This is a favor for Danny.
His team beat Turtle Fam...
Hiboost 25 - Turtle Fam 8
In the Danny fashion...
Hiboost FTW!
Diablo! Turtle Fam paltio!! Great job Naza and the hiboost crew. 👍Hello,
Im NAZA and Danny help me to create this account because I don`t speak that much english. Im one of the leaders of hiboost and my team is now 8to0 on Team battles.
We ran Turtle Fam and the servers were acting up and that didn´t really help them for some reason.
These are the cars that we ran.
1st round was 14to0
2nd round was 10to4.
Thank you Jdiaz for posting this for the Team.
Still the theory stays. What @Nickrows said was true. There is no such thing as "Unstoppable" or "Unbeatable". There will be a time where you will lose and you guys just lost now. So are we done here? talking bout the FF class!!!
I find this above statement funny for two reasons...We the unstoppable TURTLE FAM wants a rerun cause Danny knows to him self he can't beat kseries one on we TURTLE FAM will pick the cars and the time to race and we only running HONDAS
I can see where you are coming from with the laggy room, but you took it upon yourself to come at Danny and hiboost the wrong way.I understand wat u saying....but they was laggy and we ran hiboost and couldn't even see they player and they still call dat a win!!
Was this before or after the battle? If it was before the battle it makes sense because that is what your are suppose to do. Danny called your team out, got the cars ready and made sure you guys battled. IMO this is the correct way to do it. Tbh I don't know what was said after the battle so I can't speculate on that.Is they call us out not us
@Shells N Cheese I think you should take Danny up on his challenge. Yes I understand where you feel that there will be drama but what do you have to lose really. I think they are really the only team right now who is battle ready and threw down a challenge. You want your team to be at the top well to do so you have to take down the top teams. You have a few people on your team who would match up well with Danny's guys. Remember Danny is not on gtp anymore so there is nothing he can say to you on here that would stir up any trouble.
This drama is exactly the reason why nobody will run HiBoost. Danny joined my lobby once and challenged me to a 5v5 but I told him straight up that I don't want the drama that comes with racing his team, no disrespect but just look at your track record. I know what will happen, if you guys were to lose I'd hear nothing but false accusations calling us E-Cheaters and what not blaming it on lag etc and if you were to win there would be nothing but gloating for weeks on end with that oh so famous Danny quote. The only thing worse than a sore loser is a sore winner and no offense but Danny and a few others on here are both. So I will tell you guys what I told Danny, when you guys get your act together and stop with the drama every time you win or lose then maybe we can race. You can say that I'm scared all you want but you all know the real reason why we wont race and I am not the only one who feels this way, I can at least three teams off the top of my head right now that feel the same.
Just to make it clear this is in no way intended to start any drama I am just stating facts but how you choose to interpret it is completely your decision but I am being as nice as possible here so please don't get offended, if there is any hint of drama in the next post I will not reply.
I respect your opinion and agree with most you've said. A loss is a loss, and a win is a win. Nothing more. It's not like the person you ran is any less of a person than you are, so no need to get personal about it.don't talk crap because that's what children do.
I don't personally know danny so I can't really say if he's a sore winner or a sore losers, no one likes losing, I hate losing so I wait until I'm off the ps3 to start smashing things up... Lol jk I'm not in ADT. But I really do get tired of the term e-cheating getting thrown around. If I win and it's that bad that anyone has to accuse of E-Cheating then I think it's time to retune. I don't even know how to do it lmao, so I don't get how people think I'm using it. End of the day I go on to race if I lose, I lose. If it's lag hopefully the guy I race agrees that it was lag and doesn't act like he got a beast that wins by 4-5 cars like some people. I've took a break from GT6 because it's like being back in nursery with 3 year olds half the time.I respect your opinion and agree with most you've said. A loss is a loss, and a win is a win. Nothing more. It's not like the person you ran is any less of a person than you are, so no need to get personal about it.
But look at what I've quoted you on. Now tell me what else was shell's post than talking smack. He could have just said "I'm sorry guys, but we don't want to run you at this time as we just don't want to have to go through the effort of having another team battle." End of. But he chose to have a go at Danny.
When I was with my team on GT5, we didn't do ONE team battle. No one ever asked us why, we just said no. That was it. That didn't make us any less of a team. We just couldn't be arsed with team battles. And (to my acknowledgement) we still received a lot of respect and recognition from other teams and draggers.
I'm on sky broadband, I'd have a better connection connecting an ethernet cable to a potato lol.Well i never have a problem running you levitt. To me your legitimate in the runs we have had so far. I'm sure its just lag most of the time. I think my internet connection is a lot more stable than it was since i bought a new ethernet cable. Haven't been d/c as much unless its PD laggy servers. I was running really well vs nick, DirtD, Gutta, mikeybc, last night on usa ghost. It helps if you have a 10 member limited lobby.