High points drifting

  • Thread starter mattley
Hello everybody!

This has probably been asked before but the search i did didnt generate any good results so im making a new post.

Its about the drift trials, ive been watching the top10 players and they get 4-5k more points than me. Now i heard and to some degree understand that to get high points you need to drift in the driving line. so i have a couple of questions.

1. Is there an optimal angle you should have when drifting i.e 45 degrees to get the most points (not like in real life where drifting at 90degrees give more)

2. when drifting on the driving line is there a certain point where your car should be, front wheels touching, middle of the car over the line or back wheel touching (kinda hard having the back wheels touching in a left turn but you never know)

3. What part do the flags counting up do? some sort of multiplier?

4. Does it matter which gear you are in, higher gear=more points? basically all top players on the ranking use the very lowest gear setting so they got top gear up almost always, ive tried this myself but havent found anything conclusive.

Would be very thankful for some solid information, getting tired of doing "perfect drifts" over the line and still have several hundred points less than the top10 players.
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Its all to do with car setup first, then you need to slide your car round the corner in which ever gear works best but keeping the revs high without bouncing off the limiter and changing gear where necessary. The second you over cook a corner you will lose lots of points plus start driifting before the flag, all helps for higher scores and i know because ive finished 3rd in 1 competition and regularly get in top30. Good luck:tup:
1:follow the line

2: keep your gears as high as possible around a corner. this makes your speedo read higher speed easier. (eg. the game says take this corner in 2nd, im in 4th gear around that.)

3:this works with cars over and around 650bhp. which is why you'll see all of the top cars have plenty of power. TVR, buick, corvette etc. hope this helps.
Im still looking for some actual information about getting those top scores, according to top player replays non of the replies here holds little to no truth.
The only reason they get such high scores is because of the car they use. Notice how all are the same? Get better with that car and you will get high scores
well ive tried those cars and they are alot easier to drift with than others, people here speak about low powered cars being good for beginners, i would say start with 700+hp car instead they are alot easier to drift with, Buick special is one of the easiest in the game from stock, no tuning needed.

Thats not my question tho, its how the mechanics of drifting works in the game. What are the optimal rules sort of say when it comes to revs, angle, gear and so on.
I would say start with 700+hp car instead they are alot easier to drift with, Buick special is one of the easiest in the game from stock, no tuning needed.

Err, no. Lower HP cars teaches you how to get the car sideways besides a power-over.

Only advice I can give on seasonals is keeping the middle of the car over the racing line, seems to get a tad more points.
well thats your opinion i guess, but when i started out i tried alot of cars and ones i saw that all the top players used the buick i tried it out and raised my score with several thousand points on the drift trials, being able to shift up thru a corner and still have the power to keep spinning makes it alot easier to keep a smooth drift on the line.

And with more power you wont stall halfway thru if you went in too slow.

When you speak of over the racing line is that opposed to not being on the racing line? the difference is huge, as soon as you leave the racing line you cut your points in half.
And with more power you wont stall halfway thru if you went in too slow.

When you speak of over the racing line is that opposed to not being on the racing line? the difference is huge, as soon as you leave the racing line you cut your points in half.

Gear selection before the corner is your friend, and yes leaving the racing line does reduce the amount of points you get.
yes ofc having the right gear is important, but with a low powered car running a low gear you would red line quite fast. Gearing up might be futile because the car lacks power and cant get the wheels spining enough.

Im sure you mean well and all but i know all the basic stuff in how drifting works, what i dont know is how the game determine the points you get, the basis of the mechanics. IF some drifting guru have done major testing and determined what is the optimal stuff.
Well see, this drifting forum, although titled "Drifting Forum" doesnt often venture into the world of points drifting. The scoring system is whack which turns most people off competitive point drifting and instead just do it for that little bit extra cash. From what I have seen though, higher gear tends to work best, slow through the bend works well as does shallowish angle. Too much angle erases all points. Not enough angle doesnt score you anything anyway.
So what you are saying is, i shouldnt get my hopes up?
Could you explain more in detail why it turns people off?

Ive done some testing myself on the Chamonix mini track with a driving line and from watching the top players they are not following the line optimally. As i understand it, you should always try and get as close as possible to the inner edge and run at a 45 degree angle. But this however is not always the case when doing hairpin corners.
The scoring is whack. It scores for slower speed, shallow angles when really, higher angle and speed should score more. The lines are whack as you have to stay on the racing line to get max points where as the drifting line differs from the racing line by quite a margin sometimes.
yes ofc having the right gear is important, but with a low powered car running a low gear you would red line quite fast. Gearing up might be futile because the car lacks power and cant get the wheels spining enough.

Hence why you pump the throttle.
well I have 6 cars that can do over 30k on tsukuba, so you can take my word for it or disregard what I say, but I am talking from experience as someone who felt the same as you until I found out the 3 basic rules for 'points' drifting.
Yes there are ways to overcome the low power in some cars by pumping the throttle for instance, but there is no denying, the best points drifters on the ranking use speed 12 and Buick Special for a reason. The balance of those cars is very good from stock, plus with massive amount of HPs you can correct a failed drift much easier. I dont really wanna argue what car is the best and why low powered cars are the best for beginners, but as novice ive noticed that a low powered car is vastly harder to drift with than the buick, speed 12 or any other 600hp+ car. Just my opinion.
And those cars are long and can cover basically half of the track = still on the race line