Nah, bit less than that. I'd not realised how cheap 2nd-gen cars had got actually, but still less.
I drove a 2nd-gen Insight towards the end of last year. Actually quite like them and don't even mind that they're CVT-only. They still feel a bit more peppy than mine does (maybe because of the CVT) and obviously they're more practical. But in terms of design and engineering they don't really interest me.
Put another way, I don't think I could bring myself to spend £5k-6k on a mk2 Insight, but the price I paid for mine seems fair given the rarity/engineering/design etc.
I did seriously entertain the idea of a CR-Z for a bit, as I really like those. But they start at £7k+, and that would have required a loan, so I'd be paying £200 a month for the next three years instead of nothing a month. And to put that another way, after just 10 months of paying that I could save up for a replacement battery some point down the line if this thing ever needs it in my tenure. Which'd keep it going for another few hundred thousand miles.