTAIII finishes?
Originally posted by Giancarlo
Speaking of which, does that bulding ever finish? You know, like the Cartel skyscraper in GTAIII finishes?

well i've actually never played GTA: III, but it never gets finished, it's always just wood planks and I-beams, but that would be cool in Vice city if new buildings were built and other ones tore down over time :D